Article/eBook Full Name: Column Axial Load Effects on Performance of Panel Zone in Welded-Flange-Plate Connections
Author(s): Amir Homayoon Kosarieh
Publish Date: 2015
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This Roadside Design Guide was developed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Subcommittee on Design through the Technical Committee for Roadside Safety (TCRS) under the chairmanship of Keith Cota, P.E. This book presents a synthesis of current information and operating practices related to roadside safety and is written in dual unitsmetric and U.S. Customary. This edition supersedes the 2006 AASHTO publication, which included the update of the Median chapter.
The roadside is defined as that area beyond the traveled way (i.e., driving lanes) and the shoulder (if any) of the roadway itself. Consequently, roadside delineation, shoulder surface treatments, and similar on-roadway safety features are not extensively discussed.
Although safety can best be served by keeping motorists on the road, the focus of this guide is on safety treatments that minimize the likelihood of serious injuries when a driver does run off the road.
A second noteworthy point is that this book is a guide. It is not a standard, nor is it a design policy. It is intended to be used as a resource document from which individual highway agencies can develop standards and policies. Although much of the material in the guide can be considered universal in its application, several recommendations are subjective in nature and may need modification to fit local conditions. However, it is important that significant deviations from the guide be based on operational experience and objective analysis. To be consistent with AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, design speed has been selected as the basic speed parameter to be used in this guide. However, because the design speed often is selected based on the most restrictive physical features found on a specific project, reasonable and prudent drivers may exceed that speed for a significant percentage of a project length. There will be other instances in which roadway conditions will prevent most motorists from driving as fast as the design speed. Because roadside safety design is intended to minimize the consequences of a motorist leaving the roadway inadvertently, the designer should consider the speed at which encroachments are most likely to occur when selecting an appropriate roadside design standard or feature.
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This is a completely new theory dealing with the yield and failure of materials under multi-axial stresses. It provides a system of yield and failure criteria adopted for most materials, from metallic materials to rocks, concretes, soils, polymers etc. The Unified Strength Theory has been applied successfully to analyse the elastic limit, plastic limit capacities, the dynamic response behavior for some structures under static and moderate impulsive load, and may be implemented in some elasto-plastic finite element computer codes. The Unified Strength Theory is described in detail and by using this theory a series of results can be obtained. The Unified Strength Theory can improve the conservative Mohr-Coulomb Theory, and since intermediate principal stress is not taken into account in the Mohr-Coulomb theory and most experimental data is not pertainable to the Mohr-Coulomb Theory, a considerable economic benefit may be obtained. The book can also increase the effect of most commercial finite element computer codes.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Ascalew Abebe & Dr Ian GN Smith | Size: 1.15 MB | Format:PDF | pages: 82
There are many texts on pile foundations. Generally, experience shows us that undergraduates find most of these texts complicated and difficult to understand.
This guide has extracted the main points and puts together the whole process of pile foundation design in a student friendly manner.
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This comprehensive monograph addresses crucial issues in the protection of railway systems, with the objective of enhancing the understanding of railway infrastructure security. Based on analyses by academics, technology providers and railway operators, it explains how to assess terrorist and criminal threats, design countermeasures, and implement effective security strategies. In so doing, it draws upon a range of experiences from different countries in Europe and beyond. The book is the first to be devoted entirely to this subject. It will serve as a timely reminder of the attractiveness of the railway infrastructure system as a target for criminals and terrorists and, more importantly, as a valuable resource for stakeholders and professionals in the railway security field aiming to develop effective security based on a mix of methodological, technological and organizational tools. Besides researchers and decision makers in the field, the book will appeal to students interested in critical infrastructure protection.
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This book outlines the underlying principles on which modern road lighting is based, and provides the reader with knowledge of how these principles should be applied in practice.
This book offers a completely fresh approach to the subject, reflecting how the technology of road lighting has progressed to keep up with the changes in lamp technology, especially in solid state light sources, and the increasing awareness of energy use and environmental issues. The book is divided into three parts.
Part One describes lighting of open roads, with chapters discussing visual performance and comfort (including the effects of mesopic vision and age), and international standards and recommendations for road lighting. Lighting equipment is introduced; specifically lamps and luminaires in terms of their practical properties and features, but also the road surface and its characteristics. A chapter on Lighting Design makes the link between theory and practice, providing the reader with the knowledge needed for effective lighting design, including aspects relating to sustainability. The final chapter of Part One deals with lighting calculation conventions and measurements.
Part Two is devoted to light pollution. The negative consequences of light pollution are described and tactics to restrict light pollution explained. Lighting criteria are defined that can be used by the lighting designer to guarantee installations stay within acceptable limits. International standards and recommendations on the restriction of light pollution are discussed.
Part Three is devoted to tunnel lighting, with chapters discussing visual performance in tunnel environments, lighting criteria, standards and recommendations, and concluding with a chapter on tunnel lighting equipment and design.
This book is a valuable resource for road lighting designers and engineers, students of lighting design and engineering, town planners, traffic engineers, environmental specialists, and lamp and luminaire developers and manufacturers.
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This book is intended to serve as a textbook for engineering courses on earthquake resistant design. The book covers important attributes for seismic design such as material properties, damping, ductility, stiffness and strength. The subject coverage commences with simple concepts and proceeds right up to nonlinear analysis and push-over method for checking building adequacy. The book also provides an insight into the design of base isolators highlighting their merits and demerits.
Apart from the theoretical approach to design of multi-storey buildings, the book highlights the care required in practical design and construction of various building components. It covers modal analysis in depth including the important missing mass method of analysis and tension shift in shear walls and beams. These have important bearing on reinforcement detailing. Detailed design and construction features are covered for earthquake resistant design of reinforced concrete as well as confined and reinforced masonry structures. The book also provides the methodology for assessment of seismic forces on basement walls and pile foundations. It provides a practical approach to design and detailing of soft storeys, short columns, vulnerable staircases and many other components. The book bridges the gap between design and construction. Plenty of worked illustrative examples are provided to aid learning. This book will be of value to upper undergraduate and graduate students taking courses on seismic design of structures.
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The book presents research papers presented by academicians, researchers, and practicing structural engineers from India and abroad in the recently held Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2014 at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi during 22 – 24 December 2014. The book is divided into three volumes and encompasses multidisciplinary areas within structural engineering, such as earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, structural mechanics, finite element methods, structural vibration control, advanced cementitious and composite materials, bridge engineering, and soil-structure interaction. Advances in Structural Engineering is a useful reference material for structural engineering fraternity including undergraduate and postgraduate students, academicians, researchers and practicing engineers.
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This books analyzes different approaches to modeling earthquake-induced structural pounding and shows the results of the studies on collisions between buildings and between bridge segments during ground motions. Aspects related to the mitigation of pounding effects as well as the design of structures prone to pounding are also discussed.
Earthquake-induced structural pounding between insufficiently separated buildings, and between bridge segments, has been repeatedly observed during ground motions. The reports after earthquakes indicate that it may result in limited local damage in the case of moderate seismic events, or in considerable destruction or even the collapse of colliding structures during severe ground motions. Pounding in buildings is usually caused by the differences in dynamic properties between structures, which make them vibrate out-of-phase under seismic excitation. In contrast, in the case of longer bridge structures, it is more often the seismic wave propagation effect that induces collisions between superstructure segments during earthquakes.
Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xv
Introduction....Pages 1-8
Modelling of Structural Pounding....Pages 9-34
Pounding Between Buildings....Pages 35-71
Pounding Between Bridge Segments....Pages 73-102
Mitigation of Pounding Effects....Pages 103-132
Design of Structures Prone to Pounding....Pages 133-156
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