all the moderators are the best... They are very professional, responsable. I Know that is a very hard work, for what my admiration and respect to all theys.
I agree with you Vegetta
Civilea's Moderator are very professional and with their hard work make Civilea the best Civil Engineers forum in the wold
BennyP is a great moderator, who cares for the forum like a artist that cares for his painting
concreteok who always goes to ends of the earth to pick up gold and treasure to this forum
Dell Brett is a moderator who ensures the forum sparkles like a pearl
Grunf is a moderator who builds the bridge between carious users and the soul of the forum
Kamran the moderator brings rarer material to the forum and continues to do so
knowheng is making the forum moderator who is beautifying with al the earthly treasures one can imagine
onam2000 makes the forum the place to be where riches are there to explore
robertsas the moderator would lighten the productivity of the forum
now if there are so many gems who are priceless ........
I voted for Grunf.
He has really endeavoured to do his best this year.
He has put up that famous thread ( we all know it - those interested in codes: we all are esp. the BS & EN users!!)-The list of BS, EN & ISO Standards posted in CivilEA, and i can assure its a one stop thread for almost all the codes you will need.
Special thanks also go out to ir_71 for his invaluable contributions to this thread.
And you know what?, he has not stopped there!!! Grunf is planning on putting up a thread that will consist all known international codes et al the world has to offer!!!!, it may emanate from last weeks just concluded discussion Regarding To " Codes , Manuals, And Handbook". This will be of great benefit to the forum users. It will be, too, a one stop thread to all your codal needs.
Grunf recently gave me a warning for posting a transparent link. At first, i wondered why the warning? I visited my user control panel, and OMG!! Not only had he given me the reasons to the warning but also he included a solution/ remedies to it.
The forum rules are existent in the forum but may not be that clear to every one reading them, Grunf helped me understand one of the great rules of the forum. I now apply it everyday
Thank you Grunf!!!
And upon your promotion to Protector, Congratulations too. May you keep up the good work.
To all the other moderators of the forum: BennyP, concreteok, Dell Brett, kamran, kowheng, oanm2000 and robertsas:
Thank you for the good work you are doing for this forum.
To all the forum users:[Administrators], [Protectors], [Super Moderators], [Moderators], [Candidate Moderators], [Retired Moderators], [V.I.Ps], [Uploaders] [Active Registered] [Inactive Registered],
Thank you for the good work you all are doing to keep this great forum alive and rising high.
We, CivilEAns as a team, will steer this forum to greater dimensions...
I will do the best in my capacity, too, to see that we take this forum to greater heights!!!!!
Wishing you all a Happy year Ending and a fruitful, prosperous coming year :JC_cheers:
Regards to all
my vote to dell breett.. and all moderators are great.. bennyp etc.. thanks to all mod. and members..
Congratulation to BennyP again for being Best Moderator of CivilEA for two years 2009 & 2010.
BennyP is one of best moderators of civilea that me & users love him, because he is active.
Civilea received here because of moderators & also users working.
i`m thankful for your good working.
congratulation again to bennyP for this degree...