Development Geology Reference Manual (Methods in Exploration Series) (Methods in Exploration Series)
Development Geology Reference Manual (Methods in Exploration Series) (Methods in Exploration Series)
By Diana Morton-Thompson
Publisher: Amer Assn of Petroleum Geologists
Number Of Pages: 565
Publication Date: 1993-10-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0891816607
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780891816607
Product Description:
The production and exploration geologist’s best data base for saving time. This is a quick reference to concepts, tools, formulas, and techniques on everything from economics and land leasing to wellsite and engineering methods. If you are in the petroleum geology business this is a must-have volume.
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Non-Silicates: Sulphates, Carbonates, Phosphates, Halides (Rock-Forming Minerals)
By L. L. Y. Chang, R. A. Howie, J. Zussman
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Number Of Pages: 392
Publication Date: 1995-10-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 189779990X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781897799901
Product Description:
This latest volume in the second edition of Rock-Forming Minerals deals mainly with the sulphates, carbonates, phosphates and halides. This voulume has been completely rewritten and considerably expanded, incorporating the many advances in knowledge arising from new and improved techniques for investigating minerals. Since the publication of the first edition, crystal structures are now far better known, and the use of the electron-probemicroanalysis has led to an even greater appeciation of the chemical variations in many of the minerals. Furthermore studies offliud inclusions and of stable isotope ratios have given new data temperatures of crystallization and genetic sequences. Each mineral chapter is divided into section on structure, chemistry, optical and physical properties, distinguishing features and paragenesis. Chapters are headed with brief tabulations of mineral data and a sketch of optical orientation. This book also includes results from the ocean floor experimentation and deep sea drilling.
Also available:
Rock Forming Minerals Vol, 2A: Single-Chain Silicates - ISBN 978-1-897799-85-7
Rock Forming Minerals, Vol. 2B: Double-Chain Silicates - ISBN 978-1-897799-77-2
The Geological Society of London
Founded in 1807, the Geological Society of London is the oldest geological society in the world, and one of the largest publishers in the Earth sciences.
The Society publishes a wide range of high-quality peer-reviewed titles for academics and professionals working in the geosciences, and enjoys an enviable international reputation for the quality of its work.
The many areas in which we publish in include:
-Petroleum geology
-Tectonics, structural geology and geodynamics
-Stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology
-Volcanology, magmatic studies and geochemistry
-Remote sensing
-History of geology
-Regional geology guides
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Double Chain Silicates (Rock-Forming Minerals) (v. 2B)
By William Alexander Deer, R. A. Howie, J. Zussman
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Number Of Pages: 784
Publication Date: 1997-08-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1897799772
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781897799772
Product Description:
This latest volume in the second edition of Rock-Forming Minerals deals mainly with the amphiboles, but sections have been added on deerite, howieite and multiple-chain silicates (biopyriboles). In the years since the first edition, the quantity and scope of research on amphiboles and relate minerals has grown enormously and has given rise to a wide variety of literature. This book, which has been completely re-written and greatly expanded, summarizes the important research results and presents them in an organized fashion. Each chapter is headed by a brief tabulation of mineral data and a sketch showing optical orientation, and concludes with full references to the literature. Diagrams of the crystal structures are presented and followed by discussion of the structural features, making use of data from spectroscopic as well as diffraction experiments.The chemical sections include over 550 analyses from which structural formulae have been calculated, illustrating the range of chemical and paragenetic variation exhibited by each mineral; also the results of P-T experiments, thermochemical and computer modelling techniques. The sections on optical and physical properties include much information gained by electron microscopy and also by deformation studies. The principal modes of occurrence are described in the paragenesis sections emphasizing correlations with chemistry. Rock-Forming Minerals is a standard reference work for professionals in mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, as well as having a wide appeal as a referencework for postgraduate research students and research workers in related fields.
Also available:
Rock Forming Minerals 3B: Layered Silicates Excluding Micas and Clay Minerals - ISBN 1862392595
Rock Forming Minerals, Vol. 3A: Micas - ISBN 978-1-86239-142-0
The Geological Society of London
Founded in 1807, the Geological Society of London is the oldest geological society in the world, and one of the largest publishers in the Earth sciences.
The Society publishes a wide range of high-quality peer-reviewed titles for academics and professionals working in the geosciences, and enjoys an enviable international reputation for the quality of its work.
The many areas in which we publish in include:
-Petroleum geology
-Tectonics, structural geology and geodynamics
-Stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology
-Volcanology, magmatic studies and geochemistry
-Remote sensing
-History of geology
-Regional geology guides
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Paleoseismology, Volume 95, Second Edition (International Geophysics)
Paleoseismology, Volume 95, Second Edition (International Geophysics)
By James P. McCalpin
Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 708
Publication Date: 2009-07-14
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0123735769
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780123735768
Product Description:
Paleoseismology (the study of "ancient" earthquakes) has become an important component of seismic risk analysis, which is mandated for nuclear power plants, dams, waste repositories, and other critical structures. This book is the first in the English language to be devoted solely to paleoseismology. It summarizes the development of the field from the 1960s to the present, encompassing material that is currently widely dispersed in journal articles. Chapters, contributed by active practitioners at the forefront of paleoseismic research, cover the entire range of techniques currently used in paleoseismic reconstruction.
* Second completely updated version of a book solely devoted to paleoseismology
* Summarizes the development of the field from the 1960’s to the present
* Includes a comprehensive review of the techniques currently used in paleoseismology
* Emphasizes practical methods of data collection and field studies
* Covers interpretation of field data based on current theory concerning fault segmentation and recurrence cycles
* Contains more than 170 line drawings and 50 photographs of paleoseismic phenomena
Summary: Significant New Text in Paleoseismology
Rating: 5
The ten chapters in this new text are a significant new contribution to paleoseismology. The book is divided according to different types of tectonic geomorphology. Each chapter is written by a geologist or team of geologists who are recognized specialists. It has particular application to California where we have strike-slip faulting, thrust faulting, normal faulting, and liquefaction. Each chapter carries citations of pertinent journal articles that have appeared in the past decade. Clear insights have been gained from these California earthquakes: 1989 Loma Prieta, 1992 Cape Mendocino, 1992 Landers, and 1994 Northridge events. The editor and co-author of several chapters is Dr. Jim McCalprin, an active member of the Association of Engineering Geologists and many other geological professional societies. He is to be commended for this seminal work; it is a unique and new contribution to paleoseismology. It is suitable for upper-division geology students, graduate students, and practicing engineering geologists. I use my copy several times per week for reference and citation in hospital and school site reviews. —Robert H. Sydnor, Senior Engineering Geologist, California Division of Mines and Geology, Sacramento
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Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering: Volume Two - Application (v. 2)
Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: application (v. 2)
By David, M Potts, Lidija Zdravkovic
Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd
Number Of Pages: 448
Publication Date: 2001-01-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0727727834
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780727727831
Binding: Hardcover
This comprehensive new two-volume work provides the reader with a detailed insight into the use of the finite element method in geotechnical engineering. As specialist knowledge required to perform geotechnical finite element analysis is not normally part of a single engineering degree course, this lucid work will prove invaluable. It brings together essential information presented in a manner understandable to most engineers. Volume 1 presents the theory, assumptions and approximations involved in finite element analysis while Volume 2 concentrates on its practical applications to real geotechnical problems. The theory explored in the first volume is referred to in the case studies of the second volume to provide a holistic impression of finite element analysis as it is applied in geotechncial engineering. Using practical examples, the second volume illustrates the restrictions, pitfalls, advantages and disadvantages of numerical analysis. The authors examine popular constitutive models, numerical techniques and case studies. Together, both volumes aim to provide the reader with sufficient knowledge to judge the credibility of the numerical results that the reader may obtain, or review, in the future. Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: theory and application will be essential reading for practising geotechnical and structural engineers and researchers, particularly users of commercial finite element software, both in industry and in academia. Students performing project work at undergraduate and postgraduate level will also find this book invaluable.
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Treatise on Geophysics, 11-Volume Set, Volume 1-10
Treatise on Geophysics, 11-Volume Set
By Gerald Schubert
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 7000
Publication Date: 2007-10-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444519289
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444519283
Product Description:
The Treatise on Geophysics is the only comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and integrated summary of the present state of geophysics. Offering an array of articles from some of the top scientists around the world, this 11-volume work deals with all major parts of Solid-Earth Geophysics, including a volume on the terrestrial planets and moons in our solar system.
This major reference work will aid researchers, advanced undergrad and graduate students, as well as professionals in cutting-edge research that can be conducted easily, with all the relevant information that they need right at their fingertips.
Volume Descriptions:
Volume 1 - Seismology and Structure of the Earth
Edited by: Barbara Romanowicz and Adam Dziewonski
Volume 1 provides an overview of the status of geophysics and is divided into three parts. Part I is devoted to various aspects of seismic wave propagation theory, data analysis and inversion methods, and documents the increasingly important role of numerical computational methods. Part II addresses the internal structure from the crust to the core, considering elastic, anelastic and anisotropic views of the Earth at global and regional scales. And, Part III reviews mineral physics and geodynamics to further progress in the understanding of Earth’s internal dynamics and of the forces that drive plate tectonics by combining constraints from different disciplines.
Volume 2 - Mineral Physics
Edited by: G. David Price
Mineral Physics provides the fundamental information needed to interpret deep Earth geophysical data in terms of Earth structure, composition, temperature and dynamics. Containing 23 chapters and divided into three parts, this volume contains summaries of what is known of the mineralogy and chemistry of the deep crust, the upper mantle, the transition zone, the lower mantle and the core of the Earth. It also addresses the underlying theory, techniques, and methods used in mineral physics, as well as, in the final sections of the volume, reviews the major physical properties of deep Earth minerals.
Volume 3 - Geodesy
Edited by: Thomas Herring
Geodesy explores the theory, instrumentation and results from modern geodetic systems. The beginning sections of the volume cover the theory of the Earth’s gravity field, the instrumentation for measuring the field, and its temporal variations. The measurements and results obtained from variations in the rotation of the Earth are covered in the sections on short and long period rotation changes. Space based geodetic methods, including the global positioning system (GPS) and Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), are also examined in detail.
Volume 4 presents the most recent findings on the physics of earthquakes. It includes chapters on seismicity studies from pre-historic periods to the most modern studies on a global scale, deep earthquakes, nucleation, stress transfer, triggering, hydrological processes, and recently discovered slow slips at plate boundaries. It also covers closely related fields including tsunami, volcanic seismology and physics, interaction between solid earth, atmosphere and ionosphere. Discussions on strong-motion seismology and its social implications are also reviewed.
Volume 5 - Geomagnetism
Edited by: Masaru Kono
Geomagnetism presents various aspects of the magnetic field of Earth. After an overview, topics covered include magnetospheric interactions, secular variation, mag-netic induction, archeomagnetism, reversals, excursions, oceanic and continental magnetic anomalies, and long-term behaviors of the magnetic field. The mathematical techniques for treating these phenomena are discussed in detail. The electric and magnetic properties of Earth materials, as well as basic experimental and observational techniques are also described.
Volume 6 - Crustal and Lithosphere Dynamics
Edited by: Anthony B. Watts
Volume 6 brings together the results of studies that are fundamental to our understanding of crust and lithosphere dynamics. It begins with a discussion of plate kinematics and mechanics. Then it considers the evidence from surface heat flow, stress measurements, and magmatism for the thermal and mechanical structure of the lithosphere. Finally, consideration is given to the structural styles of faulting, the deformation of the crust and lithosphere in extensional (e.g. rifting) and compressional (e.g. mountain building) regions, and the implications of plate mechanics for sedimentary basin evolution.
Volume 7 - Mantle Dynamics
Edited by: David Bercovici
Mantle Dynamics provides an in-depth overview of the field of mantle dynamics in its present state. It surveys the physics and fluid dynamics of mantle convection, with theoretical, laboratory and computational methods. The volume also reviews the present understanding of convection in Earth’s mantle, including energy sources and thermal evolution, upper-mantle flow, the fate of subducting slabs, hotspots and mantle plumes, and convective mixing and mantle geochemistry.
Volume 8 - Core Dynamics
Edited by: Peter Olson
This volume is a connected account of the dynamics at the heart of our planet. The range of subjects reflects the breadth and the fast pace of research in core dynamics. Topics include structure and composition of the outer and inner core, energetics of the core, convection, rotation, flow and turbulence in the outer core, solidification of the inner core, dynamo theory and numerical dynamo models, magnetic polarity reversals, laboratory experiments on the core and the geodynamo and the interactions between the core and the other parts of the Earth.
Volume 9 - Evolution of the Earth
Edited by: David Stevenson
Volume Nine focuses on the formation of Earth, core and continents, outgassing and volcanism, development of plate tectonics, origin and persistence of Earth’s magnetic field, growth of the inner core, changes in mantle convection through time, and impact of biology. The emphasis is on an interdisciplinary viewpoint that emphasizes the interplay of geophysics with other aspects of earth science and evolution. An effort is made to identify the areas where current knowledge is incomplete and alternative histories are possible.
Volume 10 - Planets and Moons
Edited by: Tilman Spohn
Planets and Moons covers topics relating to the physics of the major planetary bodies in the solar system, starting with an introductory description of the solar system and collection of pertinent data, continuing with a discussion of the early history of the planets, and finishing with articles about planet dynamics, thermal evolution of planets and satellites, the thermal evolution of planets and satellites, descriptions of their magnetic fields, and the processes that generate these. In addition to providing a review on the solid planets and the satellites, this volume addresses the interactions of the solid surfaces with the atmospheres as well as the roles of water and ice to shape the surfaces.
Volume 11 - Index Volume
* Self-contained volumes start with an overview of the subject then explores each topic with in depth detail
* Extensive reference lists and cross references with other volumes to facilitate further research
* Full-color figures and tables support the text and aid in understanding
* Content suited for both the expert and non-expert
Fully searchable text available on Science Direct shortly after publication
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An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration
By Philip Kearey, Michael Brooks, Ian Hill
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Number Of Pages: 272
Publication Date: 2002-05-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0632049294
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780632049295
Product Description:
This new edition of the well-established Kearey and Brooks text is fully updated to reflect the important developments in geophysical methods since the production of the previous edition. The broad scope of previous editions is maintained, with even greater clarity of explanations from the revised text and extensively revised figures. Each of the major geophysical methods is treated systematically developing the theory behind the method and detailing the instrumentation, field data acquisition techniques, data processing and interpretation methods. The practical application of each method to such diverse exploration applications as petroleum, groundwater, engineering, environmental and forensic is shown by case histories.
The mathematics required in order to understand the text is purposely kept to a minimum, so the book is suitable for courses taken in geophysics by all undergraduate students. It will also be of use to postgraduate students who might wish to include geophysics in their studies and to all professional geologists who wish to discover the breadth of the subject in connection with their own work.
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info: RAM Structural System V8i Release
Release 14.00 of the RAM Structural System V8i was released last June 15, 2009. This is one of the most significant versions in years. This version significantly expands the ability of the program to analyze and design concrete buildings, adding the ability to model and analyze two-way flat slab and flat plate floors.
RAM Structural System is a special purpose building design engineering application used for the modeling, analysis and design of building structures. The application includes a specialized building modeler with advanced loading, analysis and design capabilities for steel and concrete structures. The program analyzes and designs to many of the current building and design codes including AISC, ACI, BS5950, CAN/CSA S16.1, Eurocode, IBC and more. The program is tailored to automate many of the most time consuming tasks that need to be performed to get projects done on time and on budget, including live load reduction, automatic skip loading and wind and seismic load generators. The application integrates and links with several of the Bentley products including RAM Concept, RAM CADstudio, RAM Connection and RAM Advanse, as well as utilizing open standards such as CIS/2 for further interoperability. RAM Structural System includes RAM Manager and RAM Modeler, the RAM Concrete Shearwall, RAM Frame, RAM Concrete, RAM Steel, and RAM Foundation products are each included but only activated according to the licenses purchased.
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