Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Thomas Telford Services Ltd (March 2003)
Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0727729489
# ISBN-13: 978-0727729484
A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation" is the third volume in the popular and authoritative "Short course" series. This book focuses on the fundamental principles of geotechnical site investigation - in particular the planning of the investigation. This indispensable book is illustrated throughout with 23 case studies, seven of which are detailed examples of best practice. Some aspects of soil mechanics are explained using "hand written" "Short Course Notes". The classic monograph "Writing Reports" by D. J. Palmer is reproduced, and also included is a plastic-laminated field card giving identification and description of soil and rocks.This book provides: an introduction on how to plan an investigation, with particular reference to spacing of boreholes, procurement, developing the geological model and conceptual design; guidance on how to carry out a desk study and walkover survey, with particular reference to the use of geological maps and air photos; advice on how to identify geotechnical hazards, manage geotechnical risk and compile the Risk Register; a review of key classic and modern laboratory and field tests for parameter determination. "A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation" will familiarise students with the practicalities of geotechnical engineering and refresh the knowledge of practising engineering geologists and civil engineers
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Construction of Fills, 2nd Edition by Edward Monahan
Contains practical and useful information for all those involved in the planning, specifications and execution of earthwork construction. This edition updates material throughout the text and adds coverage of environmental topics. Includes a new section on septic systems along with site investigation and evaluation, design, construction, renovation, repair, maintenance and system management. Features new material on artificial fills and the use of waste substance as fills as well as a discussion of standard and modified proctor densities. Illustrated.
Hardcover: 265 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (December 15, 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471585238
ISBN-13: 978-0471585237
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Hardcover: 184 pages
Publisher: National Information Centre of Earthquake Eng (January 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0943198046
ISBN-13: 978-0943198040
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* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 826
* Publication Date: 1999-08
* Sales Rank: 1958797
* ISBN / ASIN: 0419227105
* EAN: 9780419227106
* Binding: Library Binding
* Manufacturer: Taylor & Francis
* Studio: Taylor & Francis
* Average Rating:
* Total Reviews:
Book Description:
This book deals with the fundamental concepts, ideas and methods underlying all vibration phenomena. Particular attention is given to the dynamics of structure, and the analyses presented apply readily to many other fields.
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Product Description:
With an emphasis on computer techniques of analysis, this book presents the theory, computational aspects, and applications of vibrations in as simple a manner as possible. This text gives expanded explanations of the fundamentals of vibration including history of vibration, degree of freedom systems, vibration control, vibration measurement, and more. For engineers and other professionals who want a clear introduction to vibration engineering.
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The Canadian Wood Council (CWC) is the association responsible for the development and dissemination of technical information on the use of wood products in construction. Ensuring that this information is in tune with technical change and users' needs requires constant vigilance.
The purpose of this fifth edition of the Wood Design Manual is to help the Canadian community design - architects, engineers, specification writers, teachers and students of these disciplines - to design wood structures with efficiency, economy and safety. It brings together, in a comprehensive but concise format, the essential information a designer needs for a wide range of wood structural elements and systems.
The information in the Wood Design Manual is based on the latest information available from the National Building Code of Canada (2005) and from CSA Standard 0-86-01 (2005) Engineering Design in Wood. Every effort has been made to ensure that the date and information in the Manual are accurate and complete. The CWC does not, however, assume any responsability for errors or omissions in the Manual nor for engineering plans or plans prepared from it.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Bending Members
* General Information
* Sheathing and Decking
* Lumber Joists
* Engineered Joists Beams and Purlins
* Built-up Beams
* Two-way Bending Members
* Cantilevered Beams
Chapter 3: Compression Members
* General Information
* Stud Walls and Posts Columns
* Built-up Columns
Chapter 4: Tension Members
* General Information
* Lumber and Glulam
Chapter 5: Combined Loads
* General Information
* Stud Walls
Chapter 6: Bearing
* General Information
* Bearing Resistance of Wood
* Bearing Plates
Chapter 7: Fastenings
* General Information
* Nails and Spikes
* Bolts
* Drift Pins
* Lag Screws
* Timber Rivets
* Shear Plates and Split Rings
* Truss Plates
* Joist Hangers
* Framing Anchors
* Typical Connection Details
Chapter 8: Applications
* General Information
* Curved Clulam
* Timber Arches
* Pitched-tapered Beams
* Pyramidal, Domed and A-frame Buildings
* Heavy Timber Trusses
* Light Frame Trusses
* Permanent Wood Foundations
* Stressed-sin Panels
* Concrete Formwork
Chapter 9: Shearwalls and Diaphrams
* General Information
* Diaphragm Design
* Shearwall Design
Chapter 10: Design Fire Safety
* General Information
* Definitions
* Wood Construction
* Fire-resistance Rating
* Determining Fire-resistance Ratings
* Flame-spread Ratings
* Fire-retardant Treated Wood
Chapter 11: Reference Information
* General Information
* Section Index
Chapter 12: CSA Commentary(not included)
* Reliability-based Design
* Load Duration
* System modification Factors and Floor Vibration
* Sawn Lumber
* Glulam
* Structural Panels
* Composite Building Components
* Shearwalls and Diaphragms
* Fastenings
* Proprietary Structural Wood Products
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ACI 551 R-92: Design Guide for Tilt-Up Concrete Panels - (Reapproved 1997, 2003), 51 pp.
This guide presents information to expand on the provisions of ACI 318, Section 14.8 applied to the design of site-cast precast, or “tilt-up,” concrete panels, and to provide a comprehensive procedure for the design of these important structural elements. In addition, this guide provides design recommendations for various support and load conditions not specifically covered in ACI 318. Included are design guidelines for in-plane shear.
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Granular And Complex Materials
World Scientific Publishing Company | 2007-10-18 | ISBN: 9812771980 | 268 pages | PDF | 14,2 MB
The science of complex materials continues to engage researchers from a vast range of disciplines, including physics, mathematics, computational science, and virtually all domains of engineering. This volume presents a unique multidisciplinary panorama of the current research in complex materials. The contributions explore an array of problems reflecting recent developments in four main areas: characterization and modeling of disordered packings, micromechanics and continuum theory; discrete element method; statistical mechanics. The common theme is the quest to unravel the connection between the microscopic and macroscopic properties of complex materials.
Note from Nautilus87 :
This book is also about Discrete Element Method . It is mainly into Geomchanics:-b'coz soil is granular and complex material and micromechanical DEM simulation. It comprises of edited research papers .
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Fundamentals of Discrete Element Methods for Rock Engineering: Theory and Applications
Fundamentals of Discrete Element Methods for Rock Engineering: Theory and Applications
Publisher: Elsevier Publishing Company | Pages: 562 | January 15, 2007 | ISBN 0-444-82937-7 | PDF | 23 MB
“ Key Features
# Presents the fundamental concepts of the discrete models for fractured rocks, including constitutive models of rock fractures and rock masses for stress, deformation and fluid flow
# Provides a comprehensive presentation on discrete element methods, including distinct elements, discontinuous deformation analysis, discrete fracture networks, particle mechanics and Cosserat representation of granular media
# Features constitutive models of rock fractures and fracture system characterization methods detaiing their significant impacts on the performance and uncertainty of the DEM models
This book presents some fundamental concepts behind the basic theories and tools of discrete element methods (DEM), its historical development, and its wide scope of applications in geology, geophysics and rock engineering. Unlike almost all books available on the general subject of DEM, this book includes coverage of both explicit and implicit DEM approaches, namely the Distinct Element Methods and Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA) for both rigid and deformable blocks and particle systems, and also the Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) approach for fluid flow and solute transport simulations. The latter is actually also a discrete approach of importance for rock mechanics and rock engineering. In addition, brief introductions to some alternative approaches are also provided, such as percolation theory and Cosserat micromechanics equivalence to particle systems, which often appear hand-in-hand with the DEM in the literature. Fundamentals of the particle mechanics approach using DEM for granular media is also presented.
Researchers and advanced undergraduate and graduate students with an emphasis in rock mechanics, rock physics, civil engineering, engineering geology, environmental engineering, petroleum engineering, and nuclear waste management.
1. Introduction. Part 1: Fundamentals. 2. Governing equations for motion and deformation of block systems and heat transfer. 3. Constitutive models of rock fractures and rock masses - the basics. 4. Fluid flow and coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of rock fractures. Part 2: Fracture System Characterization and Block Model Construction. 5. Basics of characterization of fracture systems - field mapping and stochastic simulations. 6. Basics of combinatorial topology for block system representation. 7. Numerical techniques for block system construction. Part 3: DEM approaches. 8. Explicit discrete element method for block systems – the distinct element method. 9. Implicit Discrete Element Method for block systems – discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). 10. Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) method. 11. Discrete Element Methods for granular materials. Part 4: Application Studies. 12. Case studies of Discrete Element Methods in geology, geophysics and rock engineering. Appendix. Subject Index.
Author Information
By Lanru Jing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; and Ove Stephansson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Note from Nautilus87:
This book introduces the reader to Discrete Element Method. The Discrete element method was developed in 1971 by Prof. Peter A. Cundall for Modelling the soil and rock behavior . Its main advantage is that it is based on discontinuum mechanics rather than continuum mechanics (Fem) . It has the ability to simulate cyclic triaxial tests, slope stability , using anisotropic conditions,crack growth, discontinuity in rock and soil . It is mainly implemented in pfc2d,pfc3d,Ball,trubal,UBEC,3dec and other software and code .
It can model crack growth discontinuity , particle behavior , partcle shape which Finite Element Method cannot accomplish! It is used by geotechnical experts or geomechanic's experts for tunnel design, underground construction analysis and modelling complex behavior of soil .
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