Super Structures
Inklink, Phil Wilkinson,
ISBN: 0756640881
PDF 43,1 MB
From Booklist
In typical DK visual-oriented style, this book presents many different types of man-made structures, beginning with wonders of the ancient world, and ranging all the way forward to Spaceport America, a commercial space-travel facility that is still in its planning and construction phases, with stops at castles, skyscrapers, bridges, towers, and more along the way. Each type of structure is given a general overview before focusing in on inviting spreads of specific examples, such as Neuschwanstein Castle and Hagia Sophia, former place of worship, now a museum. Each spread has a detailed, two-page illustration of the structure with multiple cutaways (a few are foldouts) and fact-bits peppered across the pages. This is followed by a “Building Blocks” section, which provides more photographs, design illustrations, light blueprints, and interesting trivia related to the highlighted structure. The scattershot design makes it all but impossible to read straight through, but readers with a developing interest in architecture or engineering or simply an appreciation for mankind’s most awesome constructions will find much to pore over here. Grades 5-8. --Ian Chipman
5.0 out of 5 stars
This is an astounding book for those who have a fascination with buildings or simply anyone who
enjoys a good book!, June 16, 2009 By D. Fowler "Dragonfly77" (Vermont) (TOP 1000 REVIEWER)
Every now and then you probably see a building, on television or in your travels, just take a look and it and say WOW! Some buildings are unimaginably beautiful while others are just stupendous and unusual. In school you've probably heard stories about the thousands of people it took just to build the pyramids, the precise measurements involved and the many years it took to build them. In this book you'll see and learn about some of the most amazing architecture in the world. There are frequent scattered sections called "building blocks." These give you an overview of the following building to be discussed. The book discusses things like styles, construction, materials used, laborers, history or other interesting vignettes about them. There are several pages that will surprise you . . . when you go to turn the page you suddenly find a four page, gorgeous spread in front of you!
In this book you will see some amazing "ancient and modern wonders." The types of architecture include castles, palaces, skyscrapers, bridges, buildings in the arts, towers, pyramids, tombs, places of worship, transportation hubs, bizarre buildings and future buildings. Among the many you will see in great detail include the Neuschwanstein, Diocletian's Palace, the Empire State Building, the Millau Viaduct, the Guggenheim Museum, Malaysia's Petronas Towers, the Terra-cotta Army, the Hagia Sophia, the Moscow Underground, Italy's Tower of Pisa and a Spaceport near Upham, New Mexico.
This book has some amazing photography and illustrations. It is surprisingly detailed and one could spend quite a bit of time on one of the more detailed pages. This is a wonderful book for those who have a fascination with buildings or simply anyone who enjoys a good book. When you open this book, you'll be just like a kid in a candy basket, unable to decide what to look at next. In the back of the book there is a detailed glossary and an index. Get ready for a lot of fun with this book . . . even the most reluctant reader won't be able to turn away from its pages!
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Strategic Management in Construction
David Langford, Steven Male,
2nd edition (December 5, 2001)
256 pages
PDF 11.30 MB
This book reviews the general theory of strategy, relates it to the particular circumstances of the construction industry, and shows how it can be applied in practice. It brings together ideas from economics, marketing, management, business and politics to develop strategic management for both contractors' firms and the associated professions.
Substantial changes have occurred in the industry since the book was first published in 1991. This Second Edition reflects the major developments that have followed the Latham and Egan reports, and includes new chapters on international strategy and marketing, showing how they can contribute to the strategic planning of construction organizations.
The book will provide a valuable tool for the strategic development of construction firms.
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Satellite TV PC Master is a leading computer TV software that turns your computer into a Super Pro TV. easy to use PC program that legally streams thousands of quality television and radio channels from all over the world directly to your computer using the internet. Now you can watch thousands of LIVE worldwide stations on your PC FREE.
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Manual on design of steel structures in seismic zones
From preface:
"...The content of this volume intend to provide to the designers and practicians the basic principles which the new generation of seismic codes are based upon, with particular reference, of course, to the ECCS-ERSSSZ provisions..."
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Groundwater Resources Assessment (Development in Water Science)
Groundwater Resources Assessment (Development in Water Science)
Author: Jaroslav Balek
Publisher: Elsevier Publishing Company (September 1, 1989)
Language: English | ISBN: 0444988955 | 250 pages | PDF | 9.53 MB
The development of environmentally sound groundwater resources has recently become a high priority throughout the world. Many countries are currently developing comprehensive regulations for the management of groundwater resources. Within this framework an assessment of renewable groundwater resources is one of the most important factors.
This book is based on the author's many years of experience in the assessment of surface and subsurface water resources, field experiments and computer oriented work, in both developed and developing countries. An environmental approach is followed.
Groundwater resources are seen as a part of the aquatic ecosystem in which not only geology but the whole lithosphere, vegetation, surface resources and atmosphere play an equally important role. Both simple and advanced models are presented, which can also be applied to complicated geological structures where standard groundwater models fail to operate.
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Bringing together the world's leading researchers and practitioners of computational mechanics, these new volumes meet and build on the eight key challenges for research and development in computational mechanics.
Researchers have recently identified eight critical research tasks facing the field of computational mechanics. These tasks have come about because it appears possible to reach a new level of mathematical modelling and numerical solution that will lead to a much deeper understanding of nature and to great improvements in engineering design.
The eight tasks are:
The automatic solution of mathematical models
Effective numerical schemes for fluid flows
The development of an effective mesh-free numerical solution method
The development of numerical procedures for multiphysics problems
The development of numerical procedures for multiscale problems
The modelling of uncertainties
The analysis of complete life cycles of systems
Education - teaching sound engineering and scientific judgement
Readers of Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 will be able to apply the combined experience of many of the world's leading researchers to their own research needs. Those in academic environments will gain a better insight into the needs and constraints of the industries they are involved with; those in industry will gain a competitive advantage by gaining insight into the cutting edge research being carried out by colleagues in academia.
Bridges the gap between academic researchers and practitioners in industry
Outlines the eight main challenges facing Research and Design in Computational mechanics and offers new insights into the shifting the research agenda
Provides a vision of how strong, basic and exciting education at university can be harmonized with life-long learning to obtain maximum value from the new powerful tools of analysis
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info: *Frederick S. Merritt (Deceased) Editor + Jonathan T. Ricketts Editor
* Sixth Edition
* McGRAW-HILL * 1721 pages * ISBN 0-07-041999-X
The sixth edition of the Building Design and Construction Handbook maintains the original objectives of previous editions which gained widespread acceptance among users. These objectives are to provide in a single volume a compendium of the bestof the current knowledge and practices in building design and construction. This information would be of greatest use to those who have to make decisions affecting the selection of engineering materials and construction methods. Emphasis is placed on fundamental principles and practical applications, with special attention to simplified procedures. Frequent reference is made to other sources where additional authoritative information may be obtained, such as architectural and engineering societies, manufacturers associations, and the Internet. An extensive index is provided to assist the reader in locating topics within the book.
Many new contributors and sections have been added in this edition to provide the reader with the latest developments and knowledge in the building industry.
These developments include the expansion of data technology and communication systems within the building system, revisions to wind and seismic loadings, and an expansion of the information on fire sprinkler systems. To present the necessary information in a single volume, obsolete and less-important information in the earlier editions has been deleted.
The editor is very grateful to the contributors, not only for their care, skill, and knowledge used in preparing the sections, but also for their considerable sacrifices of personal time to prepare the sections.
Jonathan T. Ricketts
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Klaus A. Hoffmann, Steve T. Chiang, "Computational fluid dynamics, Volume 1"
Engineering Education System, 1998 | ISBN-10: 0962373109 | 500 Pages
This three volume text is designed for use in introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses in computational fluid dynamics and computational fluid turbulence. The fundamental of computational schemes are established in the first volume.
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Illustrated 2009 Building Code Handbook
Terry Patterson,
McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071606181
1216 pages
PDF 4,4 MB
A Unique Visual Guide to the 2009 International Building Code
Updated to reflect the changes in the International Code Council 2009 International Building Code, this illustrated guide makes it easy to understand and apply complex Code requirements and achieve compliance. Designed to save you time and money, this detailed reference transforms difficult paragraphs into simple lists and converts complicated equations into accessible tables.
Ready-to-use answers and practical case studies help you get construction jobs done right, on time, and up to the requirements of the 2009 Code. The Illustrated 2009 Building Code Handbook is also an invaluable study guide for the design portion of the architectural licensing examination.
Achieve Full Compliance with Every Aspect of the 2009 Code:
Scope and Administration
Use and Occupancy Classification
Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy
General Building Heights and Areas
Types of Construction
Fire and Smoke Protection Features
Interior Finishes
Fire Protection Systems
Means of Egress
Interior Environment
Energy Efficiency
Exterior Walls
Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
Structural Design
Structural Tests and Special Inspections
Soils and Foundations
Glass and Glazing
Gypsum Board and Plaster
Mechanical Systems
Plumbing Systems
Elevators and Conveying Systems
Special Construction
Encroachments into the Public Right-of-Way
Safeguards During Construction
Existing Structures
Referenced Standards
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Posted by: abudabeeja - 09-14-2009, 03:07 AM - Forum: ASTM
- No Replies
Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation: Testing and Prediction (ASTM STP1387)
Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation: Testing and Prediction
(ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1387)
By et al Symposium on Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation: Testing and Prediction (Corporate Author)
Publisher: Astm International
452 pages
ISBN: 0803128657
PDF 10.07 MB
Product Description:
This comprehensive new ASTM publication examines state-of-the-art multiaxial testing techniques and methods for characterizing the fatigue and deformation behaviors of engineering materials. 25 analytical, peer-reviewed papers, written by experts from academia, industry, and government, are divided into the following sections: Multiaxial Strength of Materials--addresses multiaxial strength, stress, and failure modes of materials. Multiaxial Deformation of Materials--investigates constitutive relationships and deformation behavior of materials under multiaxial loading conditions. Fatigue Life Prediction under Generic Multiaxial Loads--examines the challenging task of estimating fatigue life under general multiaxial loads. Fatigue Life Prediction under Specific Multiaxial Loads--describes biaxial and multiaxial fatigue and life estimation under combinations of cyclic loading conditions, such as axial tension/compression, bending, and torsion. Multiaxial Fatigue Life and Crack Growth Estimation--covers crack growth monitoring under cyclic mulitaxial loading conditions and determination of fatigue life. Multiaxial Experimental Techniques--explores state-of-the-art experimental methods to generate mulitaxial deformation and fatigue data to develop and verify both constitutive models used to describe the flow behavior of materials and fatigue life estimation models.
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