Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
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Author: S. K. Duggal
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2007
ISBN: 0195688171, 9780195688177
Length: 456 pages
Pdf: 35.1 mb
Pdf Quality: 7 points (over 10), scanned copy
Designed to serve as a textbook for students pursuing a B Tech or BE program in civil engineering, Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures aims to explain the different sources of damage that can be triggered by an earthquake and the conceptual method of earthquake-resistant design. The book would also be useful for postgraduate students of civil engineering, practising engineers, and architects. The various topics in the book are presented in a systematic manner to ease understanding of concepts. After an introduction to earthquakes and ground motion, the easy-to-understand textbook provides detailed chapters on structures and soil in terms of their seismic response. The need for placing importance on conceptual design is covered in detail by enumerating factors that cause damage and offering guidelines for efficient seismic-resistant design. The book emphasizes structural damage induced by vibration on timber, masonry, concrete, and steel buildings.
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