12-23-2015, 03:06 PM
Structures buckling under tensile dead load - Video.
Author(s): D. Zaccaria, D. Bigoni, G. Noselli and D. Misseroni. | Size: 17,6 MB
Format: AVI | Quality: 360p | Publisher: The Royal Society | Year: 2011
Author(s): D. Zaccaria, D. Bigoni, G. Noselli and D. Misseroni. | Size: 17,6 MB
Format: AVI | Quality: 360p | Publisher: The Royal Society | Year: 2011
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Buckling of a straight elastic column subject to compressive end thrust occurs at a critical load for which the straight configuration of the column becomes unstable and simultaneously ceases to be the unique solution of the elastic problem (so that instability and bifurcation are concomitant phenomena). Buckling is known from ancient times: it has been experimentally investigated in a systematic way by Pieter van Musschenbrok (1692–1761) and mathematically solved by Leonhard Euler (1707–1783), who derived the differential equation governing the behaviour of a thin elastic rod suffering a large bending, the so-called ‘elastica’ (see Love 1927).
This video shows bifurcation and instability experiments of elastic structures subject to tensile dead load. This research was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society, in the paper: Structures buckling under tensile dead load by D. Zaccaria, D. Bigoni, G. Noselli and D. Misseroni.
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