This book provides a comprehensive guide to the design of foundations for tall buildings.
After a general review of the characteristics of tall buildings, various foundation options are discussed followed by the general principles of foundation design as applied to tall buildings. Considerable attention is paid to the methods of assessment of the geotechnical design parameters, as this is a critical component of the design process. A detailed treatment is then given to foundation design for various conditions, including ultimate stability, serviceability, ground movements, dynamic loadings and seismic loadings. Basement wall design is also addressed. The last part of the book deals with pile load testing and foundation performance measurement, and finally, the description of a number of case histories.
A feature of the book is the emphasis it places on the various stages of foundation design: preliminary, detailed and final, and the presentation of a number of relevant methods of design associated with each stage.
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This book presents the fundamentals of nonlinear mechanics within a modern computational approach based mainly on finite element methods. Both material and geometric nonlinearities are treated. The topics build up from the mechanics of finite deformation of solid bodies through to nonlinear structural behaviour including buckling, bifurcation and snap-through. The principles are illustrated with a series of solved problems. This book serves as a text book for a second year graduate course and as a reference for practitioners using nonlinear analysis in engineering and design.
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374.3R-16 Guide to Nonlinear Modeling Parameters for Earthquake-Resistant Structures
ACI Committee 374
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Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil Engineering Structures provides readers with an all-encompassing view of the theoretical studies, design methods, real-world implementations, and applications relevant to the topic
The book focuses on design and property tests on different intelligent control devices, innovative control strategies, analysis examples for structures with intelligent control devices, and designs and tests for intelligent controllers.
Focuses on the principles, methods, and applications of intelligent vibration control in civil engineering
Covers intelligent control, including active and semi-active control
Includes comprehensive contents, such as design and properties of different intelligent control devices, control strategies, and dynamic analysis, intelligent controller design, numerical examples, and experimental data
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Structural Cross Sections: Analysis and Design provides valuable information on this key subject covering almost all aspects including theoretical formulation, practical analysis and design computations, various considerations and issues related to cross-sectional behavior, and computer applications for determination of cross-sectional response. The presented approach can handle all complex shapes, material behaviors and configurations. The book starts with a clear and rigorous overview of role of cross-sections and their behavior in overall structural design process. Basic aspects of structural mechanics are reviewed and procedures to determine basic cross-sectional properties, stress and strain distributions, stress resultants and other response parameters, are provided. A brief discussion about the role of material behavior in cross-sectional response is also included. The unified and integrated approach to determine axial-flexural capacity of cross-sections is utilized in development of P-M and M-M interaction diagrams of cross-sections of various shapes. The behavior and design of cross-sections subjected to shear and torsion is also included with emphasis on reinforced concrete sections. Several detailed flow charts are included to demonstrate the procedures used in ACI, BS and Euro codes for design of cross-section subjected to shear and torsion, followed by solved examples. The book also presents the discussion about various factors that can lead to ductile response of cross-sections, especially those made of reinforced concrete. The definition and development of action-deformation curves especially moment-curvature (-) curve is discussed extensively. Various factors such as confinement, rebar distribution and axial load effect on the ductility are shown through examples. The use of moment-curvature curve to compute various section response parameters is also explained though equations and examples. Several typical techniques and materials for retrofitting of cross-sections of reinforced concrete beams, columns and slabs etc. are reviewed. A brief discussion of various informative references related to the evaluation and retrofitting of structures is included for practical applications. Towards the end, the book provides an overview of various software applications available for cross-section design and analysis. A framework for the development of a general-purpose cross-section analysis software, is presented and various features of few commercially available software packages are compared using some example cross-sections.
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Pile Cap Behavior
Dimensioning and Detailing Pile Caps
Pile Cap Design for Gravity Loads
Pile Cap Design for Lateral Loads
Seismic Design of Pile Caps
Design Examples
Tabulated Designs
Selected References
Appendix A - Derivations and Proofs
Appendix B - Column-to-Pile Cap Connections
Appendix C - Pile-to-Pile Cap Connections
This design guide has been developed to provide the practicing engineer with a detailed overview of pile cap design, detailing, and analysis methodologies that represent the current state of practice in the industry. This contains comprehensive technical content and practical design examples utilizing approximately 30 different, yet commonly used, pile cap configurations. Tabulated designs are also provided for all aforementioned pile cap configurations and a wide range of vertical loading, lateral loading, and overturning effects. In order to better understand the behavior of deep pile caps, a finite element study was performed and recommendations obtained from that study are presented here.
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