This book is essential reading for 21st century practitioners and students who need to do structural analysis. It contains a great deal of information that is not available in any other book on the subject. This is because the conventional view of structural analysis is rooted in the early part of the 20th century in the pre-computer era rather than present time.
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Authors: Josef L. Zeman, Franz Rauscher, Sebastian Schindler
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: Elsevier, 2006
ISBN: 0080449506, 9780080449500
Length: 301 pages
Pdf: 4.5 Mb Pdf Quality Condition: 9 points (over 10)
This book explores a new, economically viable approach to pressure vessel design, included in the (harmonized) standard EN13445 (for unfired pressure vessels) and based on linear as well as non-linear Finite Element analyses. It is intended as a supporting reference of this standard's route, providing background information on the underlying principles, basic ideas, presuppositions, and new notions. Examples are included to familiarize readers with this approach, to highlight problems and solutions, advantages and disadvantages.
* The only book with background information on the direct route in pressure vessel design.
* Contains many worked examples, supporting figures and tables and a comprehensive glossary of terms.
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PowerCivil is a comprehensive software package for the design and production of plans for a variety of site projects.
The software is fully integrated with Bentley CAD software to permit true interactive design. For example, a building or parking lot can be created and modified graphically, yet the models, and subsequent volumes are computed in PowerCivil.
With PowerCivil, the CAD drawings become the primary record for the project affording true "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) functionality. For example, the representation of a building in a design file is the input required to calculate cut / fill quantities. In another example, the graphical plan view file is all that is necessary to derive final construction quantities.
The package is full functioned; covering most every aspect of a site design project. Comprehensive tools are available from user-friendly site modeling, coordinate geometry to the automated laying out of plan and profile sheets. In addition, PowerCivil includes a number of design tools that enhance the plans production process. These tools draw labels, produce tables, automate right-of-way plans, and perform other tasks that you might normally not expect from a design software package.
Each component of PowerCivil functions together and interacts with each other.
Digital Terrain Model
Water Sewer
Cross Section
Plans and Quantities
Trial VIP see in your section how to renew the Bentley Trials.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII
Pressure Vessels
Authors: James R. Farr, Maan H. Jawad
Edition: 2, illustrated
Publisher: ASME Press, 2001
ISBN: 0791801721, 9780791801727
Length: 291 pages
Pdf: 12.2 Mb Pdf Quality Condition: 7 points (over 10)
Whether you are a beginning design engineer or an experienced engineering manager developing a mechanical integrity program, this updated volume gives you a thorough examination and review of the requirements applicable to the design, materials selection, fabrication, inspection, and testing of pressure vessels and their components. Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VII Pressure Vessels, Second Edition, provides you with a review of the background issues, reference materials, technology, and techniques necessary for the safe, reliable, and cost-efficient function of pressure vessels in the petrochemical, paper, power, and other industries. Solved examples throughout the volume illustrate the application of various equations given in Section VIII.
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#1st - I would like to suggest a bookmark button on each thread, so we can mark a favorite or an interesting topic and go back later to read the full thread or download something. It's useful if you are browsing for example at your workplace and at home you can download the book, software, etc.
#2nd - I will highly appreciate if the Admin could increase the mail storage capacity, it's annoying to constantly delete the messages.
Author: John D. Verhoeven
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: ASM International, 2007
ISBN: 0871708582, 9780871708588
Length: 220 pages
Pdf: 6.3 Mb Pdf Quality Condition: 8 points (over 10)
This book explains the metallurgy of steel and its heat treatment for non-metallurgists. It starts from simple conceptszbeginning at the level of high-school chemistry classeszand building to more complex concepts involved in heat treatment of most all types of steel as well as cast iron. It was inspired by the author when working with practicing bladesmiths for more than 15 years. Most chapters in the book contain a summary at the end. These summaries provide a short review of the contents of each chapter.
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Bentley Descartes v8i (SELECT series 1) (Trial)
Comprehensive Imaging Product for Visualization, Mapping, and Raster-to-Vector Conversion
Bentley Descartes is the only imaging offering that is truly integrated with MicroStation for high productivity, visualization, mapping, and raster-to-vector conversion in a single product.
Bentley Descartes brings many new features and enhancements.
GeoRaster Support
Bentley Descartes now lets you connect to and view GeoRasters contained within Oracle Spatial databases.
Flood tool
This new tool is used to flood an area of a binary raster with the foreground color.
Define Seam tool enhancements
Enhancements to this tool now allow the feathering area to be defined interactively. It is now possible to see a preview of the feathering while placing the seam line. Also, only the top raster is modified by the tool so that the mosaic can be detached and reattached without losing the mosaicking.
Combine Images tool
Used to perform a logical operation on a selected area of two specified rasters and place the resulting data on a destination raster. This tool works on binary rasters only.
Paste from File tool
This new tool is available right under the “Paste” tool in the edit menu. When selecting this tool, the file selection dialog opens to select the raster file to be pasted. After the “Open” button is pressed, the remaining of the workflow is exactly as the standard “Paste” tool.
Merge tool
It is now possible to rasterize a view or a portion of a view to the clipboard using the Merge tool.
New Use Fence Setting in the Editing tools
The tools that support fences to define the area have a new toggle in their tool settings called “Use Fence”. When this option is turned ON, the editing tool will work on all the raster attachments overlapped by the fence and will ignore the raster selection. The fence will always be treated as a fence clip which means that only the pixels overlapped by the fence will be edited.
Line Cap and Line Join Settings in the Line Mapping Settings dialog
A new section labeled “Line Ends” has been added to the Line Mapping Settings dialog. This section comprises two new settings labeled “Line Cap and “Line Join”. These settings specify the line caps and line joins to be used in the Merge and Stamp operations.
Dynamic rubber band display enhancements
The display of the dynamic rubber bands used in the Bentley Descartes editing tools has been enhanced so that they are easier to see.
It is now possible to attach Raster Surface (DEM) to Bentley Descartes. This file are displayed as 2D but It is possible assign color based on elevation, slope or aspect.
Installed in Microstation
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.