09-05-2013, 07:30 AM
Author: Y.C. Uni & C.M. Chow | Size: 2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: Partners Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Year: 2004 | pages: 20
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Piled raft on soft ground is an economical foundation system where the bearing capacity of the raft is
taken into consideration in supporting the loads from superstructure. The friction piles in a piled raft
system are located strategically to enhance the bearing capacity of the raft and also to control settlement,
especially differential settlement and hence, these piles are commonly known as `settlement reducing
piles'. Therefore, piled raft is a technically competent foundation system and offers significant savings in
tenns of overall foundation cost as compared to conventional piled foundation. This is because
conventional piled foundation usually ignores the contribution of the raft and assumes the loads are
supported entirely by the piles. However, the use of piled raft foundation system requises careful design
and analysis as it involves complex pile-soif-structure interaction. In this paper, design issues on piled raft
foundation system wiil be discussed with particular reference to buildings on soft ground. However, the
approach presented in this paper is also applicable to more competent ground conditions. The design
approach is generally divided into two types, i.e. low-rise buildings (less than 3-storeys high) and
medium-rise buildings (3 to 5-storeys high). The piled raft foundation system lias been successfully
designed and constructed on soft ground, and case histories are presented.
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