AISC_2014 NASCC Presentations videos
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Online Conference Proceedings
2014 NASCC Presentations - March 26-28, 2015 - Toronto
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ID Title Speaker(s)
B1 Building Skewed and/or Curved Steel I-Girder Bridges - How Do They "Fit" Thanh Nguyen, Peter Mahally, Ronnie Medlock
B2 In-Service Evaluation of Steel Bridges Scott Civjan, Patrick Gallagher, Jeremiah Fasl
B3 Developing Design-Build Proposals for Bridge Projects - Things I Learned the Hard Way, Part I Mark Ennis, Bill McEneley, Ken Price
B4 Cables in Bridges I Frank Blakemore, Shankar Nair
B5 Developing Design-Build Proposals for Bridge Projects - Things I Learned the Hard Way, Part II Richard Dunne, Bill McEleney, Ken Wright
B6 Design of Long-Span Plate Girder Bridges Brandon Chavel, Dusten Olds, Martin Furrer
B7 Twin Tub Girder Bridges - Changing the Fracture Critical Paradigm Brian Kozy, Rob Connor, Finn Hubbard
B8 All Things Metal - Updates on Developments in the Material Sciences Rob Thurton, Normoz Serdaj, Charles-Darwin Annan, Duane Miller
B9 Mississippi River Crossings Vincent Gastoni, Norm McDonald, Hans Hutton
B10 What's the "M" in BrIM - Modeling or Management? Karl Frank, Ronnie Medlock, John Cooper
B11 Shear Connectors for Prefabricated, Modular Steel Bridge Systems Scott Walbridge, Jason Provines
B12 Cables in Bridges II Frank Blakemore, Doug Sarkkinen
B13 Potpourri I Edward Li, Tom Densford
B14 New Structural Forms for Short-Span Bridges Atorod Azizinamini, Riccardo Zanon
B15 Potpourri II John D. Bond, Mehdi Zarghamee, Diane Campione
B16 More from Sessions B7 and B14 Thomas Fisher, YuWen Li, Karl Barth
B17 Iconic and Economic - Can You Have Both? Jason Fuller, David Goodyear, Ken Wright
B18 Potpourri III Henning Schultz, GilbertGrondin, Jim Montgomery
B19 Steel Bridge Erection - Lessons in Launching Jerry Phuntner, Matthew Bowser, Matthias Carter
B20 Developments in Rail Bridge Design from Around the World Hellen Christodoulou, Manuel Escamilla, Duncan Paterson, Peter Mulqueen
B21 Updated Bridge Certification Program: What Does it Mean for the Engineer? Jacques Cattan, Todd Alwood
B22 Quality and the Bridge Engineer Shane Beabes
BK Opening Session Kary Witt, Bill McEleney
C1 The SAC Steel Project & ASCE 41 Brent Leu, John Hooper, Steve Mahin
C3 The Changes that Resulted in Research AND Failure Analysis of Pre-Northridge Connections -- Lessons Learned Charlie Carter, Chia-Ming Uang
C4 Japan’s Experience in Kobe & Revisiting W1 Indications Tom Schlafly, Masayoshi Nakashima, Duane Miller
C5 AISC 341 Then and Now Margaret Matthew, Jim Malley
C6 AISC 358: Prequalified Moment Connections & Changes in Materials and Inspection Leigh Arber, Ron Hamburger, Tom Schlafly
C7 Column Base and Splice Details & System Reliability Patrick Newman, Greg Deierlein, Amit Kanvinde
C8 Conventional Braced Frames & Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Alex Huynh, Rafael Sabelli, Charles Roeder
C9 Shear Walls & Systems that Mix Steel and Concrete (Beyond Composite Design) Cindi Duncan, Jerry Hajjar, James Fisher
C10 The Changes that Resulted in Fabrication and Erection Keith Grubb, Robert Hazleton
ES1 Educator Session: Serviceability Considerations in Building Design Thomas M. Murray, Larry Griffis, James Fisher
K2 Keynote T.R. Higgins: Statics, Strength, Ductility and the Uniform Force Method Larry s. Muir
N1 Cutting Edge of Steel: Trends, Trajectories & Targets John Moebes
N2 Coatings Forum-Ask the Experts Zach Gardiner, Howard Stubbe, Pedro Escudero, Sean Younger
N3 Building a Great Workforce David Zalesne, Dan Krug
N5 Working Together to Create Quality Shop and Field Drawings Steve Burkholder, Joel Hicks, Tyler Estabrooks, Kirk Harman
N6 Economic Forecast 2014: What's It Mean for Steel Tareq Ali, John Cross
N7 Women in Construction--A Panel Discussion Lynda Leigh, Nina Choy, Babette Freund
N8a AESS 2.0 - Working With Categories for Cost-Efficient Bids, Design and Construction Rob Third, Walter Koppelaar, Sylvie Boulanger
N9a Field Fixes: Common Problems in Design, Fabrication and Erection--Solutions and Prevention Larry Kloiber
N10 Why Should I Care What Our Employees Think? Julian Chapman
N11 Where'd My Ethics Go? Bruce Demeter
N12a 25 Years of North American Retractable Roofs Randy Braun, Mark Waggoner
N13 Defusing Project Risk Michael Senneway
N14 Construction Law in the USA and Canada R. Bruce Reynolds, David Ratterman
N15a Design Tips for Constructible Steel-Framed Buildings in High-Seismic Regions Larry S. Muir, John Hooper, Scott Adan
N17a Lessons Learned About Buckling: An International Perspective Dinar Camotim
N18a Direct Analysis Method -- Now and the Future Donald W. White, Ronald D. Ziemian
N19 Becoming a Results-Oriented Engineer John Miller
N20a Improving Communication Skills - Tips for Structural Engineer from a Structural Engineer Clifford Schwinger
N21a Analysis and Design of Repurposed Steel Shipping Containers in Low-Rise Building Construction Steve Armstrong, Socrates Ioannides
N22b Torsion in Practice Jon Beier
N23a Rebuilding New Zealand's Post-seismic Christchurch: It's all About Damage Control Alistair Fussell
N24 Selecting the Appropriate Seismic System for Your Steel Project John Rolfes, Patrick Fortney
N25a Steel Design for Low Seismicity Charlie Carter, Alfred Wong
N26a Seismic Innovation: New Beam-Column Connections Michael Morrison, Tasnim Hassan
N27a What Every Engineer Needs to Know About Performance-Based Design Ron Hamburger
N28a Effective BRBF Design Under 2010 AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC 341-10) Ryan Kersting
N29a Research on Concrete-Filled Steel Plate Sandwich Walls Michel Bruneau
N30a Tips for Successful Delegation of Connection Design Clifford Schwinger
N31b Floor Vibrations on Joist Framed Floors (slide errata) David Samuelson, Tom Murray
N32 The Much Anticipated Multi-tier Concentric Braced Frame Procedures Larry Fahnestock, Robert Tremblay
N33 Wind Research and Project Studies Peter Irwin, Gregory Kopp
N34a Advances Toward Characteristic Overstrength Factors for Buckling Restrained Braced Frames Mark Daniels, Brandt Saxey
N35a Integrating Dynamic Analysis with the Direct Analysis Method Don White, Shankar Nair
N36 Dashpots, Dampers, and Springs Oh My! - Modeling Non-Linear Elements Kent Yu
N38a Understanding the Code of Standard Practice Glenn Bishop, Dave Ruby
N39a Introduction to Seismic Design of Steel Structures Rafael Sabelli
N40a So you want to use K-factors, do you? The Effective Length Method vs. the Direct Analysis Method Louis F. Geschwindner
N41 Tanks, Bins, Chutes and Hoppers Metro Hrabok, Mark Lasby
N42 Are You Managing Too Much? Or Not Enough? Kerri Olsen
N43a Embrace the Brace Terri Meyer Boake
N44 Weld Inspection: What Matters and What Doesn't Duane Miller
N45 Perforated Steel Plate Shear Walls in Action Robert Tremblay, Eric Lachapelle, Michel Bruneau
N46 Checkerboard Floor Framing: Design Through Construction Tom Murray, Jim Myers
N47 Making Quality a Functioning Part of your Strategic Plans: What Cost of Quality Does Doug Wood
N48 Blast Design J. Mikhael Erekson, Darrell Barker, Ramon Gilsanz
N50b Use and Design of Slip-Critical Connections Larry Muir, William A. Thornton
N51a The New ASTM A1085 Specification: A New Dynamic for HSS Erika Winters-Downey, Brad Fletcher
N52 Design of Structural Stainless Steel Catherine Houska, Nancy Baddoo
N53 CSA-S16-14 - What's Up in the Next Canadian Steel Design Standard and Its Seismic Provisions Michael I. Gilmor, Robert Tremblay, Vincent Richard
N54 Stability Analysis of Single-Plate Shear Connections and Double-Coped Beams William A. Thornton, Patrick Fortney
N55 The Effect of Frame Action on Force Distributions in Concentric Vertical Brace Connections William A.Thornton, Patrick Fortney
N56 Chevron Brace Connection Design -- Economy of Alternate Approaches William A.Thornton, Patrick Fortney
N57 Steel Solutions Center FAQs on Bolting Charlie Carter, Heath Mitchell
N58 The Un-Used Tool in Your Toolbox: Learn How to Use the AISC Code of Standard Practice to Your Benefit Angela Stephens
N59 Conflict Management and Negotiation C.J. Larkin
N60 CISC Quality Certification Craig Martin, Ed Whalen
N61 Working with Large Trusses Stuart Sherrill, Marc Robitaille
N62 Shanghai Tower – Design and Construction Challenges of the Tallest Building in China (2,074 ft) Dennis C.K. Poon
N63 Case Study: Canadian Museum of Human Rights Tim Verhey, Neb Erakovic, Grant Van Iderstine
N64 SE Business, Profits, BIM & The Critical Path = Structures! Will Ikerd
N65 Best Practices in Scheduling a Fabrication Shop Mark Trimble, Jeff Dave
N66 Safety Session Jim Schoen
N67 How to Locate and Qualify a New Detailing Firm Richard Steffens
N68 Detailing: What Fabricator Want (Hint: It's Not Just Low Price) David Merrifield
N69 How to Be a More Effective Project Manager John Hamann
N70 LEAN Pull Planning in Design Ron Migliori, Larry Summerfield
N71 The New 2013 AISC Standard for Structural Steel Erector Larry Martoff, Steve Russell
N72 Effects of Welding Variables on Mechanical Properties Anthony Mascalco
N73 Changing Management Perception of Root Cause Analysis Denise Robitaille
N74 Risk is the CompassTM--A New Approach for Quality Auditing Based on Risks Denis Devos
N75 2014-2015 AISC Erector Certification Program Jacques Cattan
N76 Benefits of IDC for Detailers and Fabricators Mike Bowers
N77a Facade Support on Steel Structures - Finding the Right Solutions James Parker
N78 Engineering Licensing--Everything You Need to Know Davy McDowell, Jerry Carter
N79 Best Practices for Detailing Miscellaneous Steel Rob Schoen
N80 Sustainability Update - What's New for 2014 John Cross
N81 Fabricators and S.E.s in MEP Coordination: Importance and Opportunity! Will Ikerd
P3 Modular Construction - Part 1 Larry Doyon, Mark Taylor, R.J. Reed, Ian Atkins, Laurie Robert
P4 Modular Construction - Part 2 Scott Patterson, Jim Ryan, Perry Green, Jeff Pate, Joe Wheeler
S1 Stability Under Fire Conditions-Part 1 Todd Helwig
S2 Stability Bracing Benjamin Schafer
S3 Advances In Analysis and Design for Stability Clarence Miller
S4 Stability of Thin-Walled Members- Part 2 Peter Birkemoe
S5 Stability of Joists and Truss Systems Donald W. White
S6 Studies on Post Buckling Strength Perry Green
S7 Measurement and Impact of Imperfections on Member Stability Dinar Camotim
S8 Stability Under Fire Conditions-Part 2 Leroy Lutz
S9 Beedle Presentation Session: Professor Sriramulu Vinnakota Benjamin Schafer
S10 Topics in Structural Stability Donald Sherman
S11 Stability of Frames and Systems Ronald Ziemian
T1 BIMsteel: AISC's Interoperability Initiatives for the Structural Steel Industry Chris Moor
T2 Structural Engineer and AISC: Removing the reasons why not to share the BIM! Sean Smith, Will Ikerd, Brian Volpe
T3 EPIC – Deep Space - Design to be Constructed FAST TRACK Brian Volpe, Larry Kloiber, Joel Sell
T4 You Can’t Purchase BIM From Your Software Vendor Martyn Weir, Wayne Morrison
T5 Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings - A Paradigm Shift Doug Fitzpatrick
T6 BIM: A Cost vs. Benefit Study for the Detailer and Fabricator David Merrifield, Joel Hicks
T7 Expanded Use of Laser Scanning in Structural Steel Will Ikerd, Alan Sanoja
T8 Beyond Drawings: How the Evolution of BIM will Integrate Models and Shape the Future of the Review Process John Tracy, Luke Faulkner
T9 Level of Development (LOD) - Recommendations for Engineers and Fabricators When It Comes to Using BIM Will Ikerd, David Merrifield
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