Does any one have access to the following papers? if so could you please upload them.
The papers are as follows:
1)Title: Moment and Shear Transfer Between Slab and Edge Column
Author(s): B. Vijaya Rangan and A. S. Hall
Publication: Journal Proceedings
Volume: 80
Issue: 3
Appears on pages(s): 183-191
2)Title: Deflection Control of Slabs Using Allowable Span to Depth Ratios
Author(s): R. I. Gilbert
Publication: Journal Proceedings
Volume: 82
Issue: 1
Appears on pages(s): 67-72
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This book is a comprehensive reference for the evaluation, testing, selection, and examination of relevant design criteria and alternatives for bridge decks, which appear in the AASHTO/LRFD design specifications. Important challenges to civil engineers, such as life cycle cost analysis, and constructability, particularly as related to maintaining traffic during deck replacement, are discussed. The authors discuss why the use of standard bridge deck designs is not always possible on bridge rehabilitation projects. This practical reference will aid busy engineers in dealing with the major changes that will mandate much greater attention to deck selection and design in the future. For example, most future bridge projects will involve rehabilitation or replacement\=which makes traffic maintenance a major issue\=and life cycle cost analysis is quickly becoming mandatory in the U.S. This guide is intended to be used throughout the development of any construction project involving bridges.
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Design Specification for Concrete Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials (ACI 313-14) and Commentary
This Design Specification provides material, design, and construction requirements for concrete silos, stave silos, and stacking tubes for storing granular materials, including design and construction requirements for cast-in-place or precast and conventionally reinforced or post33 tensioned silos.
Silos and stacking tubes require design considerations not encountered in building structures.
While this Design Specification refers to ACI 318 for several requirements, static and dynamic loading from funnel, mass, concentric, and asymmetric flow in silos; special loadings on stacking tubes; and seismic and hopper bottom design are also included.
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This guide provides terminology to perform and report on the visual condition of concrete in service. It includes a checklist of the many details that may be considered in making a report and descriptions for various concrete conditions associated with the durability of concrete.
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While successfully preventing earthquakes may still be beyond the capacity of modern engineering, the ability to mitigate damages with strong structural designs and other mitigation measures are well within the purview of science. Fundamental Concepts of Earthquake Engineering presents the concepts, procedures, and code provisions that are currently being used to make structures as earthquake-resistant as is presently feasible.
The book begins by describing the purpose, main aspects, and historical development of earthquake engineering and provides an overview of the type and extent of damage an earthquake can produce. It then introduces the concepts of seismology, the mechanisms of earthquake generation and propagation, and the difference between the various scales used to quantify the size of an earthquake and its potential to cause damage. The book also discusses the response spectrum and the different ways earthquake ground motions may be characterized and how local soil conditions may affect ground motion characteristics. Later chapters examine the design spectrum, conventional methods used to calculate the response of structures, soil-structure systems, and nonstructural components to earthquake ground motions.
This comprehensive resource is certain to advance the knowledge of those tasked with taking preemptive action against the devastating effects of major, catastrophic earthquakes.
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