04-20-2017, 06:44 PM
Hazard Analysis of Seismic Soil Liquefaction
Author(s)/Editor(s): Yu Huang, Miao Yu | Size: 9.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2017 | pages: 180
Author(s)/Editor(s): Yu Huang, Miao Yu | Size: 9.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2017 | pages: 180
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Liquefaction is one of the major causes of damage to soils and foundations during earthquakes and is one of the most important aspects in seismic research and the design of foundations. Recent seismic liquefaction-related damage to soils and foundations demonstrates the need for comprehensive hazard analysis of seismic soil liquefaction, in order to reduce related damages and to protect lives. The aim of this book is to examine the disaster mechanisms and deformation evolution of seismic liquefaction and provide references for risk assessment. This book summarizes and generalizes the authors’ research into seismic liquefaction, including mechanisms, deformation characteristics, and comprehensive evaluations. First, macroscopic liquefaction phenomena observed since the beginning of this century are reviewed, and then the liquefaction potential evaluations based on in situ testing are discussed. Then, the studies of the dynamic mechanisms of liquefaction via laboratory and model tests are presented. In addition, numerical simulations for deformation analysis of liquefiable soils are described. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation of liquefaction damage during earthquakes is proposed. This book has seven chapters. Chapter1, the introduction, gives a preliminary presentation of seismic hazards in the world, and liquefaction hazards are detailed using typical earthquake damage examples. After introducing these natural hazards, current major components of liquefaction hazard analysis are reviewed. In Chap. 2, major earthquakes and related liquefaction damage since the beginning of this century worldwide are reviewed in detail. Conventional liquefaction phenomena and macroscopic characteristics (e.g., sand boiling or sand blows, ground cracking or fissures, and lateral spread) are summarized by analyzing observations from various earthquakes. In addition, several new phenomena related to earthquakes in the twenty-first century are introduced. Chapter3 presents liquefaction potential evaluations based on in situ testing, including the standard penetration, cone penetration, dynamic cone penetration or Becker penetration, and wave velocity tests. The next three chapters focus on dynamic behavior and deformation characteristic analyses of seismic liquefaction by laboratory experiment (Chap. 4), centrifugal shaking table testing (Chap. 5), and numerical simulation (Chap.6). In the above, accelerations, excess porewater pressures, and deformations are captured. These are all useful for the prevention and control of geo-disasters. Chapter7 presents a comprehensive evaluation of liquefaction damage during earthquakes in light of performance-based seismic design criteria and reliability analyses.
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