Concrete Beams with Openings
Analysis and Design
Analysis and Design
![[Image: 95277088256693815168.jpg]](
Authors: M. A. Mansur, Kiang-Hwee Tan
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: CRC Press, 1999
ISBN: 0849374359, 9780849374357
Length: 220 pages
Pdf: 3.95 Mb
This book compiles state-of-the-art information on the behavior, analysis, and design of concrete beams containing transverse openings.Discussions includeo the need, effects, and classification of openings as well as the general requirements for fulfilling designo pure bending, combined bending, and shear - illustrated with numerical exampleso torsion alone or in combination with bending and shearo large rectangular openings as well as opening size and location on beam behavioro methods for analyzing ultimate strength and serviceability requirementso effects of torsion in beamso large openings in continuous beams and their effects on possible redistribution of internal forces as well as guidelines and procedures for the design of such beamso effect of prestressing on the serviceability and strength of beams with web openingso design against cracking at openings and ultimate loadsConcrete Beams with Openings serves as an invaluable source of information for designers and practicing engineers, especially useful since little or no provision or guidelines are currently available in most building codes.
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