Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations
Author(s): M.B.Kirkham
Publisher: Elsevier Academic Press
Published Date : 2005
Pages : 519
Format : PDF
Quality : Excellent PDF format
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0124097510
Size : 7.80 MB
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This textbook is developed from lectures for a graduate class in soil-plantwater relations taught at Kansas State University. Students in the class are from a number of departments, including agronomy, biology, horticulture, forestry and recreational resources, biochemistry, and biological and agricultural engineering. The book can be used as a text for a graduate- or upper-level undergraduate courses or as a self-study guide for interested scientists. The book follows water as it moves through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The text deals with principles and is not a review of recent literature. The principles covered in the book, such as Ohm’s law and Poiseuille’s law, are ageless.
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Hydrodynamics of Free Surface Flows: Modelling with the Finite Element Method
Jean Michel
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0470035587
definitive guide for accurate state-of-the-art modelling of free surface flows
Understanding the dynamics of free surface flows is the starting point of many environmental studies, impact studies, and waterworks design. Typical applications, once the flows are known, are water quality, dam impact and safety, pollutant control, and sediment transport. These studies used to be done in the past with scale models, but these are now being replaced by numerical simulation performed by software suites called “hydro-informatic systems”. The Telemac system is the leading software package worldwide, and has been developed by Electricité de France and Jean-Michel Hervouet, who is the head and main developer of the Telemac project.
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Ground and Soil Improvement
# Editor: C. Raison 1
# Hardbound ISBN: 978-0-7277-3170-8
# Ebook ISBN: 978-0-7277-3924-7
# Publication Date: March 2004
# DOI: 10.1680/gasi.31708
Methods for improving ground and soil have undergone significant developments in recent years, particularly in terms of application and usage, and many innovative techniques have been introduced. However, it is of significance that in many areas the design process still lacks a theoretical framework.
The papers included in this volume, written by international authors, deal with a cross-section of problems faced by many practising engineers and provide advice and guidance on how these problems can be dealt with in a practical manner.
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A Finite Element Framework
for Geotechnical Applications
Based on Object-orientated Programming
Verlag der Fachvereine Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zurich
Peter Fritz, Xiong Zheng
Pages: 112
ISBN 3728128287
This publication describes an alternative methodology for finite element programming based on object-oriented techniques. The concepts of object-oriented programming are outlined and it is explained, how this new paradigm facilitates design, implementation and support of large programming systems. Because the knowledge of object-oriented programs is not dispersed in the actual code, but rather localized in structures, the causal knowledge, meta knowledge and constraints may be integrated in a uniform manner. Control structures separate the external level ('what') from the internal ('how') by encapsulating the actual implementation. As programming language C++ is used.
Up till now several object-oriented finite element frameworks have been presented which are partially extendable. However, the extendibility is limited to a few specific directions, e.g. the introduction of new element types or solving strategies. Much less support is available for task control, creation of new material models, configurable field variable types or extensions of the analysis model. No framework is available which is especially designed to cover the problems encountered when dealing with geotechnical engineering. IMAGINE tries to close these gaps.
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Basic Control Volume Finite Element Methods For Fluids And Solids
Vaughan R Voller
World Scientific Publishing Company
ISBN: 9812834982
184 pages
2,7 MB
The Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) is a hybrid numerical method, combining the physics intuition of Control Volume Methods with the geometric flexibility of Finite Element Methods. The concept of this monograph is to introduce a common framework for the CVFEM solution so that it can be applied to both fluid flow and solid mechanics problems. To emphasize the essential ingredients, discussion focuses on the application to problems in two-dimensional domains which are discretized with linear-triangular meshes. This allows for a straightforward provision of the key information required to fully construct working CVFEM solutions of basic fluid flow and solid mechanics problems.
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High quality scan, someone had poured coffee or tea on this copy I got from the library, bear with me:
Authors: Hsai-Yang Fang
Publisher: Chapman & Hall
Published Date: 1990-12-31
ISBN-10: 0412988917
ISBN-13: 9780412988912
First Sentence
The proper design of civil engineering structures requires adequate knowledge of subsurface conditions at the sites of the structures and, when structures are to consist of earth or rockfill materials, of subsurface conditions at possible sources of construction materials.
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It can help to calculate vibrations against wind loads...
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STAAD software version installed on my V8i based laptop very well, without any error message: This version was installed for two years.
on the other computer, I uninstalled this version, when I installed an error message that blocks the functioning of STAADV8i.
after many installation operation, the problem persists.
Here is the error message that appears when I click on the icon STAAPRO.EXE
Multiple support response spectrum analysis of bridges
A comprehensive investigation of the Multiple Support Response Spectrum (MSRS) method for seismic analysis of bridges and other multiply supported structures is presented. The method accurately accounts for the spatial variability of ground motions, including the effects of incoherence, wave passage, and spatially varying site response. The structural response is obtained in terms of response spectra and peak displacements at individual support degrees of freedom, and a coherency function that characterizes the three spatial variability effects. Special attention is given to the effect of site response arising from variation in the soil conditions at different supports of the structure. Through extensive comparisons with time history analysis, the validity of the MSRS rule and the site response component of the coherency function are established. Methods for estimating the site frequency response function, needed in the coherency model, are developed and examined. These models and rules are implemented in the MSRS code for application to three-dimensional, multiply supported structures. Using the MSRS code, extensive parametric studies are performed for two example bridge structures.
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Dear broad,
Due to contributing to our forum, I have a suggestion that can our forum has a experience discussion topic. I do not have many books that are profitable to you guys because my country 's language is Vietnamese.
I just have my own experience and I often like to chat chit with my friend about the problems in real working. For example, I resolved the cracking building, that used post-tension beam. or some smaller building for single family (house-i do not know how to express exactly the term of it).
I see that our forum have free discussion, but it is so broad and miscellaneous. I hope we can have somewhere to share our real working if it is possible.