02-09-2016, 05:25 PM
Seismic evaluation of a 56-storey residential reinforced concrete high-rise building
based on nonlinear dynamic time-history analyses.
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based on nonlinear dynamic time-history analyses.
![[Image: 77940366879343418701.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/77940366879343418701.jpg)
- Author(s): Siamak Epackachi, Rasoul Mirghaderi1, Omid Esmaili, Ali Asghar Taheri Behbahani and Shahram Vahdani.
- Published By: Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com).
- Published Year: 8 March 2010
- Size: 1,30 MB
- Quality: Original preprint
- Abstract: In recent decades, shear walls and tube structures have been the most appropriate structural forms for the construction of high-rise concrete buildings. Thus, recent Reinforced Concrete (RC) tall buildings have more complicated structural behaviour than before. Therefore, studying the structural systems and associated behaviour of these types of structures is very important. The main objective of this paper is to study the linear and nonlinear behaviour of one of the tallest RC buildings, a 56-storey structure, located in a high seismic zone in Iran. In this tower, shear wall systems with irregular openings are utilized under both gravity and lateral loads and may result in some especial issues in the behaviour of structural elements such as shear walls and coupling beams. The analytical methodologies and the results obtained in the evaluation of life-safety and collapse prevention of the building are also discussed. The weak zones of the structure based on the results are introduced, and a detailed discussion of some important structural aspects of the high-rise shear wall system with consideration of the concrete time dependency and constructional sequence effects is also included.
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