Civil Engineering Association

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Hi everybody!

i am Daijiyea from Malaysia. i am a structural bridge engineer working in a consulting firm.

my scope of work includes:
design of bridge of all kinds

i am familiar with softwares such as:
currently learning SAP2000, StaadPro, and SAM LEAP.

CivilEA is wonderful forum. i hope others & i can contribute something.

Appreciate for all the sharing materials ^_^
Hi everybody!
I am a civil engineer from Tunisia. I think civilea is the best site i have ever seen !!
Actually i am associate professor at the university.
Sorry for my poor english
hi my self Atul Bansal




I am a fresh structural engineer from Pakistan now working in middle east...Current project is a 373m high tower tower in Saudi Arabia...THE CMA TOWER
Hi, everyone
This is NAUTILUS87.
I have completed my B.E. from Osmania University and have recently finished my in Computer Aided Structural Engineering (CASE) from III-T, hyd. Recently i have joined an infrastructural Company as a Bridge Design Engineer. I am developing a software SAGEfem-
"Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Using Finite element Method" along with few of my seniors and batch-mates from past one and half year .
My interest including Nonlinear seismic design m numerically modelling in Geomechanics, soil-structure interaction and design of precast and postensioned bridges.
I would like to do my P.H.D. in structural engineering or geotechnical earthquake engineering further on after 2 years .
This forum is truly the best civil engineering forum on the internet. Its like eletronic ebook encyclopedia , the minute you hit the search button you have the treasure of knowledge .I am proud to be a member and a small contributor to this immensely growing community .
see you all
with regards
hello everyone..
I am iqbal, under-graduated student from Indonesia.
nice to know you all..
Hello fellow engineers,

I am a chartered structural engineer from and working in the UK for 12 years.

I specialize in the design of steel framed buildings and their connections to BS 5950, I am preparing for the introduction of the Euro Codes and have found lots of useful information on these forums.

I have experience using the following software in the UK market,

CSC Fastrak
CSCC Masterseries
Bentley RAM SS

Hope i can contribute to the forum, only too happy to help.
Helllo my friends of civil enginneering.
I am an architect and cuurrently i am working with roadsĀ“s design using land desktop 2006.
thanks to you i will upgrade to newer softwares that i am studiying righr now ( civil3d 2011 and inroads).

thank you all.

Hi Members of the Engineering Community

I am a structural Engineer with overall familiarity with BS codes having opted for a British university education.
General Field of experience : Buildings mostly RC and Industrial warehouses mostly steel.
Particular Interests : Use of software in Engineering
Software Interests : Autocad , Lusas , SAP , Masterseries

I hope to give my humble contribution to maintain the high standards of knowledge sharing, set in this forum

Proud to be part of it !!!
hello fellow engineer i am a structural engineer familar with B.S code, my field of experince is concrete and steel structures. My interest here is to learn from fellow engineers. I will like to know about Robot structural software.

Very proud to be a member here
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