09-13-2009, 11:11 PM
Autodesk Navisworks Review v2010
(32-BiT & 64-BiT) | 1.4 GB | 2.7 GB
![[Image: s9s42qfxdxfihvjaxu.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/s9s42qfxdxfihvjaxu.jpg)
Autodesk® Navisworks® Review software extends access to existing design data for real-time visualization and review, regardless of file size or format.
Review 3D Projects Regardless of File Size or Format
* Measurements tools enable detailed measurement of distance, area, and angles.
* Store, organize, and share camera views of the design, and export into images or reports.
* Comment on viewpoints with fully searchable notes, including date-stamped audit trail.
* Add mark-ups to viewpoints with advanced redlining tools.
* Add cross sections and section planes for close inspection of details.
* Record animated walk-throughs for real-time playback or export as prerecorded .AVI files.
* Use .NWF reference files on open models. The latest version of the CAD design is used, while all previous review data is maintained.
* Read intelligent data from the original design files and view it alongside the model.
* DataTools feature enables import of live data from external databases using SQL through ODBC, which can then be displayed together with the model.
* SwitchBack feature enables easy opening of the current model and viewpoint in the original design software.
* Automate tasks or extend functionality using the extensive COM API.
Streamline Workflow
* Supports all major 3D design and laser scan file formats.
* Streams large models and content intelligently from disk or Internet, enabling navigation around the design as model loads.
* Combines models, regardless of file format, into a single unified model.
* Provides smooth, real-time navigation with a range of tools including Walk, Look Around, Zoom, Zoom Box, Pan, Orbit, Examine, Fly, and Turntable.
* Provides gravity, collision detection, and customizable third-person avatars. Enables navigation through models without moving through walls.
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