Evaluation Of Earthquake Response Analysis Methods For Low - Rise Base Isolated Buildings
Author: orunbalci and G . O zpalanlar | Size: 893 KB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: The 14 th World Conference on Ear thquake Engineering October 12 - 17, 2008, Beijing, China | Year: 2008 | pages: 08
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The seismic isolation approach is extremely rational approach especially for low-rise and medium-rise buildings
with natural periods close to fundamental periods, i.e., buildings that are under the risk of the resonance. This
paper deals with available analysis methods determined on a comparative basis for most suitable and realistic
approaches, especially for cases where the isolators are provided for the foundations of low-rise and medium-rise
buildings. To this end, a brief introduction is followed by the investigations performed for different analysis
methods, namely the static equivalent earthquake force analysis, linear response spectrum analysis, linear time
history analysis and nonlinear time history analysis. For each analysis method, the comparisons are performed
and conclusions are discussed for the total base shear forces, story shear forces at columns and absolute and
relative story drifts. It can be concluded, upon assessments on the results of the analyses especially for first three
analyses, that they are reasonable and extremely practical. The results obtained from the nonlinear analysis tend
to deviate from each other as compared with other methods, mainly because of the facts that its is extremely
sensitive to numerous parameters and that such nonlinear parameters used in the calculations are derived from
simple static methods. On the other hand, even static equivalent earthquake force analysis yields more correct
results especially in designing the isolation systems for the low-rise building. Accordingly, it is more reasonable,
in the course of the design, to perform first static and then linear response spectrum analysis prior linear time
history analysis.
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