Curvature and Bending Moments from Inclinometer Data
P. S. K. Ooi and T. L. Ramsey
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Posted by: mahesu219 - 02-17-2012, 10:12 AM - Forum: Archive
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Does anyone have the
Stepp, J.C., 1972, “Analysis of Completeness of the Earthquake Sample in the Puget Sound Area and Its Effects on Statistical Estimates of Earthquake Hazard,” Proceedings of the First Microzonation Conference, Seattle, WA, pp. 897–909.
Author: L. G. Alexander & R. A. Close | Size: - MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Longman Publishing Group | Year: January 1989 | pages: 374 | ISBN: 978-0582558922
Alexander's "Longman English Grammar" is among the best of its type I have seen, though not without some drawbacks.
The coverage is exceptionally comprehensive, going over a large number of structures and forms that will keep most students going for a long time. The covers not only the main structures, but also some more specialised forms that students may need to be familiar with.
The explanations are generally easy to understand, though sometimes they get a little confusing. The examples provided are excellent and they often clear up any points of confusion that the explanations may have left the reader with.
Perhaps the biggest plus for this book is the fact that they include a section of exercises called "Context". Very few grammar practice books do this, prefering instead to have only sentence level practice. Alexander has provided an excellent opportunity to practice grammar in a wider context of language. The only pity is that he did not provide more like it, but some is better than none, and this alone makes the book worth getting.
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Hello friends.
I want to learn much about grammar. Can you please help me to get this book?
This book is Longman English Grammar (Grammar Reference) and not Longman English Grammar Practice(I already have this one)
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Author: Stephen P. SCHNEIDER1, Donald R. KRAMER2 and Douglas L. SARKKINEN3 | Size: 768 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering | Year: 2004 | pages: 12
13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
August 1-6, 2004
Paper No. 252
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This paper presents finite-element FE modeling and nonlinear analysis of steel-concrete composite frames subjected to very
large cyclic loading. A three-dimensional FE model is developed to carry out the nonlinear analysis. Modeling details of the steel frame,
the reinforced concrete RC slab, the interactions between the RC slab and the frame beams, and the associated constitutive relationships
for cyclic loading are presented. A composite frame previously tested by the writers is analyzed using the proposed FE model. Good
correlation is observed between the experimental and analytical hysteresis curves up to rotation amplitude of 0.04 rad. One of the notable
observations during the loading to large rotations is the fracture at steel beam ends. To simulate such behavior, a simplified fractured steel
connection model is introduced. The proposed nonlinear model is found to be capable of capturing the fracture behavior of beam ends to
an acceptable accuracy.
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User Guide for the: International Building Code in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Version 1, Edition 2011
Size: 6.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Emirate of Abu DhabiDepartment of Municipal Affairs | Year: January 2011 | pages: 348
This Abu Dhabi Building Codes Guide, is designed to meet theneeds of the community through code regulations thatsafeguard the public health and safety in all communities, largeand small.
This locally developed Code Guide, used in conjunction with the adopted building codes, establishes minimum regulations for prescriptive and performance-related provisions as they apply to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. It is founded on broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials,building designs and methods of construction. This Code Guide is fully compatible with all the adopted model International Codes ® (I-Codes ®) as published by the International Code Council (ICC) ®
The provisions within this Code Guide, have been reviewed and customized for local conditions through the efforts of work groups composed of fire safety, structural, architectural, civil and mechanical/plumbing professionals and other stake holders that reviewed the performance and prescriptive code requirements found in the adopted codes.
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