09-03-2013, 07:16 AM
Author: Nikolaos ARGYRIOU , Olga-Joan KTENIDOU , Maria MANAKOU , Pashalis APOSTOLIDIS , Francisco J. CHAVEZ GARCIA , Kyriazis PITILAKIS | Size: 0.74 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering June 25-28, 2007 Paper No. 1659 | Year: 2007 | pages: 17
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This paper presents a numerical study of the seismic response of ancient columns. The multidrum
column analysed here corresponds to the Hellenistic portico of Lindos acropolis. This
structure was modelled using a finite element model, which also included its base. The
simulations were made in three dimensions. Extensive time domain parametric analyses were
performed in order to examine the behaviour of the column subjected to seismic motion
having different values of peak ground acceleration. The seismic input used consisted of
horizontal components of three earthquakes, with different frequency content. Three different
systems connecting the drums of the column are analysed in order to examine their influence
on the seismic response of the column. Our study takes into account the complex behaviour of
the structure with the aim to determine the PGA value that is the threshold before its collapse.
Finally, we present a procedure to estimate the dominant period of a monolithic, a multidrum,
and two multidrum columns connected with an architrave from microtremors
measurements. The results of the microtremor measurements are compared with the
numerical simulations to assess the effectiveness of the procedure. Our results show that
microtremor measurements are useful to estimate the modal shapes of ancient columns.
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