* Author: Wanda J Lewis
* Hardbound ISBN: 978-0-7277-3236-1
* Publication Date: December 2003
* Format: Hardbound
Book Summary
The tension structures discussed in this book are predominantly roofing forms created from pre-stressed cable nets, cable trusses, and continuous membranes (fabric structures). A unique feature in their design is ?form-finding? ? an interactive process of defining the shape of a structure under tension. The book discusses the role of stable minimal surfaces (minimum energy forms occurring in natural objects, such as soap films) in finding optimal shapes of membrane and cable structures. The discussion of form-finding is extended to structural forms whose shape is supposedly known, such as suspension bridge cable
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Publisher Canadian Wood Council
Year of release 2004
Format Softcover
Pages 315 pages
ISBN or Catalogue No 0-921628-69-2
The Span Book
The Span Book is a supplement to the wood joist, rafter and beam spans found in the National Building Code of Canada. This booklet contains span tables in metric and imperial units for wood joists, rafters, beams and lintels.
Builders, building officials and specifiers of wood frame construction can use these tables to supplement those published in the National Building Code of Canada in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction. Tables in the Span Book and the National Building Code of Canada were both generated by the Canadian Wood Council.
* Chapter 1: Scope Energy and the Environment - Canadian Wood Frame Construction
* Chapter 2: Energy and the Environment-Canadian Wood Frame Construction
* Chapter 3: Specification
* Chapter 4: Minimum Code Requirements
* Chapter 5: Spans
* Chapter 6: Supported Length
* Chapter 7: Design Considerations
* Chapter 8: Other Loads
* Chapter 9: Grade Stamps
Table metric units joists:
Floor and Ceiling Joists (Tables 1-2)
Rafters : Roof Joists and Rafters (Tables 3-4)
Beams : Beams and Lintels (Tables 5-9)
Table imperial units:
Imperial Units Joists : Floor and Ceiling Joists (Tables 1-2)
Rafters : Roof Joists and Rafters (Tables 3-4)
Beams : Beans and Lintels (Tables 5-9)
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Introduction to Wood Design 2005 ed
Publisher Canadian Wood Council
Year of release 2005
Pages 400 pages
ISBN or Catalogue No 0-921628-73-0
Introduction to Wood Design: a learning guide to complement the Wood Design Manual, 2005 Edition
Chapter 1: Introduction to Wood Design has been prepared to facilitate and encourage the instruction of wood engineering at Canadian universities and colleges. The information has been prepared in consultation with professors to ensure its relevance to the way wood engineering is taught.
Chapter 2: Safety, Reliability and Serviceability
* General Information
* Design Methods
* Strength and Serviceability Limit States
* Structural Reliability Reliability of Wood and Engineered - Wood Products
Chapter 3: Loads
* General Loads
* Structural Loads
* Tables
Chapter 4: Structural Form
* General Information
* Factors influencing Structural Form
* Wood-Frame Construction
* Special Structural Forms
* Lateral Resistance
* Tables
Chapter 5: Design Properties of Wood
* General Information
* Basic Properties
* Modification Factors
* Tables
Chapter 6: Wood Products
* General Information
* Main Structural Members
* Sheathing and Decking
* Tables
Chapter 7: Bending Members
* General Information
* Sawn Lumber Bending Members
* Glulam Bending Members
* Tables
Chapter 8: Compression Members
* Compression Members
* Table
Chapter 9: Tension Members
* Tension Members
Chapter 10: Combined Axial Loads and Bending Members
* Combined Compression and Bending members
* Combined Tension and Beinding member
Chapter 11: Connections
* General Information
* General Requirements
* Split Ring and Shear Plate Connectors
* Bolts, Drift Pins
* Lag Screws
* Timber Rivets
* Truss Plates
* Nails and Spikes
* Joist Hangers
* Tables
Chapter 12: Lateral Load Resisting Systems
* General Information
* Shearwall and Diaphragm Action
* Analysis Considerations
* Construction
* Design Procedures
* Examples
Chapter 13: Sample Building
* General Description
* Glulam Roof Bearn Simply Supported at Columns
* Glulam Roof Bean-Cantilever and Suspended
* Tongue and Groove Decking in Garden Centre
* Sawn Timber Roof Purlin in Garden Centre
* Glulam Header bean in Office
* Timber Rivert Hanger Connection
* Lateral Loads : East-West Direction
* Lateral Loads : North - South Direction
* Roof Diaphragm and Chords
* Shearwall, Chords and Tie-Down Connections
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The Art of Structural Design: A Swiss Legacy
# Hardcover: 212 pages
# Publisher: Princeton University Art Museum (March 11, 2003)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0300097867
# ISBN-13: 978-0300097863
Product Description
This handsomely designed book brings together for the first time the outstanding work of four Swiss engineers and their teachers who form the most impressive group of structural artists in the twentieth century: Wilhelm Ritter (1847–1906), Robert Maillart (1872–1940), Othmar Ammann (1879–1965), Pierre Lardy (1902–1956), Heinz Isler (b. 1926), and Christian Menn (b. 1927). David P. Billington, who has written widely on these engineers, argues that it is important to consider them as artists, for aesthetics played a major role in their design philosophy. He explains that their shared approach to design was developed while they attended the Federal Technological Institute in Zurich: Maillart and Amman studied with Ritter there, and Isler and Menn studied under Lardy. Billington focuses on the engineers’ artistic approach to bridge design and construction, and he discusses their impressive individual contributions to structural engineering. Generously illustrated, this book features many newly commissioned photographs, including images of important new structures such as the Charles River Bridge in Boston, completed by Menn in 2002.
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The IABSE Symposium 'Improving Infrastructure Worldwide – Bringing People Closer' in Weimar, 2007
The IABSE Symposium 'Improving Infrastructure Worldwide – Bringing People Closer' in Weimar, Germany, September 19-21, 2007 attracted 580 participants and 100 accompanying persons from around the world.
The Report with CD has been published, including Keynote Lectures, Presentations and Posters addressing following topics:
Infrastructure as a Unifying Concept; Traffic Structures – Built for a Long and Efficient Life; Important Design Considerations – Design for Durability and Sustainability; Important Design Considerations – Design Movements; Check Engineering and Monitoring – an International Review on Quality Control Systems
Keynote Lectures:
* German Unity – a Success Story on the Development of Infrastructure in the Newlyformed German States
Engelbert Lütke-Daldrup; Joachim Naumann, Germany
* Great Demand and Great Challenge – Chinese Major Bridge Projects and Construction for Improving Traffic Infrastructure Nationwide
Yao Jun Ge – H.F. Xiang, China
* Evolution of Bridges
Man Chung Tang, USA
* Retrofitting of Fatigue Damaged Steel Bridge Structures
Chitoshi Miki; T. Konishi, Japan
* Life Cycle Management of Infrastructures: Towards an Integrated Approach of Design, Execution and Maintenance
Aad Van der Horst, The Netherlands
* Design Movements in Bridges
Ove Sorensen, M.L. Bloomstine, N. Bitsch, P. Linneberg, Denmark
* Adding Confidence and Reducing Risk – The Role of Independent Design Checking in Major Projects
Ian Firth, UK
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Groundwater and Ecosystems
Authors: Alper Baba (Editor), Ken W.F. Howard (Editor), Orhan Gunduz (Editor)
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (June 5, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402047363
ISBN-13: 978-1402047367
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1.1 inches
310 pages | PDF | 21.83 MB
More Info:
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) frequently exhibit rich biological diversity and can provide enormous economic wealth. In recent years, GDEs in many industrialized countries have shown signs of serious degradation, primarily the result of groundwater abstraction and pollution. Many such systems, including a number of well documented cases in Eastern Europe, are no longer sustainable. As a consequence, the conservation and sustainable management of GDEs has emerged as one of the most urgent environmental research priorities of our time.
A large percentage of the world's population lives in cities and either depends on, or is affected in some way, by groundwater. Moreover, groundwater has become a very important and complex issue that attracts the interest of many diverse stakeholders. Many problems related to groundwater and ecosystems are shared by countries throughout the world and there is growing recognition that much can be gained by co-operation on an international scale.
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Urban Water Supply Handbook
Author: Larry W. Mays
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | May 14, 2002
ISBN-10: 0071371605 | 704 pages | PDF | 8.17 MB
Language: English
High Quality Digital Format Book
Book Info:
This state-of-the-art resource draws upon the accumulated wisdom of a carefully chosen team of internationally recognized experts selected for their extensive experience in the essential aspects of water supply systems. This industry who's who covers everything from the historical perspectives of urban water supply to planning, safety and security – an especially timely and crucial issue, management, performance indicators, operation, pricing, maintenance, and public-private partnerships. The author includes informative case studies for valuable real world perspective.
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Bridges, Buildings and Construction Practice - Vol. 94
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Bridges, Buildings
The IABSE Conference 'Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Bridges, Buildings and Construction Practice' in Helsinki, Finland, June 4 – 6, 2008 attracted 150 participants from around the world.
The Report with CD has been published, including Keynote Lectures and Presentations addressing the following topics:
Applied Finite Element Modeling (FEM), Actions, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Bridge Management, Concrete, Construction, Damages, Large Structures, Modeling, Monitoring, Monitoring Case Studies, Optical, Software Tools, Special Monitoring Technologies, Steel and Wind
Keynote Lectures:
* The Science and Art of Structural Engineering: How to Live up to the Expectations and Demands of Society Today and Tomorrow
Kaj Hedvall, Finland
* The Use of Building Information Models: a Contractor’s Point of View
Claude Dumoulin, Pierre Benning, France
* Bridge and Infrastructure Management Systems
Livia Pardi, Italy
* Use of Integrated Shop Drawings for the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
James Duxbury, Marwan Nader, USA
* Parametric Description of Bridge Structures
Casimir Katz, Germany
* Wireless Monitoring in Structural Engineering using MEMS Sensors and Acoustic Emission Technique
Christian Grosse, Germany
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Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures to Eurocode 6
Author: BSI | Size: 0 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Institution of Structural Engineers | Year: February 2008 | pages: 136 | ISBN: 9781906335021
The Institution has published the Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures to Eurocode 6, a new book based on the European standards for masonry structural designs in the UK.
This manual supports the design of structures to BS EN 1996-1-1: 2005, BS EN 1996-1-2: 2005 and BS EN 1996-2: 2006 for construction in the UK.
Nationally Determined Parameters from the UK National Annex have been taken into account in the design formulae that are presented.
The range of structures covered by the manual is limited to building structures that do not rely on bending in masonry for their overall stability (e.g. sway frame buildings).
However, the design of individual masonry elements subject to lateral loading and involving bending for their resistance is included.
The structural design of reinforced and prestressed masonry is specifically excluded from the manual, as are retaining walls and arched structures.
The exception to this is the use of bed joint reinforcement in laterally loaded wall panels and for crack control.
The design of both loadbearing masonry and masonry infill panels to framed structures in accordance with Eurocode 6 is covered by the manual.
The manual is similar in layout to the Institution's earlier manuals on British standards and covers the following:
- choice of structural form (conceptual design)
- choice of materials
- general principles of limit state design for masonry walls and columns
- design of loadbearing masonry
- design of laterally loaded masonry
- details and construction
- design for fire.
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