Innovative foundation systems for high-rise buildings
Author: Prof. Hubert Quick, Simon Meissner, Dr. Joachim Michael Prof. Dipl.-Ing. H. Quick × Ingenieure und Geologen GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany Prof. Dr. Ulvi Arslan, | Size: 1.47 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Proceedings of the 1st Intelligent Building Middle East Conference 5-7th, December 2005, Bahrain 1 | Year: 2005 | pages: 9 | ISBN: -
The report presents customary foundation systems for high-rise buildings such as raft and pile foundation as well as the innovative foundation system of combined pile-raft-foundation. Where piles are primarily used to reduce settlements (satisfy the serviceability) and where an adequate factor of safety against failure is provided, the innovative combined pile-raft foundation (CPRF) has been put forward in the past. Furthermore, the possibility of using geothermal energy for example by equipping the piles
adequately will be presented.
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Introductory flash-based, online book on plate tectonics - the movement of litosphere plates. Students using this book can see continents collide and watch what happens at the mid-ocean ridge. Fantastic full-color illustrations.
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Author: Marian IVAN | Size: 820 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Samizdat Press | pages: 81
These course notes present some theoretical problems related to the Mechanics of a Continuum Solid Body, of particular importance to Applied Geomechanics, Geological Engineering and Structural Geology. In most cases, only static aspects are discussed, but some dynamic cases are also presented.
As a rule, the modern tensorial approach is used. Some basic elements are reviewed at the beginning of the notes. More details can be found into the excellent books of George Backus and Brian Kennett, also available at Samizdat Press. The linear elasticity and the homogeneity of the continuum solid body are almost thoroughly assumed to be valid, but some elements of Rheology are also presented.
In most cases, the semi-inverse method is used to solve the problems. According to it, the solution is supposed to be of a particular form, as a consequence of the simplified hypothesis previously assumed. It is verified that solution checks both the corresponding equations and the boundary conditions. Based on the Uniqueness Theorem of the Linear Elasticity, it follows the assumed particular solution is just the general solution of the problem. In all the cases discussed here, the assumed simplified hypotheses allow one to obtain simple, analytical solutions. At a first glance, the importance of such solutions is minor with respect to the real cases, where mainly the non-homogeneity of the medium plays a great role. However, the analytical solutions are the basis for deriving finite element algorithms, allowing one to model satisfactory the complex real cases. Such examples are also presented.
The author will kindly appreciate any critical remarks on these notes, being very grateful to Samizdat Press for the possibility to shear his work.
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Statistical Physics of Fracture, Friction and Earthquake
Author: Hikaru Kawamura | Size: 2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan | pages: 52
We review the present status of our research and understanding regarding the dynamics and the statistical properties of earthquakes, mainly from a statistical physical viewpoint. Emphasis is put both on the physics of friction and fracture, which provides a “microscopic” basis of our
understanding of an earthquake instability, and on the statistical physical modelling of earth-quakes, which provides “macroscopic” aspects of such phenomena. Recent numerical results on several representative models are reviewed, with attention to both their “critical” and “characteristic” properties. We highlight some of relevant notions and related issues, including the origin of power-laws often observed in statistical properties of earthquakes, apparently contrasting features
of characteristic earthquakes or asperities, the nature of precursory phenomena and nucleation processes, the origin of slow earthquakes, etc.
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Part 3 outlines the importance of traffic data and its analysis for the purpose of traffic management and traffic control. It serves as a means to ensure some degree of consistency in conducting traffic studies and surveys. It provides guidance on the different types of traffic studies and surveys that can beundertaken, their use and application, and methods for traffic data collection and analysis. Part 3 covers applications of the theory presented in Part 2 (Austroads 2008a), and provides guidance on traffic analysis for uninterrupted and interrupted flow facilities and for various types of intersections. It outlines sound methods of analysis for effective traffic management, design and control.
Posted by: moch.sholeh - 02-18-2012, 10:53 AM - Forum: Archive
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Soil Testing Manual : Procedures, Classification Data, and Sampling Practices 1 edition
By : Robert W. Day
Published December 18, 2000 by McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN 10 : 0071363637
ISBN 13 : 9780071363631
Corrosion of Polymers and Elastomers provides a detailed examination of the corrosive effects of thermoplastic polymers, thermoset polymers, and elastomeric materials. The book is perfectly suited for specialists interested in the corrosion resistance and mechanisms of these materials.
Following a general introduction to the composition, properties, and applications of polymers, the book focuses on the effects of chemical corrosion caused by changes in temperature, moisture, and other corrodents. Organized by material type, the chapters cover each material's ability to withstand sun, weather, and ozone as well as its chemical resistance and typical applications. The book also includes compatibility tables for each of the materials and compares the corrosion resistance of selected elastomers.
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System Dynamics includes the strongest treatment of computational software and system simulation of any available text, with its early introduction of MATLAB® and Simulink®. The text's extensive coverage also includes discussion of the root locus and frequency response plots, among other methods for assessing system behavior in the time and frequency domains as well as topics such as function discovery, parameter estimation, and system identification techniques, motor performance evaluation, and system dynamics in everyday life.
B. Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Modeling of Rigid-Body Mechanical Systems
3 Solution Methods for Dynamic Models
4 Spring and Damper Elements in Mechanical Systems
5 State-Variable Models and Simulation Methods
6 Electrical and Electromechanical Systems
7 Fluid and Thermal Systems
8 System Analysis in the Frequency Domain
9 Transient Response and Block Diagram Models
10 Introduction to Feedback Control Systems
11 Control System Design and the Root Locus Plot
12 Compensator Design and the Bode Plot
13 Vibration Applications
Guide to Selected MATLAB Commands and Functions
Fourier Series
Introduction to MATLAB (on the website)
Numerical Methods (on the website)
C. New Features
The dynamics review in Chapter 2 and the introduction to electrical systems in Chapter 6 have been edited for a more concise presentation of the material.
Block diagrams are now presented in Chapter 9 to be closer to their applications in control system analysis. The material in Chapter 5 dealing with transfer functions and state variable methods has been reorganized to better delineate the advantages of each method.
Introduction to MATLAB®, offered on the text website, provides readers with a practical, concise guide to the program.
The former Chapter 11 has been split into two chapters to focus more concisely on PID control system design issues (new Chapter 11) and compensator design (new Chapter 12).
The final chapter (Vibration Applications) now includes coverage of active vibration control systems and nonlinear vibration.
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ASTM D7181 - 11 Method for Consolidated Drained Triaxial Compression Test for Soils
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