Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Number Of Pages: 336
Publication Date: 1984-10-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0713128828
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780713128826
Binding: Paperback
No engineering structure can be built on the ground or within it without the influence of geology being experienced by the engineer. Yet geology must remain an ancillary subject to students of engineering and it is therefore essential that their training is supported by a concise, reliable and usable text on the subject of geology and its relationship to engineering. In this book all the fundamental aspects of geology are described and explained, but within the limits thought suitable for engineers.
Thus the structure of the Earth and the operation of its internal processes are described, together with the geological processes that shape and fashion the Earth and produce its rocks and soils. The commonly occurring types of rock and soil, and many types of geological structure and geological maps, are described. Throughout the book care has been taken to focus on the relationship between geology and geomechanics. For this reason emphasis has been placed on the geological processes that bear directly upon the composition, structure and mechanics of soil and rocks, and on the movement of groundwater. The descriptions of geological processes and their products are therefore used as the basis for explaining why it is important to investigate the ground and how the investigations may be conducted at ground level and underground. Specific instruction is provided on the relationship between geology and many common activities undertaken when engineering in rock and soil.
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This book presents a comprehensive coverage of the two interrelated and interdisciplinary fields of seismic microzonation and earthquake geotechnical engineering. The introduction and the first chapter by two prominent researchers in the field of earthquake geotechnical engineering are setting the stage for the main theme of the book. The second chapter gives a general overview of the methods for estimating earthquake impact in large urban areas and the importance of the scale in zonation studies. The six following chapters are dealing with the main topics of strong ground motion, site characterization, site effects, liquefaction, and seismic microzonation. The last three chapters are concerned with geotechnical earthquake engineering, with special emphasis on solid waste landfills and lining systems, and earthquake resistant design of shallow and deep foundation subjected to earthquakes.
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From the reviews:
"This book … is an encyclopedic assemblage of basic and practical science on state-of-the-art engineering technology dealing with the behavior of earth materials subject to earthquakes and derivative effects. … Hundreds of graphs, charts, and mathematical relationships are skillfully integrated with the text and photographs. This volume is truly monumental. It should be in the libraries of all geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduate through professional collections." (T. L. T. Grose, Choice, Vol. 46 (2), October, 2008)
Product Description:
This book presents all issues of earthquake geotechnical engineering in a comprehensive way. It summarizes the present knowledge on earthquake hazards and their causative mechanisms, experimental studies on nonlinear complex soil behaviour, an analysis to predict ground behaviour during earthquakes, field studies to determine nature of real ground as input data for analysis, and damage mitigation technologies. Information obtained from earthquake damage investigation (such as ground motion, landslides, earth pressure, fault action, or liquefaction) as well as data from laboratory tests and field investigation is supplied, together with exercises/questions.
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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook by Robert W. Day (Repost)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | 2001-11-28 | ISBN: 0071377824 | 700 pages | PDF | 21.15 MB
Don't miss out on the first book specifically devoted to seismology, geotechnical engineering basics, earthquake analysis, and site improvement methods. Written by Robert Day, one of the most respected names in the field, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook is a one-stop resource that gives you instant access to:
* Field and laboratory testing methods and procedures
* Current seismic codes
* Site improvement methods
* In-depth earthquake engineering analysis as applied to soils
* Worked-out problems illustrating earthquake analysis
* Subsurface exploration data
* Fundamental geotechnical engineering principles
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Book Description:
This new text, intended for the senior undergraduate finite element course in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering departments, gives students a solid, practical understanding of the principles of the finite element method within a variety of engineering applications.
Hutton discusses basic theory of the finite element method while avoiding variational calculus, instead focusing upon the engineering mechanics and mathematical background that may be expected of senior engineering students. The text relies upon basic equilibrium principles, introduction of the principle of minimum potential energy, and the Galerkin finite element method, which readily allows application of finite element analysis to nonstructural problems.
The text is software-independent, making it flexible enough for use in a wide variety of programs, and offers a good selection of homework problems and examples.
A Book Website is also included, with book illustrations for class presentation; complete problem solutions (password protected); the FEPC 2-D finite element program for student use; instructions on FEPC and its use with the text; and links to commercial FEA sites.
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Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics (Oxford Engineering Science Series)
By Kenji Ishihara
* Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
* Number Of Pages: 360
* Publication Date: 1996-08-31
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0198562241
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780198562245
* Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
This highly topical book, written by a leading Japanese author, provides a comprehensive study of current research in soil dynamics for earthquake engineering. The behaviour of the ground on which structures are built during earthquake conditions is crucial to understanding the behaviour of those structures. This well-illustrated text summarizes current knowledge of the subject, presenting material accumulated by Japanese and other researchers over recent years. It comprehensively covers theory, laboratory tests, and field work. It also includes helpful guidelines for civil engineers undertaking groundwork to protect structures in potential earthquake zones.
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* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 187
* Publication Date: 1998-04-21
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0419230106
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780419230106
* Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
This book is the most comprehensive summary available of the electrochemical techniques for treating steel corrosion. The different techniques for judging the effectiveness of cathodic protection are compared and its economic benefits are examined in comparison with other available techniques.
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In this renowned text, Aslam Kassimali helps students develop an understanding of the basic principles of structural analysis. Emphasizing the intuitive, classical approach, the text covers the analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate beams, trusses, and rigid frames. It also presents an introduction to the matrix analysis of structures. Distinguished by the clarity and quality of its explanations, the text includes step-by-step procedures for analysis that build student problem solving skills. Enhancing students' understanding of the behavior of structures, the accompanying CD-ROM contains computer software for the analysis of plane frames, continuous beams, and trusses. The flexible format of the text and CD-ROM enables instructors to tailor the coverage to meet their course goals.
Book only; 87 MB pdf
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This well-established and internationally recognized reference is an essential handbook for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists responsible for designing and constructing piled foundations for building and civil engineering structures. Michael Tomlinson and John Woodward explain the general principles and practice of piling and give a detailed review of the types of pile, piling equipment and methods which are currently used.This also provides students with more comprehensive information on the subject than is generally available in a civil engineering degree course. Chapters on pile design include calculating the resistance of piles to compressive loads, pile groups under compressive loading, piled foundations for resisting uplift and lateral loading and the structural design of piles and pile groups. Piling for marine structures, miscellaneous piling problems (including machinery foundations, underpinning, mining subsidence areas, piling contracts and frozen ground), durability of piled foundations, ground investigations, piling contracts and pile testing are also covered.The fifth edition of this well-established book introduces the 2005 version of Eurocode7, Geotechnical Design, and covers other relevant Eurocodes. It also covers BS 8004 and refers to BS 6349 on maritime structures, and new forms of civil engineering contracts suitable for piling projects are discussed. Highly illustrated, this book includes numerous worked examples to the codes, many of which are based on actual problems encountered.
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Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems: Assessment, Design, and Life-Cycle Performance
By ed. Dan M. Frangopol, Mitsuo Kawatani, Chul-Woo Kim
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 269
* Publication Date: 2007-06-28
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415406552
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415406550
* Master e-book ISBN: 0203932218
* Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
This new edition of Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems: Assessment, Design, and Life-Cycle Performance brings together contributions from leading engineers who provide in-depth discussion across the entire field. They present the very latest structural reliability methods, along with an examination of reliability-based optimization, structural system reliability and risk analysis, lifetime performance, and various applications in civil engineering. This book provides immediate access to cutting-edge methods for practicing professionals and researchers, as well as an exceptional overview and exploration in structural system reliability and optimization for students in civil engineering.
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