This manual covers physical properties, functions, design methods, design details and construction procedures for geotextiles as used in pavements, railroad beds, retaining wall earth embankment, rip-rap, concrete revetment, and drain construction. Geotextile functions described include pavements, filtration and drainage, reinforced embankments, railroads, erosion and sediment control, and earth retaining walls. This manual does not cover the use of other geosynthetics such as geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, plastic strip drains, composite products and products made from natural cellulose fibers.
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John W. Wallace, Ph.D. P.E.
Displacement-based design of sender reinforce concrete (RC) walls provides a versatile and flexible design format for evaluating detailing requirements at wall boundaries. The basis of the approach is to use displacement as the primary design parameter to relate overall system response to wall cross section behavior. Use of a displacement-based design format does not preclude the need to evaluate wall flexural and shear strenght requirementes.
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Product Description:
One-of-a-kind coverage on the fundamentals of foundation analysis and design
Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations is a significant new resource to the engineering principles used in the analysis and design of both shallow and deep, load-bearing foundations for a variety of building and structural types. Its unique presentation focuses on new developments in computer-aided analysis and soil-structure interaction, including foundations as deformable bodies.
Written by the world's leading foundation engineers, Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations covers everything from soil investigations and loading analysis to major types of foundations and construction methods. It also features:
* Coverage on computer-assisted analytical methods, balanced with standard methods such as site visits and the role of engineering geology
* Methods for computing the capacity and settlement of both shallow and deep foundations
* Field-testing methods and sample case studies, including projects where foundations have failed, supported with analyses of the failure
* CD-ROM containing demonstration versions of analytical geotechnical software from Ensoft, Inc. tailored for use by students in the classroom
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Tomorrow's Transportation:
Changing Cities, Economies, and Lives
Tomorrow's Transportation: Changing Cities, Economies, and Lives (Artech House Its Library)
by William L. Garrison, Jerry D. Ward
Publisher: Artech House Publishers 2000-03 | 316 Pages | ISBN: 1580530966 | HTML | 2.8 MB
...offers a broad look at current & emergent developments in ITS as well as basic factors propelling ITS implementation...utilizes real world case studies to see where ITS technology is solving problems now.
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Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Architecture, Vol 1 1st edition by R. Sennott
Publisher: Routledge - 2004-12-09 | 580 Pages | ISBN: 1579582435 | PDF | 8 MB
In its broad coverage of architecture produced between 1900 and 2000, the Encyclopedia of 20th -century A rchitecture provides a three-volume, English-language reference work for scholars, professionals, students, and the general public seeking a basic understanding of interdependent topics that define the production of architecture in the developed cities, countries, and regions of the world. Seeking the breadth and diversity of any encyclopedic endeavor, the project extends its coverage beyond the conventional study of prominent architects and their buildings to address important related facets of 20th-century architectural production that motivate architects and their clients and give form and meaning to their buildings.
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Donald Watson "Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design"
McGraw-Hill Professional | 2003-02-21 | ISBN: 007068507X | 960 pages | PDF | 77 MB
Excerpts from review by Philip Langdon Judging by its title, you might think Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design would be a source mainly for street widths, sidewalk dimensions, parking ratios, and other matters than can largely be reduced to mathematical calculations. But this six-pound tome with its 960 oversized pages has far broader ambitions. McGraw-Hill calls this volume, "the definitive reference on urban design," and the description doesn't seem to be hyperbole. Donald Watson, former dean of the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, with help from Alan Plattus of Yale School of Architecture and Robert Shibley of SUNY-Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning, has assembled a volume containing the most significant urban design writings of the past 106 years. And that's just one of the eight sections in this enormous compilation. In addition to twelve classic texts...readers will find dozens of authoritative recent writings on world urbanization, regionalism, neighborhood planning, bikeways, greenways, universal design, outdoor lighting, way finding, acoustic considerations, and seemingly every other aspect of city-shaping. You can flip from key documents of New Urbanism, including the Charter and the Lexicon, to LeCorbusier's (wrongheaded but fascinating) vision of towers and highways, Clarence Stein's The Radburn Idea, Clare Cooper Marcus's sociological analyses of urban plazas and shared outdoor spaces, and case studies of places such as Seattle's Pike Place Market. History, theory, principles and practice, they're all here...this is the best single volume I've seen, in terms of its ability to explain the entire spectrum of urban design through the words of its most prominent analysts and practitioners. Expand your bookshelf. New Urban News 20040301 Excerpts from review by Bay Brown. It is a how-to, with diagrams on street and courtyard siting, but it is also a history of urban-design theory, including seminal texts ranging from passages of Camillo Sitte's 1889 book The Art of Building Cities to Kevin Lynch's 1960 essay "The City Image and Its Elements." Chapters are dedicated to sustainable design, universal design, transit-centered urban villages, wayfinding, and "traffic calming." Almost every essay is written by a different expert, which affords a diversity of experience and voice, and the tome liberally uses photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts with informative statistics and demographics. It may offer more than you want to know, but after a selective read, it should be parked on your shelf as an invaluable reference.
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Drilling: The Manual of Methods, Applications, and Management by Australian Drilling Industry Training Committee
Drilling: The Manual of Methods, Applications, and Management is all about drilling and its related geology, machinery, methods, applications, management, safety issues, and more.Of all the technologies employed by hydrologists, environmental engineers, and scientists interested in subsurface conditions, drilling is one of the most frequently used but most poorly understood. Now, for the first time, this industry-tested manual, developed by one of the world's leading authorities on drilling technology, is available to a world-wide audience.
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The safe and economical construction of tunnels, mines, and other subterranean works depends on the correct choice of support systems to ensure that the excavations are stable. These support systems should be matched to the characterstics of the rock mass and the excavation techniques adopted. Establishing the support requirements, designing support systems and installing these correctly are essential elements in safe underground construction. This is a comprehensive and practical work which also gives access to user-friendly computer programmes which enable the investigation and design of support techniques. Details on how to obtain this software are also included in the book.
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1 edition (January 1, 2000)
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