07-03-2018, 12:13 PM
The dynamic stability of elastic systems
Author(s)/Editor(s): Vladimir Vasilʹevich Bolotin | Size: 25 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: Holden-Day | Year: 1964 | pages: 451 | ISBN: 1114366099 / 978-1114366091
Author(s)/Editor(s): Vladimir Vasilʹevich Bolotin | Size: 25 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: Holden-Day | Year: 1964 | pages: 451 | ISBN: 1114366099 / 978-1114366091
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This book is an attempt to present systematically the general theory of dynamic stability of elastic systems and its numerous applications. Investigations of the author are used as the basis for the book, part of which was published previously in the form of separate articles. The author's method of presentation is retained where the problems treated have been analyzed by other authors.
The book is devoted to the solution of engineering problems. As in every other engineering (or physics) investigation, the presentation consists of first choosing an initial scheme or pattern, and then using the approximate mathematical methods to obtain readily understood results. This intent, and the desire to make the book easily understood by a large number of readers, is reflected in the arrangement and structure of the book. The book consists of three parts.
PART I is concerned with the simplest problems of dynamic stability which do not require complicated mathematical methods for their solutions. By using these problems, the author wishes to acquaint the reader with previously investigated problems. At the same time, certain peculiarities of the phenomena of instability, which previously have been only sketchily mentioned, are clarified. PART I also contains methods of solution of the general problem.
PART II begins with two chapters containing the minimum necessary mathematical information; a conversant reader can disregard these chapters. The properties of the general equations of dynamic stability are then examined; methods are presented for the determination of the boundaries of the regions of instability and the amplitudes of parametrically excited vibrations for the general case.
PART III is concerned with applications. Various problems of the dynamic instability of straight rods, arches, beams, statically indeterminate rod systems, plates, and shells are examined. The choice of examples was dictated by the desire to illustrate the general methods and present solutions to practical problems. The number of examples was limited by the size of the book.
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