09-10-2013, 02:21 PM
Design Guidelines for Connections of Precast Structures under Seismic Actions Third Main Title Line Th
Author: 20 12 Paolo Negro and Giandomenico Toniolo Editors Paolo Negro and Giandomenico Toniolo | Size: 1.4 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: | Year: 84 | pages: 2012
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This document has been drafted within Work-Package WP6, “Derivation of design rules” of the
SAFECAST Project (FP7-SME-2007-2 Programme - Grant agreement n. 218417, 2009).
The SAFECAST project (Performance of Innovative Mechanical Connections in Precast Building
Structures under Seismic Conditions) is a comprehensive research and development action performed by
a group of European associations of precast element producers and industrial partners with the assistance
of a group of RTD providers.
The industrial partners were: ASSOBETON, National Italian Association of Precast Concrete Producers,
Milan, Italy, represented by Dr. Antonella Colombo; ANDECE, Asociación Nacional de Prefabricados y
Derivados del Cemento, Madrid, represented by Dr. Alejandro López Vidal; ANIPB, National Portuguese
Association of Precast Concrete Producers, represented by Ms. Marcia Gonçalves; SEVIPS, Association
of Greek Concrete Precast Industries, represented by Prof. Spyridion Tsoukantas; TPCA, Turkish Precast
Concrete Association, Ankara, represented by Mr. Bulent Tokman; Labor srl, Rome, represented by Mr.
Paolo De Stefanis; DLC srl, Milan, represented by Mr. Alberto Dal Lago; Prelosar, Logroño, Spain,
represented by Mr. José Antonio Alba Irurzun; LU.GE.A Spa, Rome, represented by Mr. Fabio Ciaroni;
Halfen GmbH, Langenfeld, Germany, represented by Mr. Stefano Terletti.
Dr. Antonella Colombo served as the coordinator of the SAFECAST project.
The RTD providers were: ELSA Laboratory, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Joint
Research Centre of the European Commission, represented by Dr. Paolo Negro; Politecnico di Milano,
represented by Prof. Giandomenico Toniolo; National Technical University of Athens, represented by Prof.
Ioannis Psycharis; Istanbul Technical University, represented by Prof. Faruk Karadogan; Laboratorio
Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa, represented by Dr. Ema Coelho; University of Ljubljana,
represented by Prof. Matej Fishinger.
Dr. Paolo Negro and Prof. Giandomenico Toniolo were charged with the technical management of the
SAFECAST project and Prof. Toniolo was the Work-Package leader for the Work-Package WP6
“Derivation of design rules”, of which this document represents the final outcome.
The guidelines given in the following clauses have a theoretical derivation supported by the experimental
results of the testing campaigns performed within the Work-Packages WP2, “Experimental activity on new
and existing connections” and WP4, “Experimental assessment on real structures” as well as by the
numerical simulations performed within Work Package WP3, “Development of analytical models” and
WP5, “Numerical model validation”. General know-how on production practice and international literature
on the subject have been also considered.
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