This Commentary provides the fundamental principles and technical background, including sources and additional details, for the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures, April 2004, which is referred to herein as “the ABS Buckling Guide”. The Commentary presents supplementary information to better explain the basis and intent of the criteria that are used in the ABS Buckling Guide. The accuracy for determining buckling and the ultimate strength predictions obtained from the application of the ABS Buckling Guide is established by the comparison of its results against a very extensive database of test results assembled by ABS and also from the results of nonlinear finite element analysis. Results obtained using the criteria in the ABS Buckling Guide are also compared against existing recognized offshore standards, such as the ABS MODU Rules, API RP 2A WSD, API Bulletins 2U and 2V, DnV CN30.1, and AISC LRFD [references 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 30].
138 pages - 3Mb
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An Excel sheet based on the ACI-2005 to predict the long-Term deflection for edge beams in the continous beams and for interior beams. the beams can be either a rectangular shaped or T shaped. The reinforcement can be either singly reinforced or doubly reinforced.
Note that the units are imperial. you can easily transform it to the SI units
1.Excel file is editable.
2.Anyone found any bugs, you can fix it.
3.If you revised to a better one, please share it here.[/size][/font]
2006 IBC Structural/Seismic Design Manual, Volume 1: Code Application Examples provides a step-by-step approach to applying the structural provisions of the 2006 International Building Code. This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the latest design methods contained in the 2006 IBC. The Manual's 57 examples illustrate the practical application of a broad base of problems addressing both structural and seismic issues. It is an invaluable resource for structural and civil engineers, architects, code officials, and students.
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Faber & Kell's Heating & Air-conditioning of Buildings
Faber & Kell's Heating & Air-conditioning of Buildings, 10th Edition
Information :Author : Doug Oughton
Published by Butterworth-Heinemann; 10 edition (September 12, 2008)
ISBN-10 : 0750683651
ISBN-13 : 978-0750683654
PDF Format, 807 pages
Overview :
For 70 years, Faber & Kell's has been the definitive reference text in its field. The book provides understanding of the principles of heating and air-conditioning of buildings in a concise manner. Practical, applicable information is illustrated with simple, easy-to-use diagrams.
This 10th edition includes chapters on sustainability, renewable energy sources as well as information on the updated Approved Documents Part F and L whilst still retaining the structure and character of the previous editions. Building services professionals will find this a reliable everyday source of information. The book is also an ideal purchase for newly-qualified building services students beginning their career.
Contents :
Fundamentals; Sustainability; Legislation; The building in winter; The building in summer; Building energy and environmental modelling; Heating methods; Electric Storage heating; Indirect heating systems; Heat emitting equipment; Pumps & Pipeline Equipment and Water Treatment; Piping design; Boilers & Burners; Renewable Energy Sources; Combined heat and power; Fuels, storage and handling; Combustion emissions and chimneys; Ventilation; Air conditioning; Air distribution; Ductwork design; Fans and air treatment; Calculations for air conditioning; Refrigeration, chillers and heat pumps; Hot water supply systems; Noise control; Motor drives, starting methods and control; Controls and building management systems; Commissioning & Handover Management; Safety in Design; The building in operation
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The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling Book
Publisher: Rodale Press 1990 | 498 Pages | ISBN: 087857901X | PDF | 60 MB
Know what contractors know and more! With over 1000 detailed illustrations, this reference guide provides all the tools a builder needs. This valuable time- and money-saver is a must-have for everyone in the construction business.
About the Author
Charlie Wing, an acknowledged authority on home building and remodeling, specializes in translating technical information into layman’s terms. He founded the Shelter Institute, the nation’s first owner-builder school. He has been the host and writer of a national PBS TV series about remodeling and is the author of 14 home-related books, including How Your House Works. He lives in West Bath, Maine.
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Project Management &Leadership Skills for Engineering & Construction Projects Book
Fairmont Press | 2003 | ISBN: 0824709993 | 230 pages | PDF | 2,2 MB
Project management is the key to any engineering and construction project's success. Now you can learn from the experts real-world tested strategies you can use to lead your projects to on-time, within budget, high quality success stories. Specifics of scheduling, cost estimating and leadership skills are fully detailed.
The authors will show you how to organize your project from the very beginning to achieve success. You'll also learn to use win-win negotiation skills during each stage of your project. Real world examples will facilitate your understanding of how to apply every aspect of the material presented in the text. Loaded with forms, checklists and case studies, this invaluable reference is a must for everyone involved with engineering and construction projects.
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IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2009
International Traffic Safety Data & Analysis Group. International Transport Forum
OECD/ITF | 16 Aug 2010 | ISBN: 9282102824 | 240 pages | PDF | 7 MB
This first IRTAD annual report comprises a synthesis of the main trends in traffic deaths and crashes in 2008 and presents the IRTAD Group and its activities. It includes detailed reports from 28 countries, focusing on the latest data for the year 2008 and preliminary data for 2009, with analysis of safety trends and national strategies, including casualty targets and performance towards meeting those targets.
This report of the IRTAD Group comprises:
• A presentation of the IRTAD Group and its activities.
• A synthesis of the main trends in the year 2008, in terms of the evolution in the number of traffic deaths and crashes. It also presents longer term trends in order to better understand the evolution taking place in the different countries.
• Detailed reports from 27 countries, focusing on :
- Latest data for the year 2008 and in some cases preliminary data for 2009.
- Analysis of safety trends by road user category, by age group and by road type.
- Analysis of specific safety issues such as: speeding, drink driving, and the wearing of seat belts and helmets.
- The national strategies in place in IRTAD countries, including targets and performance towards meeting the targets.
- Measures implemented in 2007‐2009 to improve safety.
- Recent safety research.
Table of Contents
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- Seismic traveltime tomography for еnginееring аnd ехрlоrаtiоn аррliсаtiоns - by Bodo Lehmann
- Seismic traveltime tomography for еnginееring аnd ехрlоrаtiоn аррliсаtiоns - by Bodo Lehmann
EAGE Publications | 2007 | ISBN: 9073781412 | 125 pages | djvu | 8 MB
Тhе book covers а wide rаngе of аррliсаtiоns of seismic tomography in geotechnological and geoscientific invеstigаtions in раrtiсulаr fоr engineering and ехрlоrаtiоn. Тhе intent to bе practical is well met with many field examples аnd problems, without, neglecting the basic principles nееdеd to undеrstаnd the examples more deeply and to judge the quality of the imaging.
Thе special feature of this book is that it is based оn the huge experience Bodo Lehmann has accumulated in his career as а geophysicist in every aspect of seismic tomography, starting with field measurements and going оn to inversion.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Motivation and goals
1.2 Structure ofbook
1.3 History
1.4 Applications of geophysical tomography
1.4.1 Additional applications Applications in global seismology Tomographic images of trees X-ray tomography
Chapter 2 - State of the art
2.1 Fundamentals of seismic tomography
2.1.1 Back-projection (ВР)
2.1.2 Matrix inversion (conjugate gradient method, CG; least square method, LSQR)
2.1.3 Analytic reconstruction (Fourier methods, filtered back projection)
2.1.4 Iterative reconstruction (ARт, SIRT)
2.1.5 Comparison ofthe different tomographic inversion methods
2.2 Mathematical background of the SIRT method
2.3 Basic tomographic processing
Chapter 3 - Quality, resolution and uncertainty in tomography
3.1 Quality aspects
3.1.1 Influence of errors in source or receiver coordinates
3.1.2 Influence of trigger/constant delays
3.2 Resolution limitation
3.2.1 Criteria for planning а tomographic survey
3.2.2 Resolution of dipping layers
3.2.3 Grid element sizes
3.2.4 Distances between boreholes
3.3 Effect of anisotropy
3.4 Tomographic inversion using amplitudes
3.5 Influence bу the operator
Chapter 4 - Field examples of seismic crosshole tomography
4.1 Оге exploration
4.2 Radioactive waste disposal
4.3 Tomography in а crooked plane
4.4 Seismic tomography to explore fissure zones below houses in the аrеа of а stress system induced Ьу deep coal mining activities
Chapter 5 - Tomography from the surface without using boreholes, VSP and ref1ection tomography
5.1 Seismic surface wave tomography
5.2 Diving wave tomography (refraction tomography)
5.3 VSP-tomography
5.4 Reflection tomography
5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Reflection tomography using Gaussian beams Suitable forward modelling Strategy for the inversion of traveltime data Numerical models Analogue model
5.4.3 Demonstration of а system for the integrated inversion of surface data for соаl mining Introduction Preparation of the data set Initial model setup Structural geological features within the first selected area Inversion problems of the first selected area Tomographic inversion
Chapter 6 - Sеаш wave tomography
6.1 Introduction
б.2 Tomographic inversion of traveltimes of seam waves using dispersion analysis
6.3 Back-projection of frequencies
6.4 Results of tomographic processing of in-seam seismic waves
6.4.1 Results of traveltime tomography with seam waves
6.4.2 Comparison of the results from traveltime tomography with seam waves and from dispersion analysis
6.4.3 Correlation between seismic velocity and the thickness of dirt beds
Chapter 7 - Recent developments with new ideas
7.1 General remarks
7.2 Innovative acquisition techniques ('road view')
7.3 Tomographic imaging of sewer surroundings
7.4 Imaging ahead of the tunnel working face
7.5 Variable grid size
7.6 Interpretation of tomographic results
7.7 Future outlook
Chapter 8 - Summary and conclusions
Not Included: -Chapter 9 - References -Chapter 10 - Nomenclature -Chapter 11 - List of Figures -Chapter 12 - Index
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