07-03-2015, 09:25 PM
Dynamic Soil-Structure-Soil-Interaction Analysis of Structures in Dense Urban Environments
Author: Jones, Katherine Carys | Size: 9.5 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Year: 2013 | pages: 352
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Urban centers are increasingly becoming the locus of enterprise, innovation, and population. This pull toward the center of cities has steadily elevated the importance of these areas. Growth has necessarily spawned new construction. Consequently, modern buildings are often constructed alongside legacy structures, new deep basements are constructed alongside existing shallow foundations, and city blocks composed of a variety of building types result. The underlying soil, foundation, and superstructure of each of these buildings can interact and combine to yield unique seismic responses. Since the seminal work of researchers such as Luco and Contesse (1973) and Wong and Trifunac (1975), researchers have investigated the effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI). This phenomenon refers to the interaction between a single building, its foundation, and the
underlying soil during a seismic event. However, as the trend toward urbanization continues, a shortcoming of this conventional SSI approach is that in reality, a structure will almost certainly be located near other structures in metropolitan areas. In this line of research, the interaction of multiple, adjacent buildings during a seismic event, a phenomenon known as structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI), is investigated. This topic does not yet command the level of attention given to SSI. However, SSSI has the potential to be significantly detrimental or beneficial, depending on the configuration and dynamic properties of the buildings and their foundations in dense urban environments. It is important to understand SSSI effects so that earthquake engineers can make informed decisions about the design and construction of structures in increasingly dense urban areas.
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