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Iam Afzal Shakir from the Maldives, studying Bachelor in Civil Eng. in Malaysia. I am interested in RC designs (Eurocode-2) and in various softwares such as STAAD Pro, Orion..etc. My e-mail is
[email protected] and fb is Afzal Shakir. THnx
Hi all.
My name is Gianni.
I'm from Italy and I work in the underground construction works field.
Anything (almost) you would like to know about tunnelling and caverns excavations feel free to ask.
Hell everyone, my name is Yong and I'm 4th year Architectural Engineering student from Cal Poly SLO.
Hello everyone!
Good to be here again. It's been a long time since I checked this forum for the last time.
My name is Ghani from Indonesia. Now I'm studying master in civil engineering (geotechnical) at The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Thanks for the amazing helpful forum!

Hello everyone!
I am PhD student, Architect and I am studying in Germany
hello everyone,
i'm kevin with a BE & MSc in structure, at present working as structural engineer. hope to learn from the expert here...

Hello Friends:
I'm Francisco Chavez, and I live in Chile (a thin but long country located in Southamerica). I'm a structural engineer from the USACH (Universidad de Santiago de Chile / University of Santiago de Chile). I work in steel members and connection design (base plates, steel structures) and concrete structures like foundations, retainings walls and something like that.
In my country we use our "NCH" codes (codes for loading wind, snow, and other kinds of loads. Some of them based on the ASCE code -like the wind load-). For concrete desing we use the ACI-318 code with some special recomendations for seismic design (because my country have a permanent quake hazard).
Best regards to all of you dudes...this forum is great!
Francisco Chavez
Hello all my new friend,
I am PhD student of geotechnical engineering in AmirKabir University of technology (tehran polytechnics) at the moment, Nice to be a member of this web. thanks for Admin and all moderators.

Hi everyone
A noob structural engineer from New Zealand here.
Develope engineer in mineral rock wool company
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