This is a link for a nice video showing the construction process for a swimming pool.
The process which took around two months is shown with 2 minutes video.
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Structural vibration - Effects of vibration on structures
DIN 4150-1 - Part 1: Prediction of vibration parameters
DIN 4150-2 - Part 2: Effects on persons in buildings
DIN 4150-3 - Part 3: Effects on structures
The document contains data for use in the determination and assessment of actions caused vibrations on buildings which have been designed for predominantly stationary loading where data of this nature are not given in other standards or directives. The document gives reference values, adherence to which means that damage in the sense of a reduction in the serviceability of a building will not be expected to occur. Reference values for a simplified, approximated assessment are given for some vibration effects.
German edition.
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Author: Steve Angel, Keith Bradshaw, Dr Chris A Clear, Dr David Johnson, Dr Martyn Kenny, Dr Bill W Price, Michael Southall | Size: 1.87 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: BCA | Year: 2004 | pages: 63 | ISBN: 0721016030
This document provides guidance on the use of Stabilisation/Solidification (S/S) for the remediation of land affected by contamination, as commonly found on brownfield land or derelict sites. Cement and lime are widely used for stabilising natural soils to improve their engineering properties, and specifications and extensive guidance are available. Although S/S can be considered a natural extension of soil stabilisation techniques, it is more difficult to design, plan and implement: this is because of the potentially complex nature of soils and contaminants within brownfield or derelict sites. Accepting that the use of S/S is not as widespread as soil stabilisation, it has regularly been successful in remediating many types of derelict or contaminated land. A necessary precursor to any remediation is a risk assessment to establish the extent and nature of any hazardous contamination and so develop a remediation strategy to manage the risk. It is at this stage that S/S is assessed as a remediation option. Where S/S is found practicable, a full remediation design is carried out through a combination of laboratory and site trials before full site implementation. This document is an overview of the whole process, from the initial risk assessment to completion of the remediation. It is for general guidance only and must not be considered a substitute for the necessary site-specific documentation. All remediation work undertaken on land affected by contamination must be carried out to a site-specific working plan, drawn up by skilled professionals in liaison with main contractors or specialist subcontractors. This site specific working plan includes a comprehensive set of remediation objectives that are agreed with the Regulator appropriate to the site. S/S is a useful technique for treating particular wastes before disposal to landfill and parts of this document may be helpful for those involved with waste treatment. However, the general use of S/S for waste treatment is such a large and complex topic that it is outside the scope of this guidance.
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Building & Construction Regional Magazines target specific regions in North America for coverage of construction best practices. Our high-quality editorial provides a forum for companies that do business in these areas to share their success stories with peers. Our readers, advertisers and the executives of the companies we profile are among the top decision-makers at major regional and national companies.Our regional magazines are dedicated to meeting the information needs of business leaders across North America.
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Link for : Magazine - Building & Construction Northeast Magazine Spring 2010
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For example there is a thred with title "upgrading/degrading". When I clicked the link, it is not working.
What could be the problem ?
For the Discovery Bridge project, we provided plans for both concrete girder and steel girder designs. A major emphasis was placed on constructability throughout the design effort. The girder sections’ length and depth were adjusted to stay within the capabilities of nearby shops and the HPS70W flange plates were limited to 2 inch thickness because there are three producers that can provide plates up to 2 inch thickness but only one that can supply plates over 2 inches thick. These limits helped determine the best span arrangement, girder size, and girder spacing to use. The concrete girder design team was required to use the same span arrangement as the steel design, but was not limited to the same girder depth. We received three bids on the project – all for the steel option with the low bid being more than $300,000 below the estimate. No bids were received for the concrete girder option. The construction time estimated for this project was three years, but the contractor was able to complete the bridge more than a year ahead of schedule.
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The stability of steel plate girders during erection should be given special attention because the lateral support on the compression flange might temporarily not be present. Rules of thumb have been adopted by contractors to check the stability of cantilever or simply supported girders under erection using the maximum L (unbraced length) over b (compression flange width) ratio, beyond which lateral torsional buckling failure would occur under the girder’s self-weight. In order to check the rules of thumb, closed-form equations for the maximum L/b ratios of cantilevers and simply supported girders were developed following the current AASHTO LRFD code, and parametric studies were conducted for various girder sections. Finite element analyses (FEA) were conducted on a girder section for both the cantilever and the simply supported case to further understand the lateral-torsional buckling behavior of the girder under self-weight and identify the maximum L/b ratio through a trail-and-error approach, as well as verify that bracing the top tension flange at the cantilever free end would be more effective to prevent lateral torsional buckling than bracing the bottom compression flange.
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In the aftermath of the I-35W Bridge collapse in Minnesota, the Federal Highway Administration issued a technical advisory to bridge owners to check the status of gusset plates on similar bridges. In response, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission initiated a screening program for the analysis of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Hawk Falls Bridge. The 51-year old, 740 ft long bridge spans Mud Run and contains a three-span continuous, haunched Warren deck truss. An analysis of the bridge was performed using BAR7. The gusset plates were grouped into representative types and each type was analyzed considering worst-case loads. A finite element model was developed, which verified the results of the hand calculations, finding some stresses above allowable values, but below material yield strength. A monitoring program was subsequently implemented, and data will be collected through sensors and strain gages for one year to accurately evaluate the bridge and make decisions regarding future rehabilitation.
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Recently, many new network arch bridges have been built. When introducing new structures it is important to understand well its structural behavior in order to assure the usual safety and quality level. In arches, the in-plane buckling behavior is of particular interest, whose general solution for network arches was developed by the author and is presented in this paper.
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This International Standard provides a framework for assessment, verification and validation of all types of calculation methods used as tools for fire safety engineering. It does not address specific fire models, but is intended to be applicable to both analytical models and complex numerical models that are addressed as calculation methods in the context of this International Standard. It is not a step-by-step procedure, but does describe techniques for detecting errors and finding limitations in a calculation method. This International Standard includes
⎯ a process to ensure that the equations and calculation methods are implemented correctly (verification) and that the calculation method being considered is solving the appropriate problem (validation),
⎯ requirements for documentation to demonstrate the adequacy of the scientific and technical basis of a calculation method,
⎯ requirements for data against which a calculation method's predicted results shall be checked,
⎯ guidance on use of this International Standard by developers and/or users of calculation methods, and by those assessing the results obtained by using calculation methods.
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