Several modern lightweight space structures utilize curved and continuous compression members, although the behaviour of these members is not well understood. In many cases, the members are subjected to eccentric loading, which creates another difficulty in predicting their behaviour. Understanding the behaviour of curved and continuous members is certainly essential for the accurate modelling of the structures that use them, and for the reliable prediction of their strength, ductility and overall performance. The generic study presented in this paper uses theoretical and nonlinear numerical analyses to quantify the effect of curvature, continuity and load eccentricity on the behaviour of compression members. The work, although fundamental in nature, is of significant benefit to practical designs involving curved compression members.
2. Design problems of long span spatial structures
M. Kawaguchi
Long span spatial structures impose on us various problems when we design them. They are very often technological, but are sometimes aesthetic ones. The problem of how to express structural rationality in the buildings we design is first discussed. The criteria given by modernistic forerunners such as Eduardo Torroja are examined.
A technological problem in the design of hanging roofs, that is, how to deal with big tensile forces at the ends of hanging members is next discussed. Possibilities of their transmission to the corners of a one-way hanging roof are pursued, and a semi-rigid hanging roof system without backstay is proposed.
Design problems of space frames are finally discussed. A new interpretation of space frames that automatically explains special features of this kind of structures is given, and a new structural system the Pantadome system which has been applied to long span space frames is described.
3. Effects of member buckling and yielding on ultimate strengths of space trusses
Yang, Chien-Tai YangTa-Peng Chang and Ping-Kun Chang
Space trusses represent one type of structure whose ultimate loading capacity cannot be solely determined from linear analysis. In comparison with the large amount of research on the geometric nonlinear behaviours of space trusses, relatively little work has been conducted on the effects of member buckling and yielding. In this study, constitutive laws that consider these effects are first derived for a hinged bar. Such constitutive laws are then included in an incremental-iterative procedure for tracing the postbuckling responses of space trusses, based on a rigorous, updated, Lagrangian formulation. From the numerical studies, it is concluded that the buckling of individual members can result in drastic reduction of the ultimate loading capacity of space trusses. The effect of member yielding, however, tends to affect the duration of the elastic range in the postcritical stage for most structural steels.
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Author: N.Krishna Raju
Paperback: 774 of 811 pages
Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education; 4th edition (2007)
Language: English
ISBN: 0070634440
Product Description
The fourth edition of this highly successful text is thoroughly revised and updated to include recent developments in the design of prestressed concrete structures. It incorporates the salient design recommendations of national and major international codes of practice. The integrated limit state approach is followed in design of prestressed concrete structures with emphasis on it's practical aspects. All important design principles are illustrated through numerous worked-out examples. New to this edition are revisions in the Indian, British, American and Australian codes of practice with reference to high strength concrete mixes, flexural and shear strength computations, design of composite members, design for shear, bending and torsion, estimation of long-term deflections and crack width in prestresses members. In addition, the book has completely rewritten chapters on Deflection of prestressed concrete members and statically indeterminate structures. It includes a chapter on design of prestressed concrete bridges - explores new methods in design of high strength concrete mixes and highlights the various practical applications of prestressed concrete.
I'm sorry but I couldn't find an url for the cover
I hope it help you anyway
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Since its development in the 1920s, bolting has become the most dominant support method in underground construction. However, because of the geological environment, the design process for roof bolt systems is an art rather than a science. To quantify the selection of bolting systems a MSBT (minimum solid beam thickness) approach was developed. The ultimate goal of this bolt design paradigm was achieved by optimizing bolt length, bolt density, and bolt pretension during installation. The impact of the number of strata layers within bolting range and pretension applied to bolts upon the stability of an opening was investigated using FLAC model. Four statistical models for predicting optimum bolt supports using a minimum solid beam thickness were established, and based on these results, a design criterion was proposed.
To meet support needs in various geological and geotechnical settings, a variety of bolt types have been developed. The installation of such bolt-based support systems is often complex and specialized, and thus imposes a challenge for engineers to identify the specific cause and to take appropriate remedial measures once problems arise. To solve these problems, a knowledge-based expert system (KBES) has been developed. The knowledge base includes the data accumulated from years of laboratory and field investigations conducted by the Mine Safety and Health Administration of the US Department of Labor. A user-friendly Windows-based program was implemented using KAPPA environment. After identifying the problem, the KBES searches its knowledge base and reasons out the most likely, secondary, and other potential causes, then provides solutions according to users’ input.
The results of this research are validated and demonstrated using case studies.
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Here is an excel sheet to study if we need a boundary elements based on the ACI-code. please note that the units are imperial. it will be easy to make the input in SI units.
1.Excel file is editable.
2.Anyone found any bugs, you can fix it.
3.If you revised to a better one, please share it here.
The Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Edition 11.1 delivers advanced capabilities for development of application parallelism and winning performance for the full range of Intel processor-based platforms. It includes the compiler's breadth of advanced optimization, multithreading, and processor support, as well as automatic processor dispatch, vectorization, and loop unrolling. It also includes optimized math processing functions in the Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL).
Professional Edition includes:
* Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler for Windows for IA-32, Intel® 64, and IA-64 architectures
* Intel® Math Kernel Library
* Microsoft*Visual Studio* 2005 Premier Partner Edition
Professional Edition with IMSL* includes:
* Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler for Windows for IA-32, Intel® 64, and IA-64 architectures
* Intel® Math Kernel Library
* Microsoft*Visual Studio* 2005 Premier Partner Edition
* VNI's IMSL Fortran Library for Windows
* Microsoft Visual Studio* 2005 Premier Partner Edition is included in commercial license purchases to provide a complete Fortran development environment for developers who do not use Visual Studio. (This is not included in evaluation or student versions. Also, some features of the full Visual Studio are not included. Please review the System Requirements, section1.2.2, note 2 for details). Already have Visual Studio 2005 or 2008? Intel Visual Fortran is compatible with it.
* Multi-Threaded Application Support including new in 11.0, OpenMP 3.0 (data- and now task-parallelism), and auto-parallelization for simple and efficient software threading.
* Auto-vectorization parallelizes code to utilize the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instruction set architectures (SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, and SSE4) of our latest processors.
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* Ongoing Premier Support now includes online community support forums to speed information flow, in addition to private, password-protected accounts. Technical support, interactive issues management, access to technical and application notes, product updates and more with every commercial and academic license.
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Dear Admin and Moderators,
I'd like to suggest to start a new section about pushover analysis, this section containing all related materials about pushover analysis :
- video tutorials
- tutorial manuals ( pdf/document )
- e-books
- technical reports
- example projects
- an all others stuff that still related with pushover analysis
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) is a library of highly optimized, extensively threaded math routines for science, engineering, and financial applications that require maximum performance. Core math functions include BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, Sparse Solvers, Fast Fourier Transforms, Vector Math, and more. Offering performance optimizations for current and next-generation Intel® processors, it includes improved integration with Microsoft Visual Studio*, Eclipse*, and XCode*. Intel MKL allows for full integration of the Intel Compatibility OpenMP* run-time library for greater Windows*/Linux* cross-platform compatibility.
Intel MKL provides extremely well-tuned BLAS and LAPACK implementations that deliver significant performance leadership over alternative math libraries.
Intel MKL includes a highly optimized version of ScaLAPACK on clusters and delivers significant performance improvements over the NETLIB* implementation.
Fast Fourier Transforms and Cluster FFT
Intel MKL Fast Fourier Transforms are highly optimized and provide significant performance gains over alternative libraries for medium and large transform sizes. FFTW interface wrappers are included. Support for distributed memory systems (clusters) is included with Cluster FFT.
Sparse Solvers
The library includes both direct and iterative sparse solvers:
Direct solvers - PARDISO: A threaded, high-performance, memory efficient solver for large sparse linear systems of equations. Includes support for out-of-core memory.
Iterative solvers - FGMRES* and Conjugate Gradient Solvers: FMGRES adds the capability to solve general sparse systems of linear equations while the Conjugate Gradient solver solves symmetric positive-definite systems
Optimized LINPACK benchmark
The Intel MKL package includes an optimized implementation of the LINPACK benchmark which is easy to run on any Intel architecture platform and provides the best performance on the latest Intel processors, getting close to the maximum Gflops supported by the underlying platform.
Vector Math Library
Intel MKL provides vector implementations of computationally intensive core mathematical functions.
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Instrumentation in Earthquake Seismology
Springer 2006 | 360 | ISBN: 1402029683 | PDF |
This work offers a unique coverage of modern seismic instrumentation. It provides not only detailed information on the basic understanding of seismic instruments but it also includes an overview of current equipment on the market.Furthermore, the following topics are included
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This is the code for design of stee buildings in Indonesia
The code written in "Bahasa Indonesia"
This code based on AISC LRFD Code.
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Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
Springer; 1 edition | October 12, 2007 | ISBN-10: 3211733655 | 346 pages | PDF | 9.5 Mb
Soils and rocks are among the most variable of all engineering materials, and as such are highly amenable to a probabilistic treatment. The application of statistical and probabilistic concepts to geotechnical analysis is a rapidly growing area of interest for both academics and practitioners. The book is therefore aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners of geotechnical engineering who wish to keep abreast of developments in this evolving field of study. The course content and will assume no more that an introductory understanding of probability and statistics on the part of the course participants.
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