Product Description:
Claims in construction contracts are on the increase. As more emphasis is put on time and money, many contracts get off to a bad start because of lack of pre-planning or just bad advice on the method of procurement of form of contract to be used. Both the initiator and recipient of claims are often partially responsible for claim situations escalating into expensive disputes. Many disputes can be avoided or settled amicably if the parties to them recognise the fundamental causes of claims and how they should be addressed. This book confronts all of the difficult problems that arise in claims situations in the UK and internationally. Extensive reference to UK and international case law and a systematic approach to various types of claims assisted by helpful and explanatory diagrams makes this book second to none as a 'trouble shooting' guide to presentation of, response to, and negotiation and settlement of claims. In addition to the general principles of law and contract in the UK and internationally and how they relate to construction claims, there are a number of examples which are specific to a wide range of UK, international and foreign forms of contract. The latest FIDIC international forms of contract and their problems are featured and some important pitfalls and comparisons with the Engineering and Construction Contract (NEC) add a new dimension to this edition. The author's extensive experience of the legal and practical aspects of construction law and claims in over 30 countries with diverse laws and legal codes is evident in this book. It is essential reading for those wishing to fully understand this important field so that they are better prepared to deal with the problems which arise with confidence and success. A graduate of the University of Aston, Reg Thomas has extensive experience in many aspects of construction in the UK and internationally. He has held senior posts in lecturing in Jamaica and Hong Kong. He is a former contracts director of the Shui On Group of Companies in Hong Kong. Reg joined James R. Knowles in 1986, where, after a number of years in overseas postings he pioneered the international growth of the company. He organised, supervised and executed a number of complex international construction claims in all sectors of building, shipbuilding and engineering and he earned and international reputation in construction claims and as a lecturer on diverse subjects. Since retiring from James R. Knowles at the end of 1998, Reg has continued to provide consultancy services to the Group and remains a director of a number of the Group's overseas companies.
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Designers' Guide to EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design
Haig Gulvanessian (Author), J.A. Calgaro (Author), Milan Holicky (Author)
Product details:
* Hardcover: 208 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (27 May 2002)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727730118
* ISBN-13: 978-0727730114
Product Description:
"Having reached the goal of starting to publish the series of EN Eurocodes, the construction industry needs all possible assistance in applying the codes, and making the necessary transitions from existing national practice. The "Designers' Guides to the Eurocodes" is a very important step in the process, and should facilitate a fast and effective transition to the full and successful adoption of the world's leading construction design standards in the UK and wider. I commend them". -David W Lazenby, CBE Director, British Standards, BSI Chairman of CEN/TC 250, "The Structural Eurocodes" - 1991-1999."EN 1990: Basis of Structural Design" is considered the primary document in the Eurocode suite and establishes for the structural Eurocodes, the principles and requirements for safety and serviceability of structures. More importantly, EN 1990 must be applied whenever the Eurocodes 1 to 9 are used. This designers' guide is one of the first to provide detailed information for using EN 1990. It provides technical information on the background to the Eurocode and explains its relationship to Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures and the material Eurocodes (2-6 and 9), Eurocode 7 for Geotechnical Design and Eurocode 8 for seismic design.The background to the principles and rules is discussed, emphasising the rules which differ from those in existing codes. Worked examples illustrate the use of new procedures. This guide will be essential reading for all those affected by the introduction of the Eurocodes - especially: Civil and Structural engineers; Clients; Code-drafting committees; and, Public authorities. This guide will prove an invaluable resource for structural designers.
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Designers' Guide to Eurocode 1: Actions on Buildings: EN 1991-1-1, 1991-1-3 to 1-7: Actions on Structures: General Rules and Actions on Buildings
Haig Gulvanessian (Author), J. A. Calgaro (Author), P. Formichi (Author), G. Harding (Author)
Product details
* Hardcover: 304 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (31 Jan 2008)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727731564
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731562
Product Description:
One of the key requirements for the design of buildings is the specification of the actions that structures need to carry. This volume will cover the actions that need to be taken into account for the design of buildings. The book will explain the Eurocode clauses on densities, self-weight and imposed loads; snow loads; thermal actions; actions during execution and accidental actions (including impact loads and explosions). Wind actions and actions due to fire are covered by other volumes in the series. The purpose of this handbook is to help the designer to acquire a good knowledge of the appropriate Eurocodes parts of EN 1991, which they can use in design. Background information is given for each clause and relevant worked examples are provided.
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Designers' Guide to Eurocode 1: Actions on Bridges: EN 1991-2, EN 1991-1-1, -1-3 to 1-7 and EN 1990 Annex A2: Traffic Loads and Other Actions on Bridges
J.A. Calgaro (Author), M. Tschumi (Author), N. Shetty (Author), H. Gulvanessian (Author)
Product details:
* Hardcover: 256 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (1 Sep 2007)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727731580
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731586
Product Description:
The design process of a bridge includes several steps. One of the major steps is the determination of actions and combinations of actions. These actions are imposed loads due to traffic (road, pedestrian, railway traffic), climatic actions (wind, snow, thermal actions), actions due to water or soil subsidence, construction loads and accidental actions. Of course, the relevant combinations of actions need to be defined for permanent, transient and accidental design situations. The purpose of this handbook is to help the designer to acquire a good knowledge of the appropriate Eurocodes (EN 1990and EN 1991) and parts of these Eurocodes.
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Product Description:
The nature of the loading must first be understood before applying the structural engineering principles set out in the Eurocodes. For this reason this book is meant as a guide to four separate documents, EN1991 Part 1.2, EN1992 Part 1.2, EN1993 Part 1.2 and EN1994 Part 1.2 with reference where appropriate to the Eurocode covering the basis of design, EC06. The fire design procedures for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures are contained in the relevant parts of the code, BS81104,5. However, the structural Eurocodes consider steel, composite and concrete construction in isolation and each material therefore has its own corresponding fire part. In this case, a clause-by-clause examination of the fire parts of the material codes would not be sufficient to allow designers to use these documents. The guide takes the form of an introduction to the procedures required to achieve design solutions for a typical range of structural elements and assemblies. Worked examples are included along with appropriate text to illustrate the use of the Eurocodes for specific design scenarios. As a way of setting the scene for those unfamiliar with the basic principles of structural fire engineering design the next section provides an overview of the regulatory framework and a description of the commonly used methods for ensuring compliance with the regulations.
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Designers' Guide to EN 1991-1-4 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures, general actions part 1-4. Wind actions
N. Cook (Author)
Product details:
* Hardcover: 112 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (16 Mar 2007)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727731521
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731524
Product Description:
EN1991-1-4, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - General actions - Part 1-4: Wind actions, is the head code for wind actions on structures and describes the principles and requirements for calculating design wind loads on structures. It complies with the requirements of Eurocode EN1990, Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design, and provides the wind actions necessary to implement the structural design Eurocodes 2 to 9. The principal aim of this book is to provide the user with a commentary on the interpretation and use of EN1991, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - General actions - Part 1-4: Wind actions, and on the expected changes that will be introduced by the associated National Annexes. In particular, the opportunity has been taken to add a commentary on the changes introduced in the UK National Annex.
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Designers' Guide to EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-1-2: Design of Concrete Structures Eurocode 2
R. Narayanan (Author), Andrew Beeby (Author)
Product details:
* Hardcover: 232 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (30 Sep 2005)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 072773105X
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731050
Product Description:
"Eurocode 2, Design of Concrete Structures", will apply to the design of building and civil engineering structures in plain, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete. The Code (for convenience referred to as EC2) is written in several parts: EN 1992 - 1 - 1 General rules and rules for buildings; EN 1992 - 1 - 2 General rules - structural fire design; EN 1992 - 2 Reinforced and pre-stressed concrete bridges; EN 1992 - 3 Liquid and containment structures; EN 1992 - 1 - 1 has been written in such a way that the principles of the Code will generally apply to all the parts. The specific rules, which only apply to building structures, are identified as such. Under the CEN (European Standards Body) rules other parts of EC2 are allowed to identify those clauses in Part 1 - 1, which do not apply to that part and provide other information that will complement Part 1 - 1.
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Designers' Guide to En 1992 Eurocode 2: Concrete Bridges Part 2: Design of Concrete Structures
C.R. Hendy (Author), D.A. Smith (Author)
Product details
* Hardcover: 416 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (8 Jan 2007)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727731599
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731593
Product Description:
This guide describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of concrete bridges. It provides the user with guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1992-2 and the relevant provisions of the general rules of EN 1992-1-1. Worked examples are provided to illustrate the use of the rules. It also explains the relationship with the other Eurocode parts to which it refers (ENs 1990, 1991). The provision of background information and references also enables the users of Eurocode 2: Part 2 to understand the origin and objectives of its provisions.
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Designers' Guide to En 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures: General Rules and Rules for Buildings
L. Gardner (Author), David Nethercot (Author)
Product details:
* Hardcover: 184 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (7 Jan 2005)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727731637
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731630
Product Description:
After some 25 years in preparation, the key parts of EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures have now been finalised. "Designers' Guide to EN 1993-1-1" covers many forms of steel construction and provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date set of design guidance currently available. Throughout, this book concentrates on the most commonly encountered aspects of structural steel design, with an emphasis on the situation in buildings. Much of its content is therefore devoted to the provisions of the Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings of EN 1993. This is, however, supplemented by material on loading, joints and cold-formed design.For each of the principal aspects covered, the book provides background to the structural behaviour, explanation of the codified treatment including departure from existing practice (BS 5950), and numerous worked examples. This guide should serve as the primary point of reference for designing steel structures to Eurocode 3. This guide is essential reading for: civil and structural engineers; code-drafting committees; clients; structural-design students; and public authorities; in fact, for everyone who will be affected by the Eurocodes.
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Designers' Guide to EN 1993-2 Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 2: Steel Bridges
C.R. Hendy and C.J. Murphy (Author)
Product Details:
* Hardcover: 332 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford, Ltd. (September 3, 2007)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0727731602
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731609
Product Description:
EN 1993-2, also known as the Eurocode 3 for steel bridges, describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of concrete bridges. This Designers' Guide provides the user with guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1993-2 and also the relevant provisions in EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-5, EN 1993-1-8, EN 1993-1-9, EN 1993-1-10 and EN 1993-1-11. Worked examples are provided to illustrate the use of the rules. It also explains the relationship with other Eurocode parts to which it refers (ENs 1990, 1991). The provision of background information and references also enables the users of Eurocode 3: Part 2 to understand the origin and objectives of its provisions Contents include: General Basis of design Materials Durability Structural analysis Ultimate limit states Serviceability limit states Fasteners, welds, connections and joints Fatigue assessement Design assisted by testing.
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Designers' Guide to EN 1994-1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings Pt. 1: Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures
R.P. Johnson (Author), D. Anderson (Author)
Product details:
* Hardcover: 248 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (4 Jun 2004)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0727731513
* ISBN-13: 978-0727731517
Product Description:
EN 1994-1-1, also known as Eurocode 4, is one standard of the Eurocode suite and describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of composite steel and concrete structures. This Designer's guide provides the user with guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1994-1-1 through worked examples in relation to rules for buildings, structural fire design and for bridges. It explains the relationship with the other Eurocode parts to which it refers and to the relevant British codes. The provision of background information and references also enables the users of Eurocode 4 to understand the origin and objectives of its provision. This guide is essential reading for: Civil and structural engineers; code-drafting committees; clients; structural-design students; and public authorities. In fact, everyone who will be affected by the Eurocodes.
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Uncover the Technology behind Hybrids and Make an Intelligent Decision When Purchasing Your Next Vehicle
With one billion cars expected to be on the roads of the world in the near future, the potential for war over oil and the negative environmental effects of emissions will be greater than ever before. Now is the time to seriously consider an alternative to standard automobiles.
Exploring practical solutions to these problems, Hybrid Vehicles and the Future of Personal Transportation provides broad coverage of the technologies involved in manufacturing and operating hybrids. It reviews key components of hybrid and pure electric vehicles, including batteries, fuel cells, and ultracapacitors. The book also discusses both concept and production-bound hybrids as well as the economics and safety issues of hybrid ownership. In addition, the author supplies effective tips on how to save gasoline with conventional and hybrid automobiles.
Making the jargon of fuel-efficient vehicles accessible to a wide audience, this guide explains the history of hybrids, how they work, and their impact on the environment. It will help you make a sound decision concerning the purchase and operation of a hybrid or electric vehicle.
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Sustainable Transportation: Problems and Solutions
By William R. Black Phd
* Publisher: The Guilford Press
* Number Of Pages: 321
* Publication Date: 2010-01-04
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1606234854
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781606234853
Product Description:
During the last two decades, sustainability has become the dominant concern of transportation planners and policymakers. This timely text provides a framework for developing systems that move people and products efficiently while minimizing damage to the local and global environment. The book offers a uniquely comprehensive perspective on the problems surrounding current transportation systems: climate change, urban air pollution, diminishing petroleum reserves, safety issues, and congestion. It explores the full range of possible solutions, including applications of pricing, planning, policy, education, and technology. Numerous figures, tables, and examples are featured, with a primary focus on North America.
"This is not only an excellent book, it is a wise book. Rather than providing a ‘silver bullet’ for the problems of sustainable transportation, Black clarifies the options in a dynamic and increasingly vulnerable world. He shows how policy can play a role, as can pricing, more travel options, and design solutions. The text provides a panoramic and historical view of the limits of sustainability, from the level of horse manure New York City streets could handle in 1900 to the amount of oil we can import today without risking national security and our climate. This is a book that students, educators, planners, placemakers, and reform advocates would do well to study and reflect upon." – David Burwell, Founding Chair, Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation and Sustainability, USA
"This book is a welcome addition to the evolving literature on how to put transport systems on a more sustainable pathway. Its coverage is vast – beyond widely discussed topics like climate change, energy depletion, and local air pollution, Sustainable Transportation also chronicles the societal costs of road fatalities, oil spills, and traffic jams. Technological, urban planning, and demand management approaches to solving such problems are critically reviewed. The book deserves a place on transportation professionals’ bookshelves and in graduate courses in environmental and transportation planning." – Robert Cervero, Department of City and Regional Planning and Director, University of California Transportation Center, University of California, Berkeley
"This outstanding book should become a standard text for courses on transportation. The analytical message is clear and the coverage is excellent. Black has struck ‘pay dirt’ in the clarity of his delivery and in refocusing traditional approaches to transportation from a sustainability orientation. In an engaging and appealing style, the text directly addresses what today’s professors and students want to know about the interface of transport, energy, environment, and policy. Students in geography, planning, sociology, public affairs, environmental science, and civil engineering would flock to a course organized around this text." – Kingsley E. Haynes, Dean and University Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA
"Black, true to form, has provided essential reading for anyone interested in sustainability challenges and solutions. This text is comprehensive in scope, accessibly written, and current. At times provocative, the book tackles issues as diverse as vehicle technology, full-cost pricing, and educating for change, and gives clear messages about the way forward." – Jean Andrey, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, Canada
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Management of Off-highway Plant and Equipment provides a working knowledge of plant management for engineers, managers and students, and explains concisely and clearly the factors to be considered during investment in, andmanagement of, construction equipment. It compares the cost of leasing with those of purchase, discusses ways of achieving optimum economic useage of plant, and covers issues of health and safety, licensing and the logistics of maintenance.
Management of Off-highway Plant and Equipment is an ideal text for students of plant and construction equipment and civil engineering. It will also be essential reading for engineers and construction managers.
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Punching Shear Retrofit Method Using Shear Bolts for Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Seismic Loading
The shear bolts are a new type of transverse reinforcement developed for retrofit of existing structures
against punching. This research focuses on how the shear bolts can improve the punching-shear
capacity and ductility of the existing slab-column connections under vertical service and lateral
seismic loads.
A set of nine full-scale reinforced concrete slab-column connection specimens were tested under
vertical service and cyclic loads. The vertical (gravity) load for each specimen was kept at a constant
value throughout the testing. The cyclic lateral drift with increasing intensity was applied to the
columns. The specimens were different in number of bolts, concrete strength, number of openings,
and level of gravity punching load. Strains in flexural rebars in the slabs, crack widths, lateral loads,
and displacements were obtained.
The peak lateral load (moment) and its corresponding drift ratio, connection stiffness, crack width,
and ductility were compared among different specimens. The testing results show that shear bolts can
increase lateral peak load resisting capacity, lateral drift capacity at peak load, and ductility of the
slab-column connections. Shear bolts also change the failure mode of the slab-column connections
and increase the energy dissipation capacity.
The thesis includes also research on the development of guidelines for shear bolt design for concrete
slab retrofitting, including the punching shear design method of concrete slab (with shear bolts),
dimensions of bolts, spacing, and influence of bolt layout patterns. Suggestions are given for
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This book, part of a series of four, offers a detailed analysis of urban design, covering the streets, squares and buildings that make up the public face of towns and cities. It outlines the theory of the principal features of urban design from which method is developed and provides a better understanding of the main elements of urban design. This includes the arrangement, design and details of the streets and squares, and the roles they play in city planning.
This third edition includes chapters on "Sustainable Urban Design" and "Visual Analysis", introducing the latest theories and influences in the field and bringing greater practical significance to the book. Cliff Moughtin explores the street and square in terms of function, structure and symbolism and examines fine examples in their historical context. These are set against the background of the laws of urban design composition, culled from Renaissance and modern writers.
* Gain an understanding of the detail of urban design from towns and buildings to squares and streets
* Learn from examples in their historical context and see the evolution of urban design
* New case studies help relate theory to practice
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The Messina Strait Bridge
A Challenge and a Dream
By Fabio Brancaleoni, Giorgio Diana, Ezio Faccioli, Giuseppe Fiammenghi, Ian P.T. Firth, Niels J. Gimsing, Michele Jamiolkowski, Peter Sluszka, Giovanni Solari, Gianluca Valensise, Enzo Vullo
This book describes the enormous depth of work carried out since the early seventies on the Messina Strait Bridge, up to the recent award of the detailed design and construction contract. This important work has included extensive studies, concepts and design developments, with far reaching applications, which have all confirmed the feasibility of this huge endeavour and have led to the optimisation of costs and expected performance levels.
Attention is focused not only on the design itself, but also on the context for the project (e.g. historical, geological, seismo-tectonic and wind conditions; structural and mechanical properties; project management and financial aspects; and environmental considerations), and on the great challenges involved. Thus, considering the innovations and specific solutions adopted in overcoming the challenges presented by constructing a world record span of 3,300 metres at this site, it becomes clear how the Messina Strait Crossing will take its place as a masterpiece in bridge engineering history.
This book will be of interest to bridge and structural engineers, geotechnical and wind engineers, mechanical and earthquake engineers, graduate students in all these areas and all others with a broad interest in bridge design and engineering.
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