Elastic Analysis of Soil-foundation Interaction
by A.P.S. Selvadurai
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This is the kind of book that one can use to hand to a graduate student starting to work on the subject of beams and plates on elastic foundations. It has a wealth of information, well organized, and not having too much detail. In addition, and most importantly, it has an extensive list of references, about 800 in all, covering the literature both in the Soviet Union and in the West.
The book is written for engineers, not mathematicians, so that the emphasis is on methods of analysis which lead to numerical, and particularly graphical, results for quantities of engineering interest—contact stresses, deflections, etc. Little emphasis is placed on topics such as integral transforms, dual integral equations, etc. Where such topics are introduced they are treated merely as tools which may be used to obtain solutions to problems.
The main body of the book is devoted to a study of the wide variety of problems relating to an elastic structure lying on a foundation, which again is almost always assumed to be elastic. The variety of problems arises because the structure may be taken to be rigid or elastic, and may be a beam, thin or thick, finite or infinite; a plate, circular or rectangular, thin or thick, finite or infinite. The foundation also may take various forms; it may be a simple Winkler foundation made up of independent linear springs, it may be some more complicated, Vlasov-Leont'ev or two-parameter model, or it may be a continuum, isotropic or anisotropic, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous. Virtually all the important combinations are studied and compared with each other. Most of the work is quasi-analytical, but purely numerical methods such as the finite-difference and finite-element methods are introduced and used. A final chapter deals with the determination of soil parameters, particularly by experimental methods, and a series of appendices give the details of the mathematical analysis of some of the basic plate-foundation problems.
* Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd
* Number Of Pages: 558
* Publication Date: 1979-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444416633
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444416636
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