Gregersen, O. (2005). ‘‘Program for okt sikkerhet mot leirskred. Risiko for kvikkleireskred Bragernes, Drammen’’. Report 2004 1343-1. Norwegain Geotechncial institute, 26 January 2005.
Multiple copies of the same model can now be run on different machines, and the analysis results merged together on a single machine for performing design and processing results. This can be particularly useful for running a large number of load cases (e.g., earthquakes for performance-based design, P-delta load cases for design by the Direct Analysis Method, etc.), and there are multiple machines available for running different load cases simultaneously.
An enhancement has been implemented in the concrete frame design codes ACI 318-14, ACI 318-11, and ACI 318-08 in which the delta_ns factor is now limited to 1.4 based on sections 6.2.6 and of ACI 318-14, section of ACI 318-11, and section of ACI 318-08.
An enhancement has been made to the steel frame design codes Eurocode 3-2005, Italian NTC2008, and Italian NTC2018 in which the expression of Mcr is now being calculated according to Equation F.2 in Section F.1.2 of EC3:1993. It includes the C2*zg and C3*zj terms, where zg is the distance between the load application point and the shear center (zs), zj is defined in EC3:1993 Section F.1.2, and C2 and C3 are coefficients which depend on load conditions. Previously these terms were ignored and a simplified version of the formula for Mcr was being used. The term C2*zg considers the destabilizing effect of a compressive load placed on top of the beam and that passes through the shear center. This term can be ignored when either the bending moment diagram is linear along a part of a member due to restraints or when the load is applied at the shear center and therefore no destabilizing moments can occur. However, the term C2*zg cannot be assumed as zero for simply supported beams without lateral restraint and with the load applied at the top or bottom flanges. The second term C3*zj considers the effect of the section being singly-symmetric. The results were previously unconservative when the load was destabilizing and the beam was a deep beam.
An enhancement has been made to improve reporting for all concrete frame design codes for columns in which the reported design axial forces and bending moments were reported apparently randomly instead of the maximum values of a multi-valued combination, especially when the required rebar was the minimum. This also happened when a combination for which the case of minimum eccentricity moment about one of the axes was to be reported. Now the program reports the worst set of forces even if the rebar is not affected. This was not a bug. No design results are affected.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): A. Keith Turner (Editor), Robert L. Schuster (Editor) | Size: 39/226 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: National Academy Press | Year: 1996 | pages: 673 | ISBN: 978-0309062084
This Special Report is a greatly expanded edition of a previous report on landslides (Special Report 176, Landslides: Analysis and Control) published in 1978. The new report, which has been designed with an even broader international scope, contains comprehensive, practical discussions of field investigations, laboratory testing, and stability analysis procedures and technologies; comprehensive references to the literature; and discussions of case studies, state-of-the-art techniques, and research directions. The report is presented in five sections: (1) Principles, Definitions, and Assessment; (2) Investigation; (3) Strength and Stability Analysis; (4) Mitigation; and (5) Special Cases and Materials. The report's 25 chapters are individually authored and each has a separate entry in the TRIS data base. An Author Index and a Subject Index are provided.
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Burns, S.F., (2012) “Urban Landslides: Challenges for Forensic Engineering Geologists and Engineers, 11th International Symposium on Landslides (ISL) and the 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 2-8, 2012, p. 39
Design Guide for Economical Reinforced Concrete Structures 2016 A guide to assist design professionals in achieving overall economy in the design and detailing of reinforced concrete structures
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Advanced Steel Design of Structures examines the design principles of steel members under special loads and covers special geometric forms and conditions not typically presented in standard design books. It explains advanced concepts in a simple manner using numerous illustrative examples and MATLAB® codes.
Provides analysis of members under unsymmetrical bending
Includes coverage of structures with special geometry and their use in offshore applications for ultra-deep water oil and gas exploration
Presents numerical modeling and analysis of steel members under fire conditions, impact, and blast loads
Includes MATLAB® examples that will aid in the capacity building of civil engineering students approaching this complex subject
Written for a broad audience, the presentation of design concepts of steel members will be suitable for upper-level undergraduate students. The advanced design theories for offshore structures under special loads will be an attractive feature for post-graduate students and researchers. Practicing engineers will also find the book useful, as it includes numerous solved examples and practical tutorials.
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This authoritative resource discusses structural analysis based on force, displacement, and iterative methods, and explains how to use mechanical dynamics to analyze structural loads and forces.
Dynamic Analysis of Skeletal Structures covers determinacy and indeterminacy, plastic analysis, stiffening of structures for increased capacities, ductility, virtual work principles, earthquake design of tall buildings, maintenance of large structural systems, and more. Detailed examples, illustrations, and worked equations are included throughout. The concepts presented in the book will help you solve challenging problems encountered in professional practice and design safe, efficient structures.
Comprehensive coverage includes:
General concepts and energy principles
Force method
Plastic analysis
Approximate methods of analysis of tall building frames
Matrix approach for force method
Displacement method
Iterative techniques
Introduction to applied dynamics and design of tall buildings
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