This International Standard describes the general principles of determining ice load on structures of the types listed in 1.2.
In cases where a certain structure is not directly covered by this or another standard or recommendation, designers may use the intentions of this International Standard. However, the user should always consider carefully the applicability of the standard (recommendation) to the structure in question.
The practical use of all data in this International Standard is based upon certain knowledge of the site of the structure. It is necessary to have information about the degree of "normal" icing amounts (= ice classes) for the site in question. For many areas, however, no information is available.
Even in such cases this International Standard can be useful, because local meteorologists or other experienced persons should be able to, on the safe side, estimate a proper ice class. Using such an estimate in the structural design will result in a much safer structure, than designing without any considerations for problems due to ice.
CAUTION It is extremely important to design for some ice instead of no ice, and then the question of whether the amount of ice was correct is of less importance. In particular, the action of wind can be increased considerably due to both increased exposed area and increased drag coefficient.
This International Standard is intended for use in determining ice mass and wind load on the iced structure for the following types of structure:
* masts;
* towers;
* antennas and antenna structures;
* cables, stays, guy ropes, etc.;
* rope ways (cable railways);
* structures for ski-lifts;
* buildings or parts of them exposed to potential icing;
* towers for special types of construction such as transmission lines, wind turbines, etc.
Atmospheric icing on electrical overhead lines is covered by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards.
This International Standard is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 2394.
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Hot Mix Asphalt Construction: Certification and Accrediation Programs
Scott Shuler, James S. Moulthrop - Hot Mix Asphalt Construction: Certification and Accrediation Programs
Publisher: ASTM International | 1999-09 | ISBN: 0803126190 | PDF | 104 pages | 5.64 MB
STP 1378 is a practical "how to" publication that shares the experiences of several organizations that have established or begun to establish programs for certification and accreditation for technicians working in the asphalt pavement construction industry.
Nine papers provide a wide range of approaches from a diverse audience including departments of transportation, a trade association, a college and several universities, a paving contractor and AASHTO. The papers include:
• New England Transportation Technical Certification Program (NETTCP)
• Asphalt Technician Certification: The Rocky Mountain Way
• The AASHTO Accreditation Program: Serving the Hot Mix Asphalt Industry
• Experiences with Bituminous Paving Technician Training and Certification in Pennsylvania
• A First-Year Summary of the Arkansas Hot-Mix Asphalt Technician Certification
• Certification and Accreditation Programs: A Contractor's Perspective
• Basic Elements in the Design of a Certification Program for Hot-Mix Asphalt
• Lake Land College/Illinois Department of Transportation: Quality Control/Quality Assurance Training Program
• South Carolina's Experience with Certification and Accreditation
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These sites contain full courses available online for free. It's a good resource for additional info if you are taking any of these courses at school.
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The book includes both architectural design and material solutions, supported by theoretical principles, to present a sustainable approach to resort design. It demonstrates that tropical resort buildings do not necessarily require large energy input, in compliance with green building standards. Case studies show how principles of sustainable design have been successfully applied in tropical environments.”
Zbigniew Bromberek, В
Eco-Resorts: Planning and Design for the Tropics
Elsevier Science | ISBN: 9870750657938 | 2009 | PDF | 225 pages | 10.66 MB
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Performance of Reinforced Soil Structures
McGown, K.C.Yeo, K.Z.Andrews
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* Handbook 1 - Basis of Structural Design
* Handbook 2 - Reliability Backgraunds
* Handbook 3 - Action Effects on Buildings
* Handbook 4 - Design of Bridges
* Handbook 5 - Design of buildings to the fire situations
* Guide to the use of EN 1990 Basis of Structural Design
* Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-4 – Wind Actions
* Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 – Accidental Actions
I'll add a few more later. Specially the designers' guide to EC4-1-1 which is hard to find, but i've got a papper copy. Just have to digitalize it
Regards and Enjoy!
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Due to rapid popularity of the site, there are many users now accessing the site simultaneously and thus causing traffic jam! It has become difficult to access the site easily. As far as the contribution to the site goes, it is my observation that only a handful have been contributing consistently and many are just here to make use of the free stuff. To make the site accessible to all registered users I propose the following:
1) Restrict the browsing time to 30 minutes/day or 60 minutes/day to all users.
2) Allocate browsing time to users based on their contribution, which can vary from 5 minutes/day to an hour/day or something like that. Those who have not contributed will be given only 5 minutes/day to browse the site whereas active contributes can browse up to an hour a day or so (moderators can come up with a criteria).
3) Since it seems to me that most non-contributing users are here only to avail the free stuff (many do not even have the courtesy to press THANK button), I suggest a minimum contribution of $1 dollar/yr. I understand that CivilEA being a site for posting 'non legal stuff' this may be little challenging but I am sure moderators can come up with a way to work around this issue. I believe this will restrict the users who would like to sign up free. The money gathered can be used toward maintenance of the site or can be donated to Red Cross or other voluntary organization.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Title: Water Quality and Treatment - A Handbook of Community Water Supplies (5th Edition)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Copyright/Pub. Date:1999
ISBN: 978-0-07-001659-0
No. Pages: 1248
Author(s)/Editor(s): Edited by: Letterman, R.D.
Knovel Release Date: Aug 2, 2002
Description: This book has been revised and updated to reflect recent developments in the field, this reference addresses water quality issues for both municipal and industrial water supply, reports on the source of contaminants and other problems, and describes the treatment methods of choice. State-of-the-art handbook of community water supplies. The leading source of information on water quality, water treatment, and quality control for 60 years is now available in an up-to-the-minute new edition. This book covers the field, bringing you the expertise of 20 distinguished specialists who provide the latest information on everything from aeration and coagulation processes, to chemical oxidation and water plant waste management. At least 90% of the material in this new edition has been revised and updated. Among the areas of special concern covered are: Cutting-edge membrane processes; U.S. regulatory changes, including new rulings on disinfection.
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