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Modelling and Analysis of High-damping Rubber Bearings for the Seismic Protection of Bridges
D.N. Grant, G.L. Fenves, F. Auricchio
Research Report Rose 2005/01
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Design of Lightweight Footbridges for Human Induced Vibrations
Author: Christoph Heinemeyer, Christiane Butz, Andreas Keil, Mike Schlaich, Arndt Goldack, Stefan Trometer, Mladen Lukić, Bruno Chabrolin, Arnaud Lemaire, Pierre-Oliver Martin, Álvaro Cunha, Elsa Caetano | Size: 1.59 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: European Communities | Year: 2009 | pages: 98 | ISBN: 9789279133879
Nowadays, it is well-known that for the structural safety verification of footbridges, and for the comfort guarantee of its users, it is fundamental to consider the effect of human induced vibrations, particularly: vibrations due to pedestrian traffic should be within acceptable limits for users; the lock-in phenomenon should be prevented; and, the footbridge structural safety should be guaranteed if subjected to intentional excitations. Recognizing a gap in lightweight footbridges design procedures, a guideline is presented in this document proposal for footbridges design taking into account human induced vibrations.
First, the proposed methodology is detailed. Attention is devoted also to the response measurements, identification tests and instrumentation used in the evaluation of the dynamic properties of footbridges. The potential strategies to control the vibration response of footbridges are reviewed. Finally, three worked examples of application of the proposed design methodology are exposed, namely a simply supported beam and two existing footbridges.
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I am looking for a software which can calculate the moment capacity of doubly reinforced concrete beam when concrete strength, steel strength, beam cross section, number of rebars and so on are given as input.
Also, with the similar input, I also want to calculate the interaction diagram of RC column so that the capacity of existing column can be determined.
How to design masonry structures using Eurocode 6
1. Introduction to Eurocode 6
Author: J. J. Roberts, O. Brooker | Size: 0.80 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Centre | Year: 2007 | pages: 8 | ISBN: 9781904818564
The purpose of this series of guides is to introduce designers to the basic approach adopted in Eurocode 6. This is the first guide in the series of three and provides:
- A brief outline of the scope of Eurocode 6.
- An introduction to design, including fire resistance and movement.
- Assessment of actions and combination of actions using Eurocode.
- How to specify mortar and masonry units.
- Glossary of Eurocode 6 terms.
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How to design masonry structures using Eurocode 6
2. Vertical resistance
Author: J. J. Roberts, O. Brooker | Size: 0.87 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Centre | Year: 2007 | pages: 8 | ISBN: 9781904818571
This guide is the second in a series of three giving guidance on the design of masonry structures to Eurocode 6. The first guide, Introduction to Eurocode 6 gives an introduction to design and assessment of actions using Eurocode 6 and also covers the specification and execution (workmanship) of masonry. This guide explains how to design for vertical actions and determine vertical resistance. The third guide in the series covers the design of laterally loaded masonry panels. Throughout this guide the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) from the UK National Annexes (NAs) have been used. These enable Eurocode 6 to be applied in the UK.
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How to design masonry structures using Eurocode 6
3. Lateral resistance
Author: J. J. Roberts, O. Brooker | Size: 0.53 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Centre | Year: 2009 | pages: 8 | ISBN: 9781904818588
This guide is the third in a series of three giving guidance on the design of masonry structures to Eurocode 6. The first guide, Introduction to Eurocode 6 gives an introduction to design and assessment of actions using Eurocode 6 and also covers the specification and workmanship of masonry. The second guide in the series covers the design of vertically loaded masonry. This guide explains how to design for horizontal actions. Throughout this guide the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) from the UK National Annexes (NAs) have been used. These enable Eurocode 6 to be applied in the UK.
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This European Standard sets out the level of input and output data, and prescribes the boundary conditions required for a calculation method of the sensible cooling load of a single room under constant and/or floating temperature taking into account the limit of the peak cooling load of the system. It includes a classification scheme of the calculation method and the criteria to be met by a calculation method in order to comply with this European Standard.
The purpose of this European Standard is to validate calculation methods used to:
- evaluate the maximum cooling load for equipment selection and cooling system design;
- evaluate the temperature profile when the cooling capacity of the system is reduced;
- provide data for evaluation of the optimum possibilities for load reduction;
- allow analysis of partial loads as required for system design, operation and control.
The validation procedure is used to check the room sensible heat balance model, taking into account:
- the external surface heat balance;
- the conduction through the building envelope;
- the effect of the thermal mass of the structures;
- the internal surface heat balance;
- the air heat balance;
- the heat balance solution method.
All other aspects are given either by fixed boundary conditions or by input data and are not in the focus of the model validation. It is assumed that for all these other matters e.g. embedded heating and cooling systems, prescriptive models have to be used according to existing European Standards.
Informative Annex A gives a simplified method for cooling load calculation.
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Workshop of the
ISSMGE TC40 (Forensic Geotechnical Engineering) Hungary
Failures, Disputes, Causes and Solutions in Geotechnics
24-25 September 2010
Budapest, Hungary
Author: Christian Kutzner | Size: 22 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 1997 | pages: 342 | ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-9054106821
This text methodically demonstrates the basic rules for the design criteria of earthfill and rockfill dams. It expertly guides the reader from preliminary work through the design of various embankment dams and on to the construction and finally the control of safety in completed structures.
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Proceedings of sessions of GeoShanghai 2010, held in Shanghai, China, June 3-5, 2010. Hosted by Tongji University, China; Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering, China; Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, China. In cooperation with Alaska University Transportation Center, USA; Geo-Institute of ASCE, USA; Deep Foundation Institute, USA; East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Company, China; Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan; Transportation Research Board, USA; University of Newcastle, Australia; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; University of Kansas, USA; University of Tennessee, USA; Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria.
This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 73 papers examining bound and unbound material characterization, modeling, and performance of highway and airfield pavements. Pavement design and paving material selection are important for efficient, cost-effective, durable, and safe transportation infrastructure.
Topics include:
* asphalt paving materials characterization and modeling;
* concrete pavement technology
* pavement base materials
* pavement performance and analysis
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