D. Harper, M. Zalewski, S. E. Jorgensen, N. Pacini,
CABI (December 30, 2008) | English | 1845930029 | 352 pages | PDF | 3.67 MB
Ecohydrology is an emerging new sub-discipline which links elements of ecology with hydrology at all points in the water cycle, ranging in scale from water-plant physiological relationships to whole catchment water-ecosystem processes. This book pays most attention to the larger scales of ecohydrology, emphasising the use of this tool in striving towards the goal of sustainable water management. Authors from Eastern as well as Western Europe; from America, Australia and South Africa, give a broad global context.
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Isolated Foundation Analysis using Staad Support reactions.
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Environmental Engineering: Designing a Sustainable Future
Anne Maczulak, "Environmental Engineering: Designing a Sustainable Future"
Facts on File | 2009 | ISBN: 0816072000 | 213 pages | PDF | 12,8 MB
Environmental engineering's future seems boundless because it is based in the myriad ways in which nature solves its own engineering challenges. People have yet to design a system that pumps water 200 feet straight up toward the sky in a system that is silent, requires no mechanical pumps, and never malfunctions, yet giant sequoia trees do this every day. Environmental engineering has a distance to go to mimic nature's activities, but fortunately, nature provides endless examples of processes like the sequoias' that maximize energy conservation. Environmental engineering represents a discipline that will be required for almost all future technologies in energy conservation. Featuring full-color photographs and line illustrations, this new book shows how some engineering projects turn out to be quite complex endeavors, while a good number draw on the simplicity of natural systems by following nature's theme of 'less is more'. It also discusses the ways in which environmental engineering blends the best aspects of art and design with the sciences of physics, geology, ecology, and the chemistry of matter. Chapters include: New Directions in Civil Engineering; Designing Transit Systems; Innovations in Personal Vehicles; Sustainable Manufacturing; Energy Efficient Electronics; Ecological Landscape Design; and, Sustainable Wastewater Treatment.
Chapters include:
New Directions in Civil Engineering
Designing Transit Systems
Innovations in Personal Vehicles
Sustainable Manufacturing
Energy Efficient Electronics
Ecological Landscape Design
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment.
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Dynamic Machine foundation design. Please do check before using this sheet and make improvement to it. I am working on adding more cases to it and as soon as it is completed i will upload the new version.
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While there are several factors that contribute to global warming, such as natural changes in the Earth's inclination and revolution around the sun, by far the biggest factor is the emission of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, and nitrous oxide are added at alarming rates to the atmosphere by daily human activity. Every person on Earth has a 'carbon footprint' - a measure of greenhouse gas contributed to the atmosphere on a daily basis. Some people's footprints are much higher than others; for instance, those that live in developed countries such as the United States (the largest greenhouse gas emitter), emit much greater amounts than those living in undeveloped countries of the world. Various activities, such as agricultural and deforestation practices, also emit greenhouse gases. "Greenhouse Gases" explores the very important role these gases play and their global impact on populations and ecosystems worldwide. The goal of this book is to provide readers with an understanding of the various sources of these gases, their interaction with the atmosphere, their effect on natural systems, and why controlling them is critical to the Earth's future climate. Other issues discussed in this new, full-color book include the role of the ozone and a newly discovered concept called "global dimming" and how it relates to global warming. The chapters include: The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming; Carbon Sequestration; Agriculture and Greenhouse Gases; Deforestation and Greenhouse Gases; Anthropogenic Causes and Effects; The Fate of Natural Refuges; Global Warming Around the World; and, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change.
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Global Warming Cycles: Ice Ages and Glacial Retreat
Global Warming Cycles: Ice Ages and Glacial Retreat
Julie Kerr Casper,
Facts on File | 2009 | ISBN: 0816072620 | 212 pages | PDF | 11,2 MB
Earth has always exhibited patterns of heating up and cooling down. At some points in time, many areas of Earth were shrouded in blankets of ice, with ice caps and glaciers dominating the landscape. Certain areas on Earth have been covered with prominent glaciers multiple times in the past for millions of years. Since the last ice age, which ended just over 10,000 years ago, the Earth's climate has been relatively stable, with just a few fluctuations; at least until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s, when the climate began to increase in temperature. "Global Warming Cycles" focuses on the mechanisms that caused past climate changes, putting the Earth repeatedly into and out of ice ages. It compares natural cycles with today's rapid global warming, caused principally by the behavior of humans. This timely new volume presents the many physical factors that shape the Earth's climate, examining the ones that are out of our control as well as the ones that humans have a direct impact on. It also looks at how scientists use landform clues from the past to assess global warming and how they apply that knowledge to the future to help prepare current and future society for what is to come. Chapters of this title include: Ice Ages; Glacial Retreat and Meltdown; The Cryosphere and Isostasy; Ocean Currents and Climate; Rising Sea Levels; Abrupt Climate Change; Tropical Cyclones and Other Severe Weather; Climate Research - What the Experts Say; and, Conclusions and a Glance Into the Future.
Chapters include:
Ice Ages
Glacial Retreat and Meltdown
The Cryosphere and Isostasy
Ocean Currents and Climate
Rising Sea Levels
Abrupt Climate Change
Tropical Cyclones and Other Severe Weather
Climate Research—What the Experts Say
Conclusions and a Glance Into the Future.
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Fossil Fuels and Pollution: The Future of Air Quality
Fossil Fuels and Pollution: The Future of Air Quality
Julie Kerr Casper,
Facts on File | 2010 | ISBN: 0816072655 | 336 pages | PDF | 7,8 MB
Clean air is essential to life and good health. Several important pollutants are produced by fossil fuel combustion and emitted directly into the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and hydrocarbons. In addition, total suspended particulates contribute to air pollution, and nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons combine in the atmosphere to form tropospheric ozone, the major constituent of smog. With an examination of fossil fuels as energy sources and the world population's reliance on them, "Fossil Fuels and Pollution" outlines the connection of fossil fuels to global warming. This new full-color book explores the properties of greenhouse gases, the nature and causes of the emissions, who the largest contributors are, and the important health issues and considerations associated with them. The concepts of energy efficiency and fuel economy are also examined as well as agricultural greenhouse gases and pollution. "Fossil Fuels and Pollution" ends with a close look at fuel technology and the "green technology" that has been put into place for tomorrow's cars. The chapters include: Energy, Fossil Fuels, and Global Warming; Greenhouse Gases, Health, and the Environment; Evolution Since the Industrial Revolution; Global Warming and Pollution: Buildings and Homes; Global Warming and Pollution: Green Transportation; Global Warming and Pollution: Cities and Industry; Global Warming: Agriculture and the Impacts Today; Fuel Technology; Green Technology: Tomorrow's Cars Today; and, Conclusions: The Future of Air Quality.
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