05-09-2014, 04:25 PM
Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction of Instrumented Buildings and Test Structures
Author: Michael James Givens | Size: 8.7 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles | Year: 2013
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The effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI) are investigated through careful interpretation of available data from instrumented buildings and recently performed forced vibration experiments on instrumented buildings and test structures. Conventional engineering practice typically ignores soil-structure interaction (SSI) during evaluation of the seismic demand on buildings based on the perception that consideration of SSI will reduce demands on structures and ignoring SSI effects will cause seismic demands to be conservatively biased. I show that it is not always conservative to ignore SSI effects. Analysis of field performance data is undertaken to provide deeper insights into SSI phenomena ranging from kinematic effects on foundation ground motions to mobilized foundation stiffness and damping across a wide range of frequencies and
loading levels. These data are interpreted to evaluate strengths and limitations of engineering analysis procedures for SSI.
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