Handbook of Transportation Engineering
Author/Editor: Myer Kutz
Published year: 2004
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Inc., USA
Format: PDF (digital)
Language: English
Size: 11.8 MB
Pages: 937
This book is very useful for Civil Engineers, especially for those who are working in the field of transportation engineering. It covers almost all sorts of topics in transportation and highway engineering aspects. This textbook contains about 38 chapters, which were contributed from different renowned authors in the world and concised in one format by editor Myer Kutz. Its not only helpful for graduate students but also for practising engineers in the relevant field.
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StormCAD provides comprehensive modeling for the design and analysis of storm sewer systems. StormCAD provides calculations for catchment runoff, gutters, inlets, junctions, pipe networks, and outfalls, and its intuitive interface makes the design and analysis of storm sewer systems easier than ever. Available for AutoCAD, or as a stand-alone product, StormCAD includes automated constraint-based design; scenario and data management and reporting capabilities.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
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Bentley CulvertMaster Test is an extremely powerful, yet easy-to-use program that helps civil engineers design and analyze culvert hydraulics, from single barrel to complex multi-barrel culverts with roadway overtopping. You will be able to use Bentley CulvertMaster within minutes of installing it. Just click the appropriate button to create a new analysis, design, or Quick Culvert Calculator Worksheet. Then enter data in clearly labeled fields with full context-sensitive help, and click to calculate. It is really that easy. Bentley CulvertMaster also allows you to solve for most hydraulic variables, including culvert size, flow, and headwater, as well as plot and generate output for rating tables showing computed flow characteristics.
You have a choice of culvert barrel shapes, including circular pipes, pipe arches, boxes and more. Flow calculations handle pressure and varied flow situations such as backwater and drawdown curves. Design discharge can be calculated using either the Rational or SCS method. Rainfall information is calculated using rainfall tables, equations, or the National Weather Services’ Hydro-35 data. Bentley CulvertMaster also plots Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves. Bentley CulvertMaster’s flexible reporting feature allows you to print the design and analysis results in report format or as a graphical plot.
Trial Version
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Canadian Professional Engineering Practice and Ethics second edition Gordon C. Andrews and John D. Kemper
Product Details:
Canadian Professional Engineering Practice and Ethics, second edition.
Gordon C. Andrews and John D. Kemper. Saunders College Canada
Paperback: 492 pages
Publisher: Saunders College Canada/ Harcourt Canada; 2nd edition (1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0-7747-3501-5
ISBN-13: 978-0774735018
$49.95 (Canadian).
Product Description:
Provides readers with the structure, practice, and ethics of the engineering profession. It encourages engineers to apply ethical concepts in their professional practice. Like the first edition, this comprehensive text is suitable for classroom use, for individual study, or as a reference for practicing engineers.
This text/reference is designed to acquaint readers with the structure, practice, and ethics of the engineering profession in Canada, and to encourage engineers to apply ethical concepts in their professional practice. It is intended for senior undergraduates, recent graduates, practicing engineers in Canada, and foreign engineers who have immigrated to Canada and wish to practice engineering. Case studies focus on ethical problems and on engineering practices that have led to disastrous results. The book includes sample exam questions, career advice, and discussions of professional practice. Appendices list provincial and territorial regulations, professional guidelines, and addresses of Canadian engineering societies.
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The Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on January 17, 1995, which resulted in more than 6,000 deaths, was one of the most disastrous earthquakes to hit Japan since the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. A large number of buildings and houses collapsed, while severe damage to highway and railway bridges seriously affected rescue and ambulance operations, and hindered restoration activities after the earthquake. Based on the lessons learned from the earthquake and the disastrous damage, the effort to strengthen and upgrade the seismic performance of civil infrastructures including highway, railway, port and harbor facilities and lifeline facilities was concentrated and the several seismic design specifications/guidelines and manuals have been developed and issued, and they have been effectively applied in the practical designs.
In January 2000, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) has published the third edition of the earthquake resistant design codes in Japan. This edition includes the newly-revised seismic design methods for civil infrastructures in Japan including highway bridges, railway structures, port facilities, water supply facilities and gas pipelines, as well as the lessons learned from the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake and the key issues for the earthquake resistant design of civil engineering structures after the earthquake.
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Posted by: kwck - 07-12-2010, 11:03 AM - Forum: Archive
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Concrete in coastal structures
edited by Richard T.L. Allen.
Published 1998 by Telford, ASCE Press [distributor] in London, Reston, VA .
Language: English
ISBN 10: 0727726102
Format : pdf
Readable Scanned copy and you can refer to the cover as a sample .
# of pages :279
Edition :2008
Contents :
ch1: Materials
ch2: Allowable stresses
ch3: Fatigue
ch4: Stability and slenderness ratios
ch5: Structural welding
ch6: Bolted connections
ch7: Plate girders
ch8: Truss girders
ch9: Complementary Requirements for construction and design
ch10: Composite steel-concrete construction
ch11: Cold formed sections
ch12: Dimensional tolerances
ch13: Fabrication , erection and finishing works
ch14:Inspection and maintenance of steel bridges
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This publication contains papers presented at the symposium Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface Drainage held in June of 1999. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee D 35 on Geosynthetics and Committee D 18 on Soil and Rock in cooperation with The National Transportation Research Board (Committees A2K06 and A2K07).
The effectiveness of subsurface drainage in prolonging the service life of a pavement system has been the subject of discussion for many years across several disciplines involved in the planning, designing, construction, and maintenance of pavement, and other engineered systems. The purpose of the symposium was to explore the experiences of the authors in the testing and performance of geosynthetics used in subsurface drainage applications.
The symposium and this STP was divided into three sessions: Field Performance Studies, Pavement Design and Drainage, and Testing. Specific topics addressed by papers in this collection include:
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