Handbookof Machine Foundations
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Handbookof Machine Foundations
Structural Engineering Research Centre
Rapid industrialization of the country under the successive Five Year Plans involves the installation of machines of various types in industrial establishments. The design of foundations for such machines calls for specialized knowledge. Codes relating to machine
foundations provide only very generál guidance. There are hardly any works of reference which provide detailed information on different types of machine foundations. In the absence of such a manuál, widely varying practices are being followed. The effort of the authors of this book has been to present the principles of analysis, design and construction of machine foundations of different types in sufficient detail. To make the book self-contained, elements of structural dynamics are presented in Chapter 2. A feature of the book which the designers would specially welcome is the inclusion of numerical examples. A chapter each is devoted to the design of block and framed foundations. Vibration isolation and construction details have about received adequate attention. Readers of this handbook who are intimately concerned with machine foundations may perhaps like to write to the authors about case histories of "sick" foundations and corrective measures which in their experience have proved effective. Although a section on case histories has been included in Chapter 7, a separate chapter on such documented case histories would certainly enhance the value of this work.
New Delhi
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