Discontinuum Mechanics : Using Finite and Discrete Elements
S. Mohammadi, "Discontinuum Mechanics : Using Finite and Discrete Elements"
MgH | 2003 | ISBN: 1853129593 | 328 pages | PDF | 25,7 MB
Textbook introducing the mathematical and computational concepts of contact mechanics which are used increasingly in industrial and academic application of the combined finite/discrete element method.
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# Views the structural model as a complement to the mathematical model, not as a competitor nor a replacement for analysis
# Prepares the reader to form the proper perspective as to when and where models should be used
# Discusses instrumentation techniques, particularly stain measurement and interpretation
# Includes a summary, problems, and references at the end of each chapter
# Serves as an updated text - reflecting the considerable developments in structural modeling and physical testing
Structural Modeling and Experimental Techniques presents a current treatment of structural modeling for applications in design, research, education, and product development. Providing numerous case studies throughout, the book emphasizes modeling the behavior of reinforced and prestressed concrete and masonry structures.
Structural Modeling and Experimental Techniques:
# Concentrates on the modeling of the true inelastic behavior of structures
# Provides case histories detailing applications of the modeling techniques to real structures
# Discusses the historical background of model analysis and similitude principles governing the design, testing, and interpretation of models
# Evaluates the limitations and benefits of elastic models
# Analyzes materials for reinforced concrete masonry and steel models
# Assesses the critical nature of scale effects of model testing
# Describes selected laboratory techniques and loading methods
# Contains material on errors as well as the accuracy and reliability of physical modeling
# Examines dynamic similitude and modeling techniques for studying dynamic loading of structures
# Covers actual applications of structural modeling
This book serves students in model analysis and experimental methods, professionals manufacturing and testing structural models, as well as professionals testing large or full-scale structures - since the instrumentation techniques and overall approaches for testing large structures are very similar to those used in small-scale modeling work.
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Autodesk® Revit® Structure building information modeling (BIM) software for structural engineering provides purpose-built tools for structural design and analysis. With the advantage of BIM, Revit Structure helps to improve multi-discipline coordination of structural design documentation, minimize errors, and enhance collaboration between structural engineering and architecture teams.
DVD1: Autocad Revit Structure Suite 32Bit - 64Bit
DVD2: Autocad Structural Detailing 32Bit for Revit Structure Suite
DVD3: Autocad Structural Detailing 64Bit for Revit Structure Suite Downloaded from Rapidshare and installed. The same Revit and the same ASD. No need to download one more time.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Posted by: hitusp - 05-02-2010, 03:14 AM - Forum: Archive
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dear friend
i want Design Of Steel Structures (By Limit State Method As Per Is: 800 2007) By S.S. Bhavikatti this book.if any one have it please post it.
Thank you
Reliability, Life Testing and the Prediction of Service Lives: For Engineers and Scientists By Sam C. Saunders
Reliability, Life Testing and the Prediction of Service Lives: For Engineers and Scientists By Sam C. Saunders
Publisher: Springer 2007 | 310 Pages | ISBN: 0387325220 | PDF | 6 MB
This book is intended for students and practitioners who have had a calculus-based statistics course and who have an interest in safety considerations such as reliability, strength, and duration-of-load or service life. Many persons studying statistical science will be employed professionally where the problems encountered are obscure, what should be analyzed is not clear, the appropriate assumptions are equivocal, and data are scant. Yet tutorial problems of this nature are virtually never encountered in coursework. In this book there is no disclosure with many of the data sets what type of investigation should be made or what assumptions are to be used.
Most reliability practitioners will be employed where personal interaction between disciplines is a necessity. A section is included on communication skills to facilitate model selection and formulation based on verifiable assumptions, rather than favorable conclusions. However, whether the answer is "right" can never be ascertained.
Past and current applications of stochastic modeling to life-length can only be a guide for future adaptations under different conditions, with new materials in unknown usages. This book unifies the study of cumulative-damage distributions, namely, Wald and Tweedie (i.e., inverse-Gaussian and its reciprocal) with "fatigue-life." These distributions are most useful when the coefficient-of-variation is more appropriate than is the variance as a measure of dispersion. It is shown, uniquely, that the same hyperbolic-sine transformation of each life length variate has a Chi-square one-df distribution. This property is useful in the sample statistics. These IHRA distributions realistically model life-length, strength or duration of load under linear cumulative damage and can be combined as approximations in non-linear situations.
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Static and Dynamic Response of a Sandwich Structure Under Axial Compression
This thesis is concerned with a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the static and dynamic response of an axially compressed sandwich structure. For the static response problem of sandwich structures, a two-dimensional mechanical model is developed to predict the global and local buckling of a sandwich beam, using classical elasticity. The face sheet and the core are assumed as linear elastic orthotropic continua in a state of planar deformation. General buckling deformation modes (periodic and non-periodic) of the sandwich beam are considered. On the basis of the model developed here, validation and accuracy of several previous theories are discussed for different geometric and material properties of a sandwich beam. The appropriate incremental stress and conjugate incremental finite strain measure for the instability problem of the sandwich beam, and the corresponding constitutive model are addressed. The formulation used in the commercial finite element package is discussed in relation to the formulation adopted in the theoretical derivation. The Dynamic response problem of a sandwich structure subjected to axial impact by a falling mass is also investigated. The dynamic counterpart of the celebrated Euler buckling problem is formulated first and solved by considering the case of a slender column that is impacted by a falling mass. A new notion, that of the time to buckle is introduced, which is the corresponding critical quantity analogous to the critical load in static Euler buckling. The dynamic bifurcation buckling analysis is extended to thick sandwich structures using an elastic foundation model. A comprehensive set of impact test results of sandwich columns with various configurations are presented. Failure mechanisms and the temporal history of how a sandwich column responds to axial impact are discussed through the experimental results. The experimental results are compared against analytical dynamic buckling studies and finite element based simulation of the impact event.
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Product Description:
The main goal of this introductory course is to demonstrate how basic concepts in soil mechanics can be used as a "forensic" tool in the investigation of geotechnical failures. This, in turn, provides a good opportunity to show how to use available procedures in the formulation of useful simple geotechnical models. Geotechnical failure is understood here in a broad sense as the failure of a structure to function properly due to a geotechnical reason.
Some of the geotechnical failures selected are well known for their impact on the geotechnical community. Others are closer to the authors' experience. They have been organized into three main topics: Settlement, Bearing Capacity and Excavations. They cover a significant proportion of every day activities of professional geotechnical engineers. No attempt has been made to create a comprehensive handbook of failures. Instead, the emphasis has been given to creative applications of simple mechanical concepts and well known principles and solutions of Soil Mechanics. The book shows how much can be learned from relatively simple approaches. Despite this emphasis on simplicity, the book provides a deep insight into the cases analyzed. A non-negligible number of new analytical closed-form solutions have also been found. Their derivation can be followed in detail.
In all the cases described an effort was made to provide a detailed and step by step description of the hypothesis introduced and of the analysis performed.
Each of the eight chapters of the book addresses a certain type of failure, illustrated by a case history. The chapters are self-contained. They provide a review of soil mechanics principles and methods required to understand and explain the failure described. In some cases the analysis offered provides a non-conventional application of basic principles. All chapters are completed with a summary of lessons learned from the failure and its analysis. They also include a short account on advanced topics to help the interested readers to go beyond the approaches used in the book.
Readers are expected to be familiar with the basic concepts of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The target audience is graduate students, faculty and practicing professionals in the fields of civil and geotechnical engineering.
This textbook profits from experience accumulated in teaching a course in forensic engineering at the ETH Zurich.
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