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Aluminum is easily the second most important structural metal, yet few designers seem to know much about it. Since 1940s, as aluminum rapidly became more important, engineers have been slow to investigate what it has to offer and how to design it. Aluminum is hardly mentioned in university courses. This book is a contribution to an educational process that still seems to be needed.
The object of this book is to provide a conversion course for engineers already familiar with steel, In fact, structural aluminum, a strong ductile metal, has much similarity to steel and design procedures are not very different. Chapters 1-4 give general information about aluminum and aluminum products, Chapter 4, with its coverage of the thorny subjectof alloys, being particularly important. The rest of the book (Chapters 5-12) provides rules for making structural calculations and the reasoning that lies behind them. The treatment is mainly aimed at the construction industry.
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Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication)
Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication)
by D. M. McCann
Publisher: Geological Society Publishing House
Number Of Pages: 352
Publication Date: 1998-04
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1897799926
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781897799925
Binding: Hardcover
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Seeing the Unseen. Geophysics and Landscape Archaeology
Seeing the Unseen. Geophysics and Landscape Archaeology
By Stefano Campana
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Number Of Pages:
Publication Date: 2008-09-23
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415447216
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415447218
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Geophysics in Engineering Investigations (CIRIA)
By P. W. McDowell
Publisher: Construction Industry Research &
Number Of Pages: 252
Publication Date: 2002-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0860175626
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780860175629
Product Description:
The full potential of geophysics in engineering investigations is still to be realised. The many available techniques can provide important information about the ground, its mass properties, its small-scale variations, and its anomalies of structure or content. The advantage of a geophysical survey is that it enables information to be obtained for large volumes of ground that cannot be investigated by direct methods due to cost. The applications of geophysics in the characterisation of contaminated land are still developing, but have great potential for example in the distribution and migration of pollutants in the ground and groundwater. Geophysics is still insufficiently or inappropriately used in engineering and the newer capabilities are not appreciated, so there is a need for up-to-date guidance about how to apply geophysical investigations.This report is published in co-operation with the Geological Society and presents a logical guide through the process of using geophysical investigation methods in site characterisation. It explores the roles of geophysical methods and provides the background to geophysics as an investigative tool. The procurement, management and reporting frameworks for a geophysical investigation are set out, and the importance of the involvement of a recognised geophysics specialist adviser with the work is emphasised. The report explains the need for a conceptual ground model to enable appropriate investigative methods to be chosen. The underlying science and current practices of the main techniques are explained as well as the processes of data acquisition, handling and presentation. The different targets determinable by geophysical methods are considered in separate sections for geological, geotechnical, geo-environmental and structural engineering applications. The report concludes with recommendations for practice. The guide is aimed at geotechnical and civil engineers, geologists and engineering geologists, specialist geophysics contractors, contractors, consultants and clients.
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A Field Guide to Geophysics in Archaeology (Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences)
A Field Guide to Geophysics in Archaeology (Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences)
By John Oswin
Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 230
Publication Date: 2009-07
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 354076691X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783540766919
Product Description:
Geophysics operations in archaeology have become well known through exposure on television. However, the technique is presented as the action of specialists and something of a mystery, where people walk about with strange contraptions, and results appear from a computer. This is not the case, however. Some scientific knowledge is needed in order to understand how the machines work and what they detect but otherwise it is only necessary to know how to handle the instruments, how to survey a field and how to interpret the computer results. This book provides all the relevant information. It explains geophysics operations in archaeology, describes the science that gives the soil properties to measure and the means by which the instruments make their measurements. Dr. John Oswin is in charge of the geophysics operation of the Bath and Camerton Archaeological Society and his work has recently been the subject of a television programme. He has taught many students how to use geophysical equipment.
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Seismic design of bolted steel moment-resisting frames
Seismic Design of Bolted Steel Moment-Resisting Frames
by: Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl
en | Structural Steel Educational Council
Seismic Design of Bolted Steel Moment-Resisting Frames
By Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl
Publisher: Structural Steel Educational Council
Number Of Pages: 82
Publication Date: 1995
ISBN-13 / EAN:
This report discusses some issues related to seismic behavior of various types of steel moment-resisting frames used in building structures. However, the emphasis of the report is on the seismic behavior and design of steel moment-resisting frames with bolted beam-to-column connections. A summary of relevant research and applicable code provisions is provided followed by design procedures that can be used to design steel moment-resisting frames. The appendices to the report provide typical details of bolted moment connections, a numerical example and photographs of structures designed and constructed recently using bolted steel moment-resisting frames.
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Earthquake Proof Design and Active Faults
By Y. Kanaori
(April 1, 1997)
Publisher: Elsevier Science Pub Co
Number Of Pages: 282
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444825622
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444825629
Book Description:
Hardbound. On 17th January 1995 an inland earthquake of 7.2 magnitude occurred under Kobe city in central Japan. More than 5,500 people lost their lives. There was immense and serious damage to buildings. Researchers and engineers were shocked and astonished by the extent of the devastation and loss of life. Ground motions, generated by the event were far greater than the seismic standard for earthquake-proof designs in Japan.
Recent academic progress in the fields of geology and geophysics, which would help to reduce the severity of seismic disasters, has not been sufficiently applied to the development of earthquake-proof designs.
This book contains 13 original and innovative papers of interdisciplinary study spanning earthquake-proof technology and active fault science (seven of the papers cover topics concerning the 1995 Kobe earthquake).
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