AISC Steel Sculpture
![[Image: hwp5my21y8zv9bbrr90y.jpg]](
Connection design in an introductory steel course is often difficult to effectively communicate. Time constraints and priority of certain other topics over connection design also tend to inhibit sufficient treatment of connection design.
The Steel Connections Teaching toolkit is an attempt to effectively incorporate the fundamentals of steel connection design into a first course in steel design. The toolkit addresses three broad issues that arise when teaching students steel connection design: visualization, load paths, and limit states.
In structural analysis classes, students are shown idealized structures. Simple lines represent beams and columns, while pins, hinges and fixed supports characterize connections. However, real structures are composed of beams, girders and columns, all joined together through bolting or welding of plates and angles. It is no wonder that student shave trouble visualizing and understanding the true three-dimensional nature of connections!
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