In recent years, new equipment for use in earthquake-resistant structures have been developed. Energy dissipation devices such as ADAS metallic dampers are among them which have been used in the design of the new
generation of earthquake-resisting buildings. In this study, systems with ADAS metallic dampers are evaluated in terms of behavior and performance and are compared with conventional earthquake-resistant steel systems such as the system of Chevron with steel special moment frame. Therefore, dampers needed for the design and performance of frames are evaluated by using the nonlinear dynamic analysis with Perform 3D. Also by applying the earthquake records of Bam-northridge-Elcentro-Naghan-Rudbar-Tabas-Lamaperia it is tried to obtain more comprehensive results. By installing the dampers, parameters such as relative and absolute displacement, base shear and hysteresis energy dissipation are reduced significantly by structural members and the performance of the dampers are improved with the increase in height and stories of the structure.
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ACI 318.2R-14 Building Code Requirements for Concrete Thin Shells and Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Concrete Thin Shells (ACI 318.2R-14)
This document governs the design of thin shell concrete structures, previously presented in ACI 318-11 Chapter 19. Where required for design of thin shell concrete structures, provisions of ACI 318 are to be used to complement the provisions of this Code. Transition keys showing how the code was reorganized are provided on the ACI website on the 318 Resource Page under Topics in Concrete.
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Soil-Structure Interaction of Retaining Walls under Earthquake Loads
Author: Prof. Dr. Adnan Falih Ali Mohammed Asaad Mohammed | Size: 0.625 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2013 | pages: 17
The study is devoted to both static and earthquake response analysis of retaining structures acted upon by lateral earth pressure. Two main approaches were implemented in the analysis, namely, the Mononobe-Okabe analytical method and the numerical Finite element procedure as provided in the ready software ABAQUS with explicit dynamic method. A basic case study considered in the present work is the bridge approach retaining walls as a part of AL-Jadiriya bridge intersection to obtain the effects of the backfill and the ground water on the retaining wall response including displacement of the retaining structure in addition to the behavior of the fill material. Parametric studies were carried out to evaluate the effects of several factors such as vertical and horizontal components of the earthquake, maximum peak acceleration, angle of friction, damping ratio, height of the wall and groundwater level within the medium of fill. Three heights of retaining walls were considered for those above mentioned factors, these are (2.9m, 4.7m and6.7m).
A comparison is made between the responses obtained on the basis of finite element analysis with those obtained using the Mononobe-Okabe method. It is found that the lateral wall responses obtained using the FE were larger than those calculated by the Mononobe-Okabe method for all heights of the retaining wall, it was also found that pore pressure of the ground water depends on the water flow through the backfill during the earthquake. The distribution of the dynamic earth pressure on the wall is nonlinear and depends on the earthquake ground acceleration in addition to the wall height and soil properties. Based on the numerical analysis and the results obtained from the parametric studies carried out, two expressions are proposed to evaluate the maximum lateral wall response in terms of wall height, soil properties and earthquake base excitation acceleration, and hence the dynamic earth pressure acting on the retaining structure.
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Influence of Damping Systems On Building Structures Subject to Seismic Effects
Author: Julius Marko | Size: 05 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: may 2006 | pages: 314
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Finite Element Analysis of the Seismic Behavior of Guyed Masts
Author: Gregory Martin Hensley | Size: 0.68 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Blacksburg, Virginia | Year: june 2005 | pages: 130
Seismic design of guyed masts, commonly used in the broadcasting and telecommunications industries, has not been fully addressed in the United States. There is no specific design code, and only a limited amount of research has been reported on the subject. This research investigates the behavior of guyed masts incorporating synthetic ropes as guys, with a particular focus on the effect of snap loads on the mast behavior.
This is the third phase of a multi-stage project aimed at analyzing the potential for Snapping-Cable Energy Dissipators (SCEDs) to minimize lateral response in structures. A finite element model of a 120-m-tall guyed mast was developed with the commercial program ABAQUS. The three-dimensional behavior of the mast was observed when subjected to two ground motion records: Northridge and El Centro. Three orthogonal earthquake components were input, two horizontal and one vertical. A series of parametric studies was conducted to determine the sensitivity of the response to guy pretension, which is a measure of the potential slackness in the guys during response.
Additionally, the studies examined the effects of guy stiffness, mast properties, and directionality of input motion. Deflections, bending moments, guy tensions, and base shears were examined. The results were used to characterize the trends in the structural response of guyed masts. The level of slackness in the guys changed the behavior, and the lessons learned will be used to continue research on the application of SCEDs in structures.
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Non-Linear Seismic Response of Base-Isolated Frame Structures Using Rubber Bearings
Author: Anis S. Shatnawi , Abdelqader S. Najmv) , Mu’tasim S. Abdel-Jaberv) and Iyad M. Amareen | Size: 0.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 2, No. 2, 2008 | Year: 2008 | pages: 20
Over the past two decades, much progress has been made in research and application of the base isolation of structures as means of providing earthquake resistance to a structure. However, the trade-off between the extent of acceleration reduction and the response of a base-isolation system has not been given a serious consideration.
This work uses a new material constitutive model for rubber bearing base-isolation system, which adopts the technique of real-time structural parameter modification. To achieve this, a finite element modeling and analysis are performed as a comparative study between a conventional totally fixed-base steel frame structure and similar base-isolated structures using rubber-steel bearings. The structures are subjected to the El-Centro, N-S earthquake.
In order to include nonlinearity effects, a non-linear hyperviscoelastic material model has been used and linked to ABAQUS software as a user defined material subroutine (i.e., UMAT). Special connector elements are selected from ABAQUS library to connect the rubber bearings to the frame structure and the foundations in order to achieve the required kinematical constraints at the connection points. The model is validated by carrying out a comparative study of the results obtained from the analysis of the presented material model with those obtained by using the existing ABAQUS material models (e.g., Ogden material model). The results show a significance efficiency of using the rubber bearing isolation in order to uncouple the structure from the seismic ground motion. Moreover, it has been proved that the used material model is more effective to capture the behavior of the base-isolated structures expressing a notable reduction in acceleration and an increase in the structural resistance to earthquake excitations.
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The application of ABAQUS in seismic analysis of connected structures
Author: Jiachun Cui, Chengming Li, Wei Tian, Dongya An Technical Center of Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design (Group) Co.,Ltd. | Size: 02 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference | Year: 2010 | pages: 15
The connected structure refers to the kind of building which is composed of two or more towers connected by the connecting body in a certain height, belonging to the irregular building structure system. According to “Technical Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building” (JGJ3-2002), the time-history analysis method should be adopted in the seismic analysis of the connected structure. The structure may have a larger plastic deformation under rare earthquake, so it is difficult to converge when the implicit solution method is used by the conventional finite element software. While the explicit integral technology provided by ABAQUS can solve the nonlinear dynamics problems better, it has a broader application in elastic-plastic dynamic analysis. Taking a specific project as an object, the application of ABAQUS in seismic analysis of connected structures is presented in detail in this paper.
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Slender structures, such as towers, masis, high-rise buildings and bridges, are especially prone to wind excited vibrations. The lectures show how the susceptibility of a structure to wind excited vibrations can be assessed in early stages of design and what measures are effective for control or avoidance of vibrations. The book will be a help for all dealing with dynamic response of structures.
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