First Edition, First Printing (September 2005)
The purpose of this Primer is to provide the structural engineer with the information necessary to select suitable high-strength bolts, specify the methods of their installation and inspection, and to design connections that use this type of fastener. Bolts can be either common bolts (sometimes called ordinary or machine bolts) or high-strength bolts. Although both types are described, emphasis is placed on high-strength bolts. Because many riveted structures are still in use and often their adequacy must be verified, a short description of rivets is also provided.
These elements are not complicated, but it is the structural engineer who is responsible in one way or another for all these facets. The material presented brings all these features together and, after discussing the basics, links them to the requirements of CAN/CSA–S16–01 (buildings and related structures) or CAN/CSA–S6–00 (bridges).
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First Edition (April 2006)
R.G. Gewain, N.R. Iwankiw, F. Alfawakhiri, G.S. Frater
Steel-framed structures in high-rise office buildings have historically survived fire exposures extremely well. Two examples of severe fires are the 1988 First Interstate Bank fire in Los Angeles and the 1991 One Meridian Plaza fire in Philadelphia; the details of these and other significant building fires are given in Section 7.2. In fact, there has been no recorded structural failure of a protected high-rise steel frame building solely due to fire.
FEMA 403 (FEMA, 2002) documents the performance of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers and surrounding structures in the malicious terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and forms the basis for the continuing work of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is important to distinguish “normal” building fires from this extraordinary WTC experience, which involved the combination of severe structural damage, destruction of fire protection, suppression and egress systems, and simultaneous severe fires on several floors. The September 11 tragedy and the breadth of commonly asked questions about building fires, fire safety, and fire resistance have provided the main impetus to this compilation of available information.
It is intended to serve as an objective general reference and introductory primer, in a convenient question and answer format, for the benefit of engineers, architects, building code officials, owners, developers, construction managers, general contractors and the general public and others with interest in the subject. More detailed information, data, analysis or design criteria are available in the cited references. This compilation is organized as follows:
* Section 1. General Fire Science
* Section 2. Fire Resistance of Steel Systems
* Section 3. Canadian Building Code Criteria and
Use of Prescriptive Fire Resistance Ratings
* Section 4. The ULC-S101 Standard Fire Test
* Section 5. Application of ULC-S101 Fire Ratings
* Section 6. Strength and Reparability of Steel After a Fire
* Section 7. Past Building Fire Incidents and Casualties
* Section 8. Special Steel Fire Resistance Issues
and Future Needs
* References
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The CISC publication entitled Design and Construction of Composite Floor Systems by E.Y.L. Chien and J.K. Ritchie (1984) is no longer in print. It is made available as a free download in PDF format for reference purposes.
Design examples in this book are based on the CSA-S16.1-M84 Standard. Please refer to the current version of CSA-S16 for up-to-date design requirements.
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in previous versions there were default modules available in spread sheet for calculation. i cant open any library (module) in this version. Can anyone guide me?
Limits of Applicability of Conventional and Adaptive Pushover Analysis for Seismic Response Assessment
Vassilis K. Papanikolaou
Amr S. Elnashai
Juan F. Pareja
Mid-America Earthquake Center
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
101 Pages
3.00 Mb rar file size
In this report, the applicability of conventional and advanced inelastic static (pushover) analysis for seismic response assessment is investigated. A methodology is first suggested for evaluating the performance of pushover methods, based on a quantitative measure for the difference in response between pushover and inelastic dynamic analysis which is deemed to be the most accurate, but still expensive numerical method available. This methodology is applied on a set of eight different structural systems, covering various levels of irregularity in plan and elevation, structural ductility and directional effects. An extensive series of pushover analysis results, monitored on various structural levels is presented and compared to inelastic dynamic analysis under various strong motion records. General conclusions on the applicability of inelastic static analysis for seismic response assessment are finally discussed.
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Sedimentary Rocks in the Field 3rd Edition discusses the various sedimentary rock-types, textures and structures as they can be recorded in the field. A chapter on fossils is included since these are important components of sedimentary rocks and can provide useful information. The concluding section deals briefly with facies identification and points the way towards facies interpretations and the identification of sequences and cycles.
Paperback: 244 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (May 23, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470851236
ISBN-13: 978-0470851234
Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.7 x 0.6 inches
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