12-21-2013, 02:08 AM
FEM Modeling of Pile-Raft Foundation
Author: ANDRÉ RYLTENIUS | Size: 2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Lund University | Year: 2011 | pages: 83
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In conventional design of pile foundations, all loads are taken by the piles, i.e. the contact pressure between the raft and the soil is neglected. In the last decades geotechnical engineers have started to take this pressure into account in design of pile foundation. Such a foundation, where the raft and the piles interact to transfer the loads to the ground, is in this dissertation called piled raft foundation or piled raft.
Analysis of piled rafts requires numerical methods, due to complex soil-structure interaction. In this dissertation four different modelling approaches for analysis of piled raft foundation are compared; a full three dimensional finite element method model (FEM model) and also three plane strain FEM models (i.e. two dimensional models). All models are carried out by using programs developed by Plaxis, i.e. Plaxis 3DFoundation and Plaxis 2D, respectively. The plane strain models are similar but differ in the way of modelling the interaction between the piles and the soil. The first plane strain model is introduced in Chapter 3.4.2. Since this model produce questionable results, due to too weak modelling of the pile-soil interaction, two alternative models are introduced in Chapter 8.4 and 8.5 (called AM1 and AM2). Piled raft foundations are three dimensional problems, in a two dimensional analysis one has to introduce simplifications and thereby inaccuracies. However, it could still be convenient to use this method since it is faster and the software is less expensive. The inaccuracies in a 2D model compared to a 3D model will vary depending on the characteristics of the problem. The object of the work is to study the inaccuracies and how these changes as the characteristics of the problem change.
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