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Hardbound. During the last ten years, our understanding of the perfect plasticity and the associated flow rule assumption on which limit analysis is based has increased considerably. Many extensions and advances have been made in applications of limit analysis to the area of soil dynamics, in particular, to earthquake-induced slope failure and landslide problems and to earthquake-induced lateral earth pressures on rigid retaining structures. The purpose of the book therefore is in part to discuss the validity of the upper bound work (or energy) method of limit analysis in a form that can be appreciated by a practicing soil engineer, and in part to provide a compact and up-to-date summary of recent advances in the applications of limit analysis to earthquake-induced stability problems in soil mechanics.
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* Publisher: NRC Research Press
* Number Of Pages: 188
* Publication Date: 1998-03-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0660174049
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780660174044
* Binding: Paperback
Product Description:
This revised publication replaces The Canadian System of Soil Classification (second edition) published in 1987. The changes incorporated in this current publication are based on the work of the Soil Classification WorkingGroup (SCWG) formerly of the Expert Committee on Soil Survey, and continued by the Land Resource Division of the former Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research. Current taxonomic activities are part of the Land Resources Program of the Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario. Highlights of the third edition:
A tenth order, Vertisolic, has been added;
Subgroups intergrading to the Vertisolic Order have been added in the Chernozemic,
Gleysolic, Luvisolic, and Solonetzic Orders;
Major revisions have been carried out to the Cryosolic Order;
A complete key to soil classification has been added in chapter 3.
The main initiative for establishing the Vertisolic Order resulted from the Sixth International Soil Correlation Meeting on Characterization, Classification, and Utilization of Cold Aridisols and Vertisols organized by the United States Department of Agriculture. Another key initiative for establishing the Vertisolic Order in Canada was the decision by the United States Department of Agriculture to establish a new suborder Cryert in the Vertisol Order of U.S. Soil Taxonomy that allows clay soils with Vertic properties that occur in cold climates to be classified as Vertisols. In light of these events, a review of the classification of clay soils in Canada by the Soil Classification Working Group led to the recommendation to establish the Vertisolic Order.
The main reasons for modifying the Cryosolic Order stemmed from the results of an International Correlation Meeting on Permafrost Affected Soils. In addition work by Charles Tarnocai, Ottawa, and Scott Smith, Whitehorse, who assisted the International Gelisol Working Group in establishing the Gelisol Order for the U.S. Soil Taxonomy led to the modification of the Cryosolic Order. The most significant changes include adding several new subgroups in both the Turbic Cryosol and Static Cryosol great groups and revising the description of all subgroups to make them as uniform as possible and to clearly identify those properties diagnostic of the particular subgroup.
Another new and useful addition to the third edition is the introduction of a Key to Soil Classification, which provides keys to soil orders, soil great groups, and soil subgroups. Complete definitions of each order, great group, and subgroup are contained in the chapter on each order. All the keys are arranged in a systematic order and are based on diagnostic soil criteria (or criterion).
In addition to the revisions described above, a number of errors and discrepancies in the 1987 edition of The Canadian System of Soil Classification have been corrected. As well, the wording has been changed in many instances to remove ambiguity, to standardize terminology, and to make the intent more easily understood.
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Plasticity and Geotechnics (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics)
By : Hai-Sui Yu
Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 524
Publication Date: 2006-08-09
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387335978
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387335971
Product Description:
Plasticity and Geotechnics is the first attempt to summarize and present, in one volume, the major developments achieved to date in the field of plasticity theory for geotechnical materials and its applications to geotechnical analysis and design. The author believes that there is an urgent need for the geotechnical and solid mechanics community to have a unified presentation of plasticity theory and its application to geotechnical engineering.
In its thorough, comprehensive treatment of the subject, the book covers classical, recent, and modern developments of appropriate constitutive theories of stress-strain relations for geomaterials and a wide range of analytical and computational techniques that are available for solving geotechnical design problems. The emphasis is on key concepts behind the most useful theoretical developments, the inter-relation of these concepts, and their implementation in numerical procedures for solving practical problems in geotechnical engineering.
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The present publication aims to give a short, tractable and as far as possible complete introduction to the young theory of hypoplasticity, which is a new approach to constitutive modelling of granular media in terms of rational continuum mechanics.
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Author : C. Venkatramaiah
New Age International | 2006 | ISBN: 8122423388, 8122417930 | 947 pages
Purpose and Scope of the Book 'GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING'
There are not many books which cover both soil mechanics and foundation engineering which a student can use for his paper on Geotechnical Engineering. This paper is studied compulsorily and available books, whatever few are there, have not been found satisfactory. Students are compelled to refer to three or four books to meet their requirements. The author has been prompted by the lack of a good comprehensive textbook to write this present work. He has made a sincere effort to sum up his experience of thirty three years of teaching in the present book. The notable features of the book are as follows:
1. The S.1. (Standard International) System of Units, which is a modification of the Metric System of units, is adopted. A note on the S.l. Units is included by way of elucidation. The reader is requested to refer to the latest revised versions of the 1.8. codes mentioned in the book.
2. Reference is made to the relevant Indian Standards, wherever applicable.
3. The number of illustrative problems as well as the number of practice problems: is made as large as possible so as to cover the various types of problems likely to be encountered. The problems are carefully graded with regard to their toughness,
4. A few "objective questions" are also included.
5. "Summary of Main Points" is given at the end of each Chapter.
6. References are given at the end of each Chapter.
7. Symbols and nomenclature adopted are mostly consistent, while being in close agreement with the internationally standardised. ones.
8. The sequence of topics and subtopics is made as logical as possible.
9. The author does not pretend to claim any originality for the material, the sources being appropriately acknowledged; however, he does claim some degree of it in the presentation, in the degree of lucidity sought to be imparted, and in his efforts to combine the good features of previous works in this field, In view of the meager number of books in this field in S.I. Units, this can be expected to be a valuable contribution to the existing literature.
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We have for some time now witnessed the disruption in air travel due to the ash spewing from one of Europe’s volcanic mountains. Lots have been said of the ash-including the fact that it could interfere with the functions of the aeroplanes as such could lead to engine failure thus to air disaster. This is now becoming a new frontier for the scientists and engineers alike. I would be grateful if those who have knowledge/experience to this phenomenon, know of some books or articles that dealt with issues relate to the numeric modulation of the dispersal of this ash could share it. If possible, could we form a group as to model the present scenario with any software? hand calculation? etc. what do you think about it?
_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ All credits of this post must goes to: Rokoku My best friend, and one of the most expert in dynamics that i know
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Bridging the Gap: Restoring and Rebuilding the Nation's Bridges
Bridging the Gap: Restoring and Rebuilding the Nation's Bridges
John Horsley
Publisher: American Association of State, Highway and Transportation Officials | 2008 | ISBN: 1560514256 | PDF | 72 pages | 5.35 MB
As the nation approaches the August 1 anniversary of the Minneapolis I-35W Bridge tragedy, AASHTO released Bridging the Gap: Restoring and Rebuilding the Nation's Bridges, a new report that outlines the critical challenges ahead. The report discusses the aging of our nation's bridges, the increasing costs to repair or modernize the bridges, the growing traffic congestion cause by bottlenecks on our interstates, and the epidemic of rising construction costs. Bridging the Gap points out several solutions to these growing problems, including: increased investment in transportation at all levels of government; support for a wide range of revenue options such as tolls, tax increases, annual road user fees, bonds, or private investment; commitment to research and innovation; systematic maintenance to extend the life of bridges; and increased public awareness that bridges are vital links to business and communities. The report also includes a time table of the I-35W Bridge collapse and reconstruction from August 1, 2007 to June 19, 2008, statistics of U.S. bridges per state, age of U.S. bridge inventory chart, terms related to how bridge conditions are rated, and a brief description of the bridge disasters and recoveries in California (The MacArthur Maze, April 29, 2007), Missouri (Jefferson Street Bridge, Nov. 27, 2007), and Oklahoma (Interstate 40 Bridge, May 26, 2002)
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Railway noise and vibration: mechanisms, modeling and means of Control
_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ All credits of this post must goes to: Rokoku My best friend, and one of the most expert in dynamics that I know
Author: Thompson, David
ISBN-13: 978-0-08-045147-3
This book brings together research in the area of railway noise and vibration, much of which has been published in various papers. The intention is to present it in a way that provides a coherent introduction to the field. While inevitably many of the references are our own, the book is not just a record of the authors’ work and also owes much to the many colleagues we have worked with over the years.
It is not practical in a book of this sort to provide an introduction to sound and vibration for those completely unfamiliar with them. Some basic background to acoustics is therefore assumed.
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