David V. Chadderton "Building Services Engineering, 4th Edition"
Published by Spon Press | Publication date : May 2004 | ISBN: 0415315352 | PDF | 399 pages | English | 6.9 MB
The fully revised fourth edition of this well-established textbook takes into account recent changes to codes and technology and includes two new key chapters on acoustic design and HVAC control strategy, as well as an expansion of the chapter on air conditioning. The design of building services and the many calculations involved are fully explained, and features include: introductions, learning objectives, key terms and concepts, worked examples and questions to aid understanding, reinforce learning and provide assignments.
Lecturers can also use questions for written examinations. The subjects of heating, air conditioning, water and gas distribution, electricity and drainage are all covered at introductory level and beyond. The use of information technology in the design and use of buildings is introduced and actively encouraged.
David Chadderton is a Chartered Professional Engineer with the Institution of Engineers Australia, a Chartered Building Services Engineer with the Engineering Council in the UK, through the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, and a Member of the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating. Since November 2001, David has been director of his own company, Eteq Pty Ltd. specializing in the designing and implementation of energy saving projects in commercial, healthcare, university and manufacturing buildings.
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It's common lately have a lot of posts requesting another sharing site, caused by servers restrictions, censorship in some countries, etc.
I'd like to know if the example above is useful and viable in any country/user and try to practice this. Beyond this reason, using a dedicate multi-site to share, force the user to download the file and upload it again. Of course, naturally will be verified if the link is OK and if the software/book/material is OK too!
I know there's a lot of posts that you copy/paste a link from another site. It's OK! But we can start with new ones.
Another important think: Sometimes is useful CHANGE THE NAME of the file to upload, cause some companies uses a search engine inside share-sides to try to find illegal (pirate) software. So. changing the name, double compressing (with keyword) and changing the size (putting a extra file during compressing), it's possible to turn better the possibilities that the file does not be removed!
Published By:
The development of a recommended code of plumbing practice, design, and installation, including the establishment of performance criteria predicated on the need for protection of health and safety through proper design, installation, and maintenance of plumbing systems. This scope excludes the development of specific standards related to the composition, dimensions, and/or mechanical and physical properties of materials, fixtures, devices, and equipment used or installed in plumbing systems.
To provide practices and performance criteria for the protection of health and safety through proper design of plumbing systems.
In case of practical difficulty, unnecessary hardship or new developments, exceptions to the literal requirements may be granted by the authority having jurisdiction to permit the use of other devices or methods, but only when it is clearly evident that equivalent protection is thereby secured.
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This document is intended to provide owners and practicing engineers with current “best practices” to reduce the likelihood of progressive collapse of buildings in the event of abnormal loading. The report includes a discussion of an acceptable risk approach to progressive collapse, which involves defining the threat, event control, and structural design to resist postulated event. Practical means for reducing risk for new and existing buildings are presented. An extensive review is provided of the design methods used to enhance a buildings resistance to progressive collapse. These include the indirect method (providing sufficient tie forces), the specific local resistance method (designing key elements to withstand abnormal loads), and the alternate load path method (allowing for redistribution of load in the event of the loss of a key member). Design considerations for different structural materials are summarized. The methodology for evaluating and mitigating progressive collapse potential in existing buildings is also discussed.
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Free-Surface Hydraulics
J. Townson
Spon Press
ISBN: 0046270094 0046270108
Pages: 228
PDF 6.08 MB
Free-Surface Hydraulics is a unified, pragmatic account of the water surface and its underlying mechanics. Based on the author's 30 years experience of research and teaching in civil engineering hydraulics, this text is designed to help students achieve a coherent understanding of a subject often obscured by empirical detail and unstructured approaches.
1. The free surface at rest.
* Hydrostatic pressure.
* Hydrostatic force calculation.
* Stability of floating objects.
2. Steady flows in channels.
* Flow energy and force in rectangular channels.
* Flow through other prismatic channels.
* Conduit resistance and steady free surface flow.
* Gradually varied flow.
3. Unsteady but kinematic flows.
* Exact solution for kinematic routing.
* Numerical method for level pool routing.
* Kinematic channel routing.
4. Shallow water transients.
* Equation of motions - the method of characteristics.
* Characteristics applied at a sluice gate.
* Non-rectangular sections.
* Numerical integration
* Attenuation caused by interpolation.
* Examples of numerical wave attenuation.
* Other boundary conditions.
* Discharge variation from uniform flow.
* Direct finite differences.
* Supercritical flow.
* The bore condition.
* Bore inception.
* Bore in a non-rectangular section.
* Bore generated by boundary displacement.
* Dam break flow.
* Roll waves.
5. Oscillatory water waves.
* Standing and progressive waves.
* The linearized wave equation.
* Seiche action in a harbour.
* Flow curvature.
* Airy's theory summarised.
* Results and limitations of Airy's theory.
* Refraction, reflection and diffraction.
* Breaking and waves of finite height.
* Wave height prediction from wind.
* Harmonic and dynamic theories of ocean tides.
* Simulation of shallow water waves in x-y-t space.
6. The partially free surface.
* Introduction and jet flows.
* Bubble and droplet mechanics.
* Air entrainment by free surface flows
* Long cavity flows
* Circulation, vorticity and the air-entraining vortex.
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PowerISO is a powerful CD/DVD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD-ROM image files including ISO and BIN.
Main Features:
Support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats(ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA and so on). Note: DAA(Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, ...
Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Open and extract ISO File.
Create ISO file from hard disk files or CD/DVD-ROM.
Edit an existing ISO file directly.
Convert image files between ISO/BIN and other formats. PowerISO can convert almost all image file formats to standard ISO format file.
Make bootable ISO file, get boot information from bootable ISO file.
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Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. You don't need install any other virtual drive software.
Can be used easily. PowerISO supports shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste...
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This Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) provides the design requirements necessary to reduce the potential of progressive collapse for new and existing facilities that experience localized structural damage through normally unforeseeable events.
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The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) developed the “Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects” to ensure that the potential for progressive collapse is addressed in the design, planning and construction of new buildings and major renovation projects.
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