GOOGLE EARTH EXTENSION for AutoCAD and AutoCAD-based products
Using the Google Earth Extension‘s simple wizard-driven interface, you can publish your 3D models from AutoCAD® software or select AutoCAD-based products directly into the Google Earth™ application. The technology preview allows you to import a Google Earth image into AutoCAD, publish your 3D model to Google Earth, drape a Google Earth image onto a 3D mesh in AutoCAD, and attach time span information to your model.
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This important book will allow a better understanding of the principles underlying the technology of organic coatings and how to use them effectively in aggressive environments where high-performance is needed. It covers the types of organic coatings that are suitable for high-performance applications, surface preparation, application methods, failure and characterization, and case studies. The book will be invaluable for professional engineers in materials engineering, metallurgy, surface engineering, civil engineering and marine engineering. It will also benefit those interested in understanding how to select and use high performance organic coatings accurately for each application.
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Author: US Army Corps of Engineers | Size: 1.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: US Army Corps of Engineers | Year: 2000 | pages: 77
1. Purpose. The purpose of this manual is to provide information and guidance on the use of rollercompacted
concrete (RCC) in dams and other civil works structures. Elements discussed include
investigation and selection of materials, mixture proportioning, material properties, design and
construction considerations, construction methods and equipment, Government Quality Assurance/
Contractor Quality Control, and performance. This manual is intended to serve as a companion to
Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-2-2000, “Standard Practice for Concrete for Civil Works Structures.” The
user of this manual should have a copy of EM 1110-2-2000 and the references listed therein. This
manual does not cover RCC for pavements.
2. Applicability. This manual applies to all USACE Commands having civil works responsibilities.
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This European Standard specifies the requirements and the test methods for pigments for use in the colouring of
building materials based on cement and cement/lime combinations.
Pigments covered by this European Standard can also be used in pure lime mortar. For this application see
EN 459-1 and EN 459-2.
Pigments for this purpose can be single pigments, blends of pigments, or blends of pigments and extenders, in
powder or granular form, or aqueous preparations.
Pigments typically belong to one of the following classes of compounds:
- synthetic or natural oxides and hydroxides of iron;
- oxides of chromium, titanium and manganese;
- complex inorganic pigments, for example combinations of the above mentioned metal oxides and hydroxides
with cobalt, aluminium, nickel and antimony oxides and hydroxides;
- ultramarine pigments;
- phthalocyanine blue and green;
- elemental carbon (should be regarded as an inorganic pigment);
- blends of the above materials (which may also include extenders).
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Diese Technische Spezifikation enthält Prüfverfahren für vorgefertigte Holztreppen. Diese Treppen sind aus
Holz und/oder Holzwerkstoffen hergestellt.
Die in diesem Dokument enthaltenen Verfahren können auch für einzelne Bestandteile der Treppen (z. B.
Stufen, Handläufe, Geländerstäbe, etc.) angewendet werden.
Dieses Dokument berücksichtigt nicht die Planung der Gesamtkonstruktion dieser Elemente. Treppen, die so
ausgelegt sind, dass sie die Gesamtstabilität der baulichen Anlage oder die Festigkeit der Konstruktion unterstützen,
sind nicht Gegenstand der vorliegenden Norm.
Die Oberflächen der Holzelemente können ungeschützt oder behandelt sein.
ANMERKUNG 1 Wenn die Treppen mit einer Oberflächenbehandlung oder einem Belag geliefert werden, sind einige
grundlegende Eigenschaften durch diese Norm nicht abgedeckt und es sollte auf die entsprechende Produktnorm
verwiesen werden (z. B. im Hinblick auf die Farbechtheit von Teppichauflagen).
ANMERKUNG 2 Der Begriff „Treppe“ in diesem Dokument kann auch für einzelne Elemente oder Bestandteile gelten.
Die Prüfungen können an einem vollständigen, nach den Einbauanweisungen des Herstellers montierten
System oder an einzelnen Bestandteilen durchgeführt werden.
Die Prüfung einer vollständig montierten Treppe kann nicht für die Beurteilung einzelner Bestandteile zugrunde
gelegt werden.
Eine bestimmte Reihenfolge für die Durchführung der Prüfungen ist nicht festgelegt und es müssen auch nicht
alle Prüfungen durchgeführt werden.
ANMERKUNG Die Art der Prüfungen kann national geregelt sein.
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This part of ISO 15143 specifies a data dictionary for the exchange of data in worksite data-controlled
construction operations as specified in ISO 15143-1. It also applies to worksite data exchange for the purpose
of services related to machine use (see ISO 15143-1:2010, Clause 4), and gives definitions of terms used in
relation to the data dictionary.
For the purposes of data exchange between different systems, it includes
⎯ identification, definition and specification of common items of data to be exchanged on typical earthmoving
construction worksites,
⎯ definition of application schema,
⎯ metadata describing the attributes of each data element, and
⎯ basic normative data elements with their attributes (in tabular format).
NOTE ISO 15143-1:2010, Annex A, describes the means to extend the data element table presented in Annex A of
this part of ISO 15143.
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Author: Donald R. Askeland, Frank Haddleton | Size: 86 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Chapman & Hall | Year: 1996 | pages: 876 | ISBN: 074874083X
Covers not only ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, but also ceramics, composites and construction materials. Many new examples and illustrations are provided and there is greatly expanded coverage of fracture toughness and crack growth rates. Extensive new material on intermetallic compounds and the kinetics of phase transformations, discussed in respect to ceramics, polymers and metals. Significantly more detailed than earlier editions.
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Japanese Commission on Large D - Dams in Japan: Past, Present and Future
Author: Japan Commission on Large Dams | Size: 10.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2009 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 9780415494328
Overview of Japan’s long water history, by the Japanese Commission on large dams. Starting from the 7th century, when irrigation ponds were first constructed for paddy cropping, until the beginning of the 21st century. Elaborates on various roles of dams: water supply, power generation and flood control. Moreover, tries to clarify the negative impacts of dams on the natural environment and local societies, as well as extensive efforts made to minimize these impacts. Includes appendices with location and characteristics of main dams, administrative organs, river management system and water resources development river systems and facilities to offer the full picture. Richly-illustrated. Intended for dam and water resources professionals.
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Circumstances Surrounding Dams* and the Aims of This Work
1.2 A Short History of Japan
1.3 Outline of the History of Dams in Japan
1.4 Characteristics of National Land and Dams in Japan
1.5 WCD Report and Dams in Japan
1.6 Outline of This Work.
Chapter 2. Roles Played by Dams as Seen in the History of Water Use in Japan
2.1 The Development of Irrigation and Irrigation Dams
2.2 The Growth of Modern Cities and Dams for Municipal Water
2.3 Hydropower Dams that have Supported the Growth of Modern Industry
2.4 Postwar Rehabilitation and Multi-Purpose Dams – the Appearance of Comprehensive River Development Dams
2.5 Dams that have Supported the Concentration of Population and Industry in Large Cities
Chapter 3. Environmental and Social Impacts of Dams and Responses to These Impacts.
3.1 Dam Projects and Social Conflict
3.2 Impacts on the Social Condition in Reservoir Areas and Responses to Such Impacts
3.3 Impacts on the River Environment and Measures against These Impacts
3.4 Impacts on Habitats of Living Organisms and Measures against These Impacts
3.5 A Reflection of the Views of Citizens concerning Dam Projects and an Introduction to the Project Evaluation System
Chapter 4. Roles of Dams: the Future
4.1 Changes in the Social Conditions surrounding Dams
4.2 Roles of Future Dams
4.3 Future Roles of Dams
4.4 Sustainable Use of Dams so They Can Continue to Fulfill Their Roles Reliably in the Future
4.5 Roles of People Involved in Dams
Chapter 5. Summation
Appendix 1. Outline of the National Administrative Organs of Japan
Appendix 2. The Basic Framework of River Management System in Japan
Appendix 3. Outline of the Existing Dams in Japan
Appendix 4. Outline of Water Resources Development River Systems and Facilities
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Updated, exceptionally detailed map software you can use anywhere - on the go with your laptop PC, netbook, touchscreen phone or PDA. No Internet access or subscription required. Get street-level detail for the U.S. and Canada, plus highways and major roads for Mexico. Pre-plan your trips with automatic routing and over 4 million places of interest. User controls let you plan side trips, avoid congested areas, choose back roads, and more. Locate restaurants, lodgings, attractions, truck stops, sports venues, and businesses of all kinds. Calculate fuel usage and costs. Customize the maps to meet your needs. Import aerial imagery. Print a wide variety of map packages, or use MapShare to send maps, routes, and directions to others via a secure Web link. GPS-ready - connect a DeLorme Earthmate or other receiver to your laptop and receive spoken directions. New E-Z Nav wizard makes on-the-go searching and routing a breeze. Use NavMode for optional 3-D perspective.E-Z Nav Wizard Details:
Try out the new E-Z Nav wizard for on-the-go routing. Just search on any category (see below), choose your destination (retailer, hospital, gas station, friend's address, etc), and start real-time navigation with your GPS receiver. Great for daily and overall trip planning, too.
E-Z Nav Search Categories: A New Address, Saved Locations, Food & Restaurants, Auto & Travel, Entertainment & Recreation, Emergency & Community
Much More Powerful than Online Mapping
Comprehensive tools for detailed desktop planning of your vacation or sales trip BEFORE you go, AND for on-the-go traveling using the latest electronic gear. Most other vehicle GPS systems are NOT planning tools and only track as you go. Support for Windows Vista, Pocket PCs, Windows Mobile 5.0 and later, UMPCs, and Palm OS included.
The GPS Leader
Innovative GPS features: 2-D and 3-D NavMode voice commands, spoken directions, automatic back-on-track re-routing with off-route distance settings, high contrast mobile map colors, and much more. All in addition to the new E-Z Nav Search feature.
Up-to-Date Maps & Travel Information
Comprehensive street and POI updates for the U.S and Canada, now with Mexico highways. Over 300,000 new or updated roads for 2010. Powerful travel planning tools, MapShare, and many data types.
Download Aerial Imagery
Download $40 of aerial imagery FREE using included DeLorme Data Dollars and the software's NetLink tab. Imagery can be used with all of the Street Atlas USA routing, GPS, and draw tools.
Authentic DeLorme Maps
Not licensed from 3rd party companies, the updated maps and 4 million places of interest are produced by experienced mapmakers at DeLorme.
Core Functions
Map Controls
The maps can be controlled using a variety of methods, including the traditional push-button zooming, which drills in/out while keeping the map exactly centered. Also, holding down the left mouse button enables you to drag and zoom, left-to-right, across the map, and moving the mouse in the same manner but in the opposite direction zooms out.
DeLorme employs several powerful search capabilities within the software. The first is a simple box called QuickSearch where you type common requests including towns, cities, lat/lons, ZIP codes, street addresses, colleges, and many more to receive the quickest possible matches. The places-of-interest search offers more advanced parameters and the advanced search is used when locating exact matches requires additional customer input.
Add MapNotes; draw your own circles, polygons, and squares; measure the area of your draw objects--even draw in your own roads and route on them--these are amazingly powerful draw tools for the money.
Right-click on the map to learn more about what's underneath your cursor. Lat/Lon, names of streets and bodies of water--even local radio station information--can be viewed in this manner. Moreover, the bottom toolbar of the software displays a continuously updated readout of what's underneath your cursor.
Use your voice for issuing routing and GPS commands while tracking. Ask common questions such as "How far to my next turn?" and the software answers. Microphone recommended for optimal usage. The software also reads upcoming turn information, including the time to turn, time to finish, and name of the street to turn onto. New voice settings allow you to select how far in advance of your turn you'd like to be prompted. Voice can also be turned off if you prefer.
Netlink and Aerial Imagery
NetLink is your online link to DeLorme for $40 of free aerial imagery now included with the Street Atlas USA 2010 versions. Select your areas of interest and download only those grids to the software. Toggle the imagery on and off in a single-screen view. Add notes and draw objects to the imagery to customize lifelike views from space.
Mobile Device Mapping
Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 5.0 and later, and Palm OS Compatible
Included at no extra charge is the DeLorme Handheld software, which now includes support for Windows Mobile 5.0 and later devices. Access the maps you want from the desktop software and hot-sync to your PDA. Add a DeLorme Bluetooth GPS for use with Bluetooth PDAs and navigate wire-free.
The DeLorme handheld functionality provides address-to-address routing, spoken directions, mobile map colors to reduce in-vehicle glare, and four million places of interest. Finding what you need is easy using the powerful search capabilities. Now you have powerful desktop mapping software and PDA software all conveniently provided in one Street Atlas USA 2010 package.
Maps on iPods
Using a tool similar to how MapShare works, now you can select the maps you want from the desktop software and send them to your photo-capable iPod. These map images are static (e.g., cannot be manipulated once on the iPod) and come across in the order you select them, same as with photos. Once on your device, you can access the ones you need, when you need them. Due to the small screen size of iPods, we recommend these maps for urban walking situations where you can discretely reference the maps you need. (Not GPS compatible.)
Convenience and Security on the Road.
Imagery can be used with all of the Street Atlas USA routing, GPS, and draw tools.
Ease of Use
E-Z Nav Wizard
New E-Z Nav wizard makes on-the-go searching and routing a breeze. Just search on any category (see below), choose your destination (retailer, hospital, gas station, friend's address, etc), and start real-time navigation with your GPS receiver on your dashboard. Great for daily and overall trip planning, too.
NavMode brings together all the primary GPS controls and readouts needed when using the GPS. Large-screen views make it easy to see the map and directions. You can switch between 2-D (standard) map view and 3-D perspective view for lifelike views.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Set your own keyboard shortcut preferences for optimum control when using GPS. The key-bindings function is very powerful and advanced so you can design your ideal in-vehicle navigation solution to your personal specifications.
Map & Travel Information
Map Data
Because all DeLorme map data is created, updated annually, and owned by DeLorme, we are able to provide many features typically reserved for expensive in-vehicle navigation systems. Free from the license restrictions and third-party dependencies of other publishers, we can also evaluate customer-submitted revisions and implement these changes after triple-checking all submissions.
DeLorme currently has an enhanced commitment with staff in place to make as many customer revisions as possible.
Places of Interest (POI) Data
The DeLorme database contains over 4 million annually updated places of interest across the U.S., with additional ones in Canada, including restaurants, lodgings, gas stations, travel services, RV stops, truck stops, malls, shopping - just about everything you could ever need on the road. The software settings let you choose the magnification level to display the various POIs to void cluttering your map views. The POIs can be accessed using the many Find capabilities or by right-clicking on the map and selecting places based on type and distance from map center.
GPS Features
GPS Radar Search
Now you can travel with GPS and have the software find upcoming travel services based on their location from you. Find gas, hotels, shopping, and much more in your direction of travel and then easily make detours to these desired stops along the way.
It's like having your personal travel concierge with you at all times.
Automatic Back-on-Track GPS
Using the Earthmate GPS LT-40, which turns a laptop PC into a powerful GPS navigator, it's possible to have the software offer new spoken and visual directions when you stray off course. Within the GPS tab of the Options section of the E-Z Nav toolbar, you can select or type the off-route distances you want to travel before the automatic recalculations kick in. Select short distances for city travel and longer ones for highway travel where you may exit frequently for roadside travel services.
GPS Spoken Directions
The software can offer voice directions indicating upcoming turns and street names. It also can be set up to respond to your voice and answer common travel questions--a very powerful capability for mapping software within this price category. Several different voice types are included.
Printing & Sharing
Print crisp color or black & white maps that you control to best match what is seen on screen. Also print Travel Packages containing strip maps and directions to bring on your trip. Don't want to use a lot of ink and paper? Then print just the Turn Details which show thumbnail maps of each of the decision points along your route.
MapShare makes it easy to share your customized maps and directions with family, friends, and business associates. You create exactly the Map you want and then post within our online MapShare library, which includes private administrative tools for you to manage. Similar to some of the better online photo resources, MapShare allows you to provide controlled access to your important maps without worrying about email and spam filters.
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